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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236

Outside the ICU, Julie watched as Kyle walked up to Sansa, gently taking her hand, but whatever he

was saying to Sansa was beyond her view.

After all, Julie was no Dylan, and couldn’t read a man’s emotions from his back.

She tumed her gaze to Kyle’s assistant, Lisa.


“Please, just call me Lisa.” Lisa politely smiled, not missing a beat.

Julie casually asked Lisa, “You’ve been in this line of work for a while? Been with Mr. Kyle for many


“Yes.” Lisa answered the question succinctly, not revealing any specific years. Clearly, she was on

guard with Julie.

“I think Mr. Kyle has changed a lot.” Julie mused more to herself than to Lisa. She continued softly,

looking at Kyle’s back, “The day my sister was diagnosed as being in a vegetative state, I tried to

contact Mr. Kyle. But he told me not long ago that he hasn’t used that email since he and my sister

broke up. Lisa, do you have someone you fancy?”

This shift in topic caught Lisa off guard. She replied, “My personal life is quite ordinary, you probably

wouldn’t be interested.”

This woman was really clever, her responses were so precise, leaving no room for rebuttal.

“You don’t have a foreign accent at all.” Julie said, smiling.

Lisa looked like a local so she didn’t understand why Julie would suspect she was foreign. In reality,

she was, having grown up overseas.

All she could think was that Julie had really good hearing. She spoke better than some locals, but Julie

still noticed it.

“How did you know I was foreign?” Lisa asked.

Julie laughed, “So, I was right.”

Lisa was speechless.

Inside the hospital room, Kyle stood up and walked out. His face looked off, there were no obvious

emotional fluctuations, but his presence seemed to make the atmosphere colder.

“What did the doctor say?” Kyle asked Julie, “Did the doctor say there’s a good chance she’ll wake


As Kyle asked this, Julie’s mind started racing. In the end, she didn’t tell him the whole truth, instead

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she told Kyle, “The doctor said there’s almost zero chance she’ll wake up. He told me not to get my

hopes up.”

She watched Kyle’s sharp eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses carefully, hoping to catch a hint of his

feelings. But even with her complete focus, she couldn’t detect any emotional fluctuations.

She wasn’t sure if his control of his emotions was too good, or if her observation skills were lacking.

When Kyle offered to take Julie home, she declined.

“I want to stay with Sansa a bit longer.” Julie told Kyle.

Kyle nodded and left with Lisa.

Watching Lisa and Kyle’s retreating figures, Julie glanced at Sansa in the ICU, she remained as if there

were no signs of life.

She turned to find Dr. Brice.

“Here?” Dr. Brice had two takeout boxes on his desk, he was opening the packaging.

Julie apologized to Dr. Brice, “I didn’t realize you were eating, you go ahead. I’ll sit with Sansa, and

come find you later.”

Dr. Brice laughed, grabbing Julie’s hand as she turned to leave, “Didn’t you see I got two meals? You

haven’t eaten yet, right? Come on, let’s eat and chat.”

Julie was touched that another box lunch was prepared for her. Then she heard Dr. Brice saying, “Don’t

be touched, your husband ordered it.”

Julie was speechless.

Sitting across from Dr. Brice, she picked up her utensils, feeling it was inappropriate to ask about

Sansa’s condition while eating, so she kept quiet.

Dr. Brice suddenly said, “That Mr. Kyle earlier, he looked familiar.”

“Kyle, he’s the founder, chairman, and CEO of S&J International Law Firm.”

“I see.” Dr. Brice picked up the cutlery, commenting, “This man is not simple.”

“Why do you say that?”

*The headquarters of S&J International Law Firm is in Britain, right? I remember they have branches all

over the country. My dad needed his help before, I heard my dad talking about him. He said that the

younger generation is more outstanding than theirs. The president of S&J International Law Firm is a

tough guy, quick and precise, not easy to deal with. How did Sansa meet him?” Dr. Brice asked


Julie remember Dr. Brice mentioning that his father was a mayor, so it’s not surprising that he has

access to Kyle from S&J International Law Firm.

After Dr. Brice’s comment, Julie realized that she really didn’t know how Sansa and Kyle met.

