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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 184
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Chapter 184

When Kieran heard what Julie had to say, he let out a rare chuckle.

Something seemed to cross Julie’s mind and she asked Kieran, “The dead guy earlier…”

“The one tied up in the factory. Their mouths were sealed so we didn’t notice them during the rescue,”

Kieran explained.

A frown creased Julie’s forehead as she thought about the two kidnappers. They were going to let her

go, weren’t they?

“So how did you escape?” When Julien forcefully yanked her out of the factory, the bomb only had two

minutes left. How did Kieran manage to get out in such a short time?

If the bomb expert was successful, why did it still go off?

Kieran recalled the situation at the time. He thought he was a dead.

With a minute and a half left to the explosion, the bomb expert had no other choices. Any move Kieran

made with his bulletproof vest on could trigger the explosion.

Unable to stop the timer, the expert could only try to disable the bomb’s stabilizer. With forty seconds

left, he finally managed to remove Kieran’s vest.

Since they couldn’t stop the explosion, Kieran had no choice but to ditch the vest and run. The expert

and Kieran were closest to the side door, so he dragged the expert out through there. When the bomb

went off inside the factory, everyone at the front door didn’t see Kieran come out, so they naturally

thought something had gone wrong…

Kieran briefly explained the whole story without going into much detail, but it was still enough to give

Julie a heart attack. She couldn’t imagine what would’ve happened if Kieran hadn’t escaped….

Knowing what Julie was thinking, he gently pulled her into his arms, his large hand gently patting her

back to comfort her.

He leaned down and planted a tender kiss on her forehead.

Before they could enjoy this sweet moment, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside…

Harding walked in, followed by a nurse. Seeing Kieran and Julie’s actions, he awkwardly cleared his

throat, then he asked in a friendly manner, “Do you need me to step outside and knock again?”

Kieran stood up, vacating the spot next to Julie so the nurse could come over and give her an injection.

Julien, holding a contract in his hand, appeared in the room and handed it to Kieran, “This contract is

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It was the stock transfer contract Kieran had signed with Davina. Harding was quite surprised when he

saw Julien outside the factory. Now, they finally had the chance to have a proper chat, “I heard Flavia

mention you a couple of days ago, but I didn’t expect you to be in town.”

“Have you and Mr. Watson returned from your honeymoon?” Julien rarely showed such interest in other

people’s personal lives.

Harding was speechless.

Daphne was back to her normal self. Now, she was excitedly watching Harding. As a magazine

reporter, she really…had a soft spot for this kind of gossip.

Under Daphne’s influence, Julie also became curious. After all, the idea of Harding and Mr. Watson,

two attractive men, together was inarguably intriguing. Especially since Julie often heard Daphne

mention stories about their ambiguous relationship.

Therefore, Julie, who was currently undergoing treatment, completely forgot about the pain in her hand.

With her recently-teared red eyes, she stared at Harding, waiting for him to speak.

The spotlight in the room instantly focused on him.

Julien unintentionally remarked, “So you’re not on your honeymoon?”

Daphne really wanted to give Julien a thumbs up right then and there!

Just as Harding was about to respond, the door to the room was once again pushed open from the

outside. Dylan’ and a man wrapped up from head to toe appeared in the room.

“Mr. Watson?” Daphne excitedly looked at Marlon Watson.

Marlon yanked off his hat and sunglasses, “Wow! You recognized me even dressed up like this?”

Daphne excitedly nodded. Marlon was Daphne’s another idol, aside from Kieran.

Lionel furrowed his eyebrows and kindly reminded Daphne. “You’re drooling!”

Daphne wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand, then…

“You’re the one drooling!” Daphne glared at Lionel.

Marlon winked at Daphne with his charming eyes, “Yo, is this your boyfriend? He’s quite a looker! Just

a tiny bit…less handsome than me!”

“You’re so shameless!” Harding interjected, shaking his head in disbelief.

Marlon winked at Lionel, “Young man, you should thank me for not actually taking Ms. Flores to a hotel

room back then, otherwise…

“The version I heard was Daphne turned you down, Julien said, her face expressionless.

