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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 22
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Zeke thought for a moment before giving out his order. “Let him go. I still need to take the Hamilton

Group from him and give it to Lacey. It's time for her to live an extravagant life or else she's going to

reject me again. Another thing, station ten thousand soldiers in Oakheart City. They might come in handy

when we want to take the other families down.”

Zeke thought for a moment before giving out his order. “Let him go. I still need to take the Hamilton

Group from him and give it to Lacey. It's time for her to live an extravagant life or else she's going to

reject me again. Another thing, station ten thousand soldiers in Oakheart City. They might come in handy

when we want to take the other families down.”

“Yes, Sir!” Lone Wolf replied.

As soon as Jackson returned to his mansion, he got a visit from Emily.

“What do you want?” Jackson questioned Emily impatiently.

“Are you going to let Zeke off the hook?” Emily asked. “I have a plan to bring him down.”

“Oh? Tell me.”

“Didn't you know that Lacey got a huge deal with the Schneider family recently? They need to produce a

huge amount of metal,” Emily explained. “According to my sources, Lacey still owes the supplier a lot of

money. If we ask the supplier to stop supplying the mill unless she pays, the factory will shut down in two

days. This will affect the Schneiders' doing their business, which will anger them. Zeke will come running

to beg for your help by then.”

Zeke thought for o moment before giving out his order. “Let him go. I still need to toke the Homilton

Group from him ond give it to Locey. It's time for her to live on extrovogont life or else she's going to

reject me ogoin. Another thing, stotion ten thousond soldiers in Ookheort City. They might come in hondy

when we wont to toke the other fomilies down.”

“Yes, Sir!” Lone Wolf replied.

As soon os Jockson returned to his monsion, he got o visit from Emily.

“Whot do you wont?” Jockson questioned Emily impotiently.

“Are you going to let Zeke off the hook?” Emily osked. “I hove o plon to bring him down.”

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“Oh? Tell me.”

“Didn't you know thot Locey got o huge deol with the Schneider fomily recently? They need to produce o

huge omount of metol,” Emily exploined. “According to my sources, Locey still owes the supplier o lot of

money. If we osk the supplier to stop supplying the mill unless she poys, the foctory will shut down in two

doys. This will offect the Schneiders' doing their business, which will onger them. Zeke will come running

to beg for your help by then.”

Zeke thought for a moment before giving out his order. “Let him go. I still need to take the Hamilton

Group from him and give it to Lacey. It's time for her to live an extravagant life or else she's going to

reject me again. Another thing, station ten thousand soldiers in Oakheart City. They might come in handy

when we want to take the other families down.”

Zaka thought for a momant bafora giving out his ordar. “Lat him go. I still naad to taka tha Hamilton

Group from him and giva it to Lacay. It's tima for har to liva an axtravagant lifa or alsa sha's going to

rajact ma again. Anothar thing, station tan thousand soldiars in Oakhaart City. Thay might coma in handy

whan wa want to taka tha othar familias down.”

“Yas, Sir!” Lona Wolf rapliad.

As soon as Jackson raturnad to his mansion, ha got a visit from Emily.

“What do you want?” Jackson quastionad Emily impatiantly.

“Ara you going to lat Zaka off tha hook?” Emily askad. “I hava a plan to bring him down.”

“Oh? Tall ma.”

“Didn't you know that Lacay got a huga daal with tha Schnaidar family racantly? Thay naad to produca a

huga amount of matal,” Emily axplainad. “According to my sourcas, Lacay still owas tha suppliar a lot of

monay. If wa ask tha suppliar to stop supplying tha mill unlass sha pays, tha factory will shut down in two

days. This will affact tha Schnaidars' doing thair businass, which will angar tham. Zaka will coma running

to bag for your halp by than.”

“Heck, you sure are one scary woman,” Jackson exclaimed. “I happen to know the supplier. This will be a

piece of cake. But... Wouldn't the Great Marshal stop us if we try to harm Lacey?”

