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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 234
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Chapter 234

Julie nodded, “You got a point there.”

“Of course I do! This is my baby we’re talking about. If he took my baby away…”

“I’m not saying you’re right about that.” Julie cut off Daphne, pulled up a chair next to her, took her hand

and began to analyze, “Think about it, if Mr. Lionel is really the womanizer as you think, why didn’t he

just let you get an abortion? Why didn’t he let you drink that night? Why did he take you away? Why did

he even go through the whole fake wedding thing, and even put his work on hold for you?”

“Yeah, why indeed? He could have just dragged me to the operating table and have the baby removed,

couldn’t he?” Daphne covered her belly as she spoke, growing

more anxious.

“That’s not what I meant,” Julie said. “What I mean is, now that Mr. Lionel doesn’t want to marry you,

but wants you to have the baby, even willing to put his career on hold, what do you think his motive is?”

“He doesn’t want me, but he wants my baby!” Daphne suddenly had a realization.

Julie also thought that was the only possibility.

She looked at Daphne, speaking earnestly, “This is just my personal opinion. It’s possible that Mr.

Lionel doesn’t think this way. Men and women think differently, and I’m biased towards you, so I might

just be painting Mr. Lionel in a bad light.”

“So, why would Lord Lion agree to accompany me through childbirth if not for this reason? Isn’t he just

afraid I’ll run away with the baby, or kill the baby in a fit of rage? I bet that’s what he’s thinking.” Daphne

quickly covered her belly, “Men are so cunning!”

“Julien might have a clearer, more objective perspective. Maybe I should ask her?” Julie took out her

phone and made a video call to Julien.

Daphne didn’t expect Julien to pick up, but she did immediately.

“What is it?” She asked coldly. In the video, instead of her face, there was a ceiling with vintage murals,

like the inside of a European castle.

Julie explained their predicament and then asked Julien, “Do you think…

“Julien, do you think Lord Lion wants to take my baby away from me?” Before Julie could finish her

question, Daphne excitedly asked Julien on the other end.

There was silence for a moment, then the phone was suddenly picked up. They heard Julien’s voice,

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“Let me find a jerk to answer your question.”

With that, Julien tossed the phone to Mr. Watson.

-“Hello?” Daphne started tentatively.

“You’re calling me a jerk? I’m the only good man in the world!!

“What about Harding?” Julien asked.

Mr. Watson thought for a moment, holding up two fingers, “The only two.”

Then he said to Daphne, “In my opinion, no man is good, especially those who are irresponsible!

You’re better off having a baby for me than for Lionel!”

Daphne glanced at Julie, “Honey, hang up!”

Then she took a deep breath, “I’ve decided to first find a way to stop Lord Lion from meeting my

parents tomorrow. This is the most urgent matter right now.”

Marlon Watson’s voice came from the still-connected video, “That’s easy! Just move!”

“That makes sense!” Daphne clapped her hands in realization.

Julie watched Daphne, who was excitedly leaving, with a frown, “You’re not serious, right? You’re

actually listening to this bad advice?”

Daphne’s voice came from the door, “I’m going to book a tour for my parents right now, send them

away for a few days, and then we’ll plan long-term.”

This method was indeed feasible. Julie didn’t stop Daphne, but after she left, she texted Kieran, “I want

to call you. Are you busy?”

Soon, Kieran called her back, “Miss me?”

His magnetic voice was dizzying. Julie composed herself and asked, “I just wanted to ask, what kind of

person do you think Mr. Lionel is?”

Kieran knew instantly that Julie was asking for Daphne, so he gave her a practical suggestion, “About

that, you might want to ask Elliot. Elliot and Lionel are close.”

If Kieran hadn’t mentioned it, Julie would have forgotten. Elliot and Lionel had attended the Primeval

charity event together. They seemed to be very good friends.

Julie excitedly said to the man on the other end of the phone, “Thank you! I’ll have the chef make you a

beautiful love bento later.”

“Okay.” Kieran replied in a deep voice from his couch.