“I’m not really sure about my sister’s affairs.” Julie told Dr. Brice, “But when he asked me about my

sister’s condition earlier, I may have said something…”

Before Julie could finish, a nurse rushed to the office door, shouting, “Dr. Brice, Dr. Brice!”

“What’s going on? Walk steadily, talk steadily, where did your training go?” Dr. Brice started scolding

the new nurse.

The nurse took a deep breath before saying, “The patient in room -24, her heart rate is increasing,

blood pressure is rising!”

Room 24, that’s Sansa!

By the time Julie realized, Dr. Brice had put down his utensils and was rushing toward the room.

Julie followed immediately, but could only anxiously watch through the glass door.

After some intense resuscitation measures, Sansa’s heart rate finally stabilized. Time and again, Sansa

had brushed with death.

Dr. Brice stepped out, looking somewhat exhausted. He lightly patted Julie’s shoulder, “Don’t worry,

she’s fine now.”

“What just happened?”

Julie suddenly lifted her head, looking at Dr. Brice, “Kyle went in there just now! I don’t know what he

said to Sansa, but, could this have something to do with him?”

Previously, Sansa was sent to the hospital and after some time of treatment, she was diagnosed as

being in a vegetative state. At that time, Dr. Brice wasn’t Sansa’s primary doctor. The doctor who was,

had said that Sansa’s condition was severe. She wasn’t conscious, couldn’t hear people around her

and the chances of her recovery were next to none.

But what happened today, made Julie believe that it had something to do with Kyle.

She expectantly looked at Dr. Brice.

Dr. Brice said, “When Sansa was first handed over to me, her brain had suffered severe damage. But

looking at her recent recovery, considering her brain activity, it seems that she’s aware of changes

around her. I believe she’s fiercely battling against her condition. If it really is because of Kyle, then it

must be something he said…”

Before Dr. Brice could finish, Julie suddenly ran out of the hospital, taking out her phone. Brice knew

that Julie would do anything for Sansa, or she wouldn’t have insisted on her treatment alone, so he

guessed that she must now be going to Kyle. Just as his father had said, Kyle was no ordinary man. Dr.

Brice, aware that Julie had just been through a kidnapping ordeal, didn’t want her to face any more

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danger, so he immediately dialed Kieran’s number.

Julie ran impulsively out, stopping at the hospital’s entrance, phone in hand, with Kyle’s number on the


After hanging up on Kyle, Kieran immediately dialed Julie’s number, expecting it to be busy, but to his

surprise, she picked up.

“Joyce, where are you right now?” Kieran’s slightly agitated voice came through, revealing his concern

for her.

In fact, Kieran had already stood up and walked over to the French windows, hoping to spot Julie.

“I’m at the hospital entrance,” Julie’s voice came through the phone.

She knew that Dr. Brice must have told Kieran because he was worried about her, so Julie reassured,

“Don’t worry, I didn’t go after him.”

Truthfully, Julie had impulsively run out to ask-Kyle what he had said to Sansa. She had even thought

of threatening him with a knife to get the truth out of him, to know why he had broken up with Sansa

and what he had said to Sansa that had caused a reaction in her. She believed that he might be the

key to waking Sansa


She watched as Kyle and Lisa got into a car, Kyle’s number displayed on her phone. She could have

easily hailed a cab to follow them or call Kyle to confront him.

But at the critical moment, she didn’t.

She learned a lesson from her encounter with Davina Field. Sometimes, people around you are wolves

in sheep’s clothing, only thinking about how to hurt you. They’re often more dangerous than actual


She recalled their conversation in the car.

That man with gold-rimmed glasses, dressed in a deep blue suit, with exquisite cufflinks, said in a low

voice, “Joyce, you’re very much like Sansa.” What if Kyle wasn’t just saying that?

What if what he said meant exactly what she thought it did? Then the next person lying in a hospital

bed could be her. So this time, she didn’t impulsively do anything.

Kieran on the other end of the line breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I’ve sent a car to follow Kyle,

but… I’m afraid it won’t be of much use. I’m sending someone to pick you up back to the office.”

“No need, I’ll go back by myself,” Julie said.

In Kyle’s car.

Lisa glanced at the car following them in the rearview mirror and asked Kyle, “Mr. Kyle, should we

shake them off?”

“Let them follow,” Kyle took off his glasses, his gaze suddenly becoming deeper.