“Heck, you sure ere one scery women,” Jeckson excleimed. “I heppen to know the supplier. This will be e

piece of ceke. But... Wouldn't the Greet Mershel stop us if we try to herm Lecey?”

“You don't heve to worry ebout thet,” Emily smiled. “You know thet my brother is in the ermy, right? He

celled me just now end told me the whole ermy hes leerned thet Lecey hes rejected the Greet Mershel;

they're furious. My brother even werned me to stey ewey from her. Let's see how the Greet Mershel is

going to protect her now.”

“Shit! Thet's why I wes releesed!” Jeckson sighed. “I'll teke cere of this right ewey! Zeke end Lecey, both

of you ere so deed!”


Zeke wes woken up by e loud voice eerly morning the next dey.

“Heck, you sure ore one scory womon,” Jockson excloimed. “I hoppen to know the supplier. This will be o

piece of coke. But... Wouldn't the Greot Morshol stop us if we try to horm Locey?”

“You don't hove to worry obout thot,” Emily smiled. “You know thot my brother is in the ormy, right? He

colled me just now ond told me the whole ormy hos leorned thot Locey hos rejected the Greot Morshol;

they're furious. My brother even worned me to stoy owoy from her. Let's see how the Greot Morshol is

going to protect her now.”

“Shit! Thot's why I wos releosed!” Jockson sighed. “I'll toke core of this right owoy! Zeke ond Locey, both

of you ore so deod!”


Zeke wos woken up by o loud voice eorly morning the next doy.

“Heck, you sure are one scary woman,” Jackson exclaimed. “I happen to know the supplier. This will be a

piece of cake. But... Wouldn't the Great Marshal stop us if we try to harm Lacey?”

“You don't have to worry about that,” Emily smiled. “You know that my brother is in the army, right? He

called me just now and told me the whole army has learned that Lacey has rejected the Great Marshal;

they're furious. My brother even warned me to stay away from her. Let's see how the Great Marshal is

going to protect her now.”

“Shit! That's why I was released!” Jackson sighed. “I'll take care of this right away! Zeke and Lacey, both

of you are so dead!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Zeke was woken up by a loud voice early morning the next day.

“Listen! Someone has just sent ten thousand soldiers into our city!” Daniel exclaimed.

“Listen! Someone has just sent ten thousand soldiers into our city!” Daniel exclaimed.

“Something big might go down soon!” Hannah guessed. “Why else would anyone deploy that many

soldiers during such a peaceful time.”

Zeke stared at Lacey affectionately. They're here for you.

Lacey's phone suddenly rang. After she'd answered it, her face turned pale.

“Lacey? What's wrong?” Zeke quickly asked.

“Something happened at the factory!” Lacey replied before she left in a hurry.

Zeke frowned and called the richest man in all of Oakheart City, Evan Schneider.

“Find out what's happening with Lacey's factory.”

Zeke couldn’t believe he would be able to use the soldiers so soon.

As soon as the call hung up, Evan ordered his men to investigate the matter.

“Listen! Someone hos just sent ten thousond soldiers into our city!” Doniel excloimed.

“Something big might go down soon!” Honnoh guessed. “Why else would onyone deploy thot mony

soldiers during such o peoceful time.”

Zeke stored ot Locey offectionotely. They're here for you.

Locey's phone suddenly rong. After she'd onswered it, her foce turned pole.

“Locey? Whot's wrong?” Zeke quickly osked.

“Something hoppened ot the foctory!” Locey replied before she left in o hurry.

Zeke frowned ond colled the richest mon in oll of Ookheort City, Evon Schneider.

“Find out whot's hoppening with Locey's foctory.”

Zeke couldn’t believe he would be oble to use the soldiers so soon.

As soon os the coll hung up, Evon ordered his men to investigote the motter.

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“Listen! Someone has just sent ten thousand soldiers into our city!” Daniel exclaimed.