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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 232
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Chapter 232

“Reenact the scene?”

This might be the most terrifying words Julie had ever heard.

She abruptly opened her eyes, craning her neck to stare at Kieran in the dark, asking, “How do

you reenact?”

“First, think back to when you started losing memory last night,” he answered.

Julie remembered the process of going home. She knew it was Hayden and Julien who accompanied

her home. She returned to her room and then Kieran came


Kieran stripped, then walked into the bathroom. She seemed drunk, so she followed him into the

bathroom, and then…

“I remember, you barged in while 1 was bathing. I was knocked down by you into the bathtub.”

“Nope, you sank yourself in the tub. I tried to hold you up, but I was dragged into the tub with you,” Julie

rushed to clarify.

Kieran nodded, “Oh? So you remember this part.”

Was she fooled by him again?

“Then… I kissed you,” Kieran’s memory of this part was crystal clear.

Julie kept quiet. Suddenly, the lights in the room turned on. Before her eyes could adjust, Kieran had

picked her up.

“What are you doing?” Julie, startled, quickly clung onto Kieran’s neck, only to find him firmly carrying

her towards the bathroom.

He asked her, “Was I down below last night?”


Before Julie could answer, Kieran had put her down and sat in the tub himself. He patted his lap,

looking at her, “Please.”


“Sit on me,”

Julie chuckled, turning to leave. She didn’t intend to spend midnight with him in the bathtub. Her

wounds from last night weren’t healed yet!

Just as she took a step, Kieran caught her wrist. She practically fell onto him.

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Kieran’s lips instantly met hers. His kiss was like a storm, seizing her. His large palm gently pressed

against her waist. His hot kiss seemed to suck all the air from her lungs, making her head spin.

Images of their intimacy last night flashed through her mind. Julie immediately sobered up, reaching

out to turn on the faucet. Cold water gushed into the bathtub.. Kieran snapped out of the intense

entanglement. Looking at his wife, he seemed both confused and innocent.

Julie licked her lips, unabashedly saying. “Didn’t you want a reenactment? It was like this last night. I

accidentally hit the faucet, then you bathed here, and I changed into my sleepwear.”

After that, she took advantage of Kieran’s distraction to quickly climb off him.

Julie, who was originally planning to escape, had just taken a step when Kieran caught her wrist,

“Didn’t you say you were going to give me a surprise last night?”

He was drunk, wasn’t he? How could he remember such details?

Julie kept quiet, lowering her head as he asked, “Did you really give me a surprise?”

“Let go of me first, let me think,” Julie said.

He knew Julie had become more cunning, so naturally, he wouldn’t let go of her.

He filled the bathtub with warm water, warming both their bodies a lot. He deliberately looked at the

marks on Julie’s neck, asking, “So nothing really happened last night?”

Julie looked at him, not knowing what to say.

He continued to prompt her, “Or maybe, we had a little bit of intimacy?”

Not just a little bit!

He thought again. If something did happen, he wouldn’t be satisfied with brief intimacy. So, Kieran

smirked, asking her, “Was it intense sex?”

Haha! Julie gritted her teeth, cursing him silently.

“I did have a surprise for you last night. I’ll reenact it now. After you finish bathing, wait for me on the

balcony Julie said, then broke free from his grip and ran out. Julie ran to the dressing room. She

remembered clearly that she had specifically picked the sexiest dress last night. It was a black lace slip

dress, deep V-neck style, with a high slit at the bottom. Unbelievably, Julie wasn’t shy at all when she

put on that dress while drunk last night.

But today’s Julie, of course, didn’t have that courage. She dug out an old sleepwear from the bottom of

her wardrobe. It was a cute long dress with round dots, completely covering Julie from head to toe.

Then, after dawdling and thinking about her strategy, Julie turned and headed towards the bedroom.

Kieran was standing on the balcony wrapped in a bathrobe, just as Julie told him.