Julie found Elliot’s phone number and dialed it. Elliot was surprised to receive Julie’s call. Their

relationship was awkward now. They wouldn’t contact each other unless it was really important. That’s

why Elliot was surprised when Julie called.

*Tailie Julie, what’s up?” Elliot took the initiative to speak.

“Nothing much, just.. I wanted to ask about someone.”


“Mr. Lionel. Last time I saw you two seemed to get along really well, like you’ve known each other for


“Oh, I see!” Elliot said, “Daphne’s pregnant with Lionel’s haby, isn’t she? You want to help Ms. Daphne

find out Mr. Lionel’s true feelings towards her and the baby. right?”

Julie admitted directly, “Yes.”

“His family background is a bit of a hot mess. Have you ever heard of Fabian Kemp from

Stonemeadow?” Elliot asked.

Julie had heard of him, Fabian was a big shot in the global news and media industry. Rumored to be a

media mogul, his relentless pursuit of business interests put him at the top of the chain.

But his love life was a dumpster fire. He’d been married four times. His first wife died of illness when he

was 34. After that, he married three more women, and the

gossip about him and other women never stopped during his marriages.

The mention of Fabian’s name gave Julie a bad feeling.


On the other end of the line, Elliot’s voice came through, “As you might’ve guessed, Lionel is Fabian’s

son with his first wife, Thelma. Their father-son relationship has always been on thin ice. Fabian’s third

wife was a French socialite named Sandrine, who had a son named Chris with her ex-husband,

Thomas. Among all the siblings, Chris and Lionel have the rockiest relationship.”

“What does this have to do with Daphne?” Julie was totally lost.

Elliot chuckled, “I’m getting to the good part!”

“Mr. Lionel doesn’t seem to have any plans to marry Daphne…” Julie said.

“That’s why I’m teaching you how to help Daphne give Lionel the boot,” Elliot said seriously.

Julie was taken aback, “Really?”

Elliot replied, “Absolutely. Although Chris and Lionel have a rocky relationship, Chris knows Lionel

better than anyone. You catch my drift?”

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The confused Julie finally got it, “I see now! Thanks, Elliot.”

“Don’t mention it,” Elliot hung up the phone.

Adeline, who was sitting next to him munching on chips and glued to the TV, finally spoke, “Elliot,

you’re a piece of work. Even though Chris and Lionel have a rocky relationship, they grew up together

and their brotherly bond is strong. Why would Chris betray Lionel to help a stranger?”

“Chris wouldn’t help Daphne, but he wouldn’t help Lionel either. Those two brothers are always at each

other’s throats. How else would we know if they really care about each other if we don’t test them?”

“You make a good point, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a piece of work.”

Elliot tapped Adeline’s forehead, “I haven’t asked you yet! When did you open that bar?”

It wasn’t until the other night that Elliot discovered that his ‘twin’ who seemed to do nothing all day had

secretly opened a bar, and not just one. Last time, he did some digging and found out that Adeline now

owns five high-end VIP clubs.

Adeline winked at Elliot, “None of your business.”

Then, she kicked Elliot who was sitting next to her, “This is my place! When are you leaving?”

“When I figure out a good excuse to take you back home.”

“Easy! Just kill me, put my ashes in your pocket, and you can take me back home. So I won’t have to

see that disgusting old woman Victoria.” She continued munching on her chips, clearly not taking the

idea of going home seriously.

Elliot suddenly said, “I have another way to take you back home.”

“None of your tricks will work! I don’t want to go back!”

“Really?” Elliot said with a hint of regret, “I was going to say, if I married you, you’d be a real part of the

Sanches family!”

Adeline paused for a good three or four seconds before tossing the chips in her hand into the trash


“You got the guts? Let’s go! To the city hall!”

“What for? According to official records, you’re still a part of the Sanches family.”

Adeline realized, “So that’s why you dare to say that, huh?”

She plopped back down on the couch, acting as if nothing had happened, and continued watching TV.

“Adeline.” Suddenly, Elliot spoke seriously, “Have you ever thought about finding your biological