Marlon turned silent.

He still remembered the time Julien had kidnapped him and he nearly died at her hands. He took a

deep breath, “Because you have a good figure, Lwon’t hold it against you.”

Harding looked at Marlon speechlessly, then he turned to Julie, “You didn’t suffer from any serious

injuries. Make sure not to get the wound wet. You’ll need another dose of antibiotics tomorrow and then

you can be discharged in the afternoon.”

Dylan stepped forward and looked at Kieran and Harding, introducing, “Kerry, this is…”

“We know each other.” Kieran looked at Harding and gave a small smile.

Harding gave Kieran’s shoulder a pat, “Long time no see.”

Dylan was a bit confused. Harding was his college buddy. They were both well-known at school so it

wasn’t surprising they knew each other. But how did Kieran and Harding know each other?

Julie also looked at Kieran in surprise and asked, “How do you know each other?”

“The hospital where you gave birth, was opened by Harding, Kieran said.

Harding chuckled as if recalling a memory, “Back then I was overseas attending a medical conference.

Your hubby almost wrecked my hospital. Our director was so scared that he quit.”

Kieran also cracked a smile, a rare sight.

Suddenly, Kieran’s phone rang. He had planned to stay with Julie but was interrupted by a call from

Hayden. The first thing Hayden said was, “Davina’s gone missing.”

Kieran was silent for a few seconds before asking, “Where did she disappear?”

“Regal Heights Drive. Get over here.” With that, Hayden hung up.

Kieran’s face turned grave. Julie sensed something was up and asked, “What happened?”

“Davina’s missing. I need to go. Ms. Daphne…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Julie!” Daphne chimed in quickly. She was on leave and would

naturally want to stay with Julie who had just experienced a horrifying incident.

Kieran looked at Daphne gratefully.

Julien got up from her chair and walked over to Kieran. “I’ll go with you.”

Kieran rejected her offer. “Elliot and Adeline are on their way to the hospital. Wait for them to wake up

and ask the details.”

Kieran then turned to Harding, “Take care of Julie, or you might have to find a new director again.”

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“Why did I let your patient come to my hospital?” Harding felt like he was just asking for trouble.

Mr. Watson patted Harding on the shoulder with a warm smile, “Harding, you’re such a fool.”

Harding shot back at Marlon, “Buzz off!”

Lionel shook his head helplessly, “I thought you guys would change your interaction style after the


“Sort out your singlehood first. Then we can discuss this.” Mr. Watson haughtily replied, then turned to

Harding, “Let’s go, save some lives!”

Lionel was speechless.

Daphne tried to suppress her laughter.

Julien gave Daphne a pat on the shoulder, “Well done.”

Daphne felt elated.

“Julien praised me! Hahaha!” Daphne shared her joy. Seeing Lord Lion’s cold face, she quickly

returned to Julie, asking with concerns, “Julie, does the wound hurt? Your skin is so delicate, will it

leave a scar?”

Lionel Was speechless again.

Daphne seemed to be infatuated with everyone, except him.

Kieran and Dylan left. Mr. Watson, Harding, and Julien also left. Lionel, Daphne, and Julie were the

only ones left. Lionel stood still, brooding for a moment before saying, “I’m off to an event.”

He was talking to Daphne, but she was busy checking Julie’s arm. Julie noticed something was off

between the two.

She smiled at Lionel, “I owe Mr. Lionel a big thank you for saving my life.”

“You should thank your husband! He’s the one who told me to go to that place with Daphne in

advance.” Lionel said before lowering his hat and leaving the hospital.

Julie frowned and pulled her arm away from Daphne, “Stop pretending. He’s gone.”

Daphne took a deep sigh of relief.

Julie squinted at Daphne, “Spill it! What’s going on between you and Lionel? There’s some weird


“Why don’t you ask how Lionel and I managed to catch the rope in time to save you?” Daphne rolled

her eyes at Julie.

Julie nodded, “Alright, first tell me how you managed to catch the rope in time to save me, and then tell

me what’s going on between you and Lionel.”

Daphne went silent.