Julie, dressed in her cute sleepwear, entered the room. Hearing her footsteps, he turned around.

Last night, they shared an intimate gaze.

Today, his first words when he turned around was, “It’s so cold outside now, right? What was I thinking

last night, why would I freeze myself out here?”

Julie knew she was on the balcony last night too. Strangely, she didn’t feel cold at the same

temperature yesterday.

Kieran shivered as he came inside, only to find Julie wearing an old sleepwear from who knows how

many years ago, wrapped up tightly from head to toe, even wearing socks.

Seeing him staring at her white socks, Julie smiled faintly, “The floor’s a bit cold.”

“Is this how you surprised me last night?” He had been gradually losing memory from around this time

last night.

Julie was sober. She remembered they had a discussion about long hair then.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Julie looked up at Kieran, “Do you remember our high school

yearbook? You wrote your criteria for a wife on one of the pages.”

“Aren’t we reenacting last night’s scene?” Kieran embraced her waist, closing the distance between


“We discussed this issue last night, Julie also hugged his waist, leaning into his arms.

She said, “You hope to marry a woman who has a lower IQ than you, shorter legs than you, and longer

hair than you. Do you remember?”

Kieran thought back to the scene, laughing, “I took a long time to come up with these three

characteristics to hint at you. I was afraid that you, this silly girl, wouldn’t understand, but I was also

afraid that you would.”

Julie looked up at Kieran, “Yeah, I totally got what you said literally, but I didn’t catch your implied


Kieran pondered for a moment, then brought the conversation back, “What did we talk about after


His memory seemed to have completely blacked out at that point. He just couldn’t recall what

happened next.

But Julie remembered clearly, “After that, you said I still owed you a fancy meal. I said I’d pay you back,

then you took me to the bed, and then… I don’t remember .either.”

Julie felt her lying skills were getting stronger and stronger. She didn’t even blush when she lied now.

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“Don’t you remember the condoms I had sent over?” There was suspicion in Kieran’s eyes.

She answered shamelessly, “If you can’t remember, how could I?”

“I drank more than you did. Try to remember, did we use those condoms?”


Julie had watched the video recorded last night. They not only used the condoms, but also played with

them! It was the first time she found out Mr. Hernandez’s

thinking could be so lively.

Last night…

Kieran failed to fit into her bra, so he got pissed and started to make love to her.

During the break, he suddenly ran back to the closet and brought out another piece of lingerie. It was

pink, with lace trim, a runway model gifted by Daniel. Julie never wore such brightly colored and

complicated lingerie.

He stubbornly insisted on putting it on himself. Finally, with Julie’s help, he managed to get it on. Drunk

Julie touched Kieran’s flat chest, laughed out loud, and took two pears on the table and stuffed them in

the bra. She winked at Kieran like a rascal, “Shake it a bit, let me see!”

Julie was very obedient at that time. After shaking twice, one of the pears fell out of the bra. He

touched the other pear still stuffed in his chest discontentedly, then touched Julie’s chest, looked up

innocently and asked, “Why isn’t mine soft?”

“Because yours is fake! Hahaha…” Julie held her chest and laughed so hard that she almost fell over.

Mr. Hernandez pushed her down, “If you keep laughing, I’m gonna eat you up.


Julie picked up the pear that had fallen aside and stuffed it into his mouth, “If you can make your chest

soft, I’ll let you eat me anytime. Hahaha!”

The incredibly smart Mr. Hernandez suddenly got up, grabbed something, and staggered towards the


Julie followed him, leaning against the door frame, watching the man in the pink lingerie in the


Julie’s video showed that a few minutes later, she and Kieran came out of the bathroom together.

Kieran was holding a water balloon. More accurately… it was a condom filled with water. He tied a knot

on the condom proudly, bent over to give Julie a kiss, then stuffed the condom in his bra. He looked at

Julie triumphantly, “My chest is soft now too! Feel it, it’s quite nice!”