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Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 437: Island in an Unfamiliar Dimension (6)
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There were still a lot of venomous insects lurking around the campsite even after they smoked them out, so they could end up in serious trouble if they dropped their guard even for a minute.

‘Hmm?’ Han-Yeol suddenly sensed something knocking the ground quite a distance away from the campsite.

It went without saying that Karvis noticed it as well.

[This is?]

‘Is something coming our way?’

Stewart approached Han-Yeol and said, “Han-Yeol-nim.”

“Did you sense that too?”

“Yes, I did.”

Suddenly, sof the crew members started shouting.

“Damn it! Monsters!”



They were barely able to rest when the monsters started charging once again. The crew looked distraught, yet the training drilled into them forced them to move almost mechanically into position with their mana rifles in hand.

Of course, their formation was slightly different this tas Jo Ye-Rim was standing beside Han-Yeol now.

“Are you ready?” Han-Yeol asked.

The crews replied in unison, “Yes, sir!”

Their eyes glowed with a newfound fervor, and Han-Yeol could see they had put all their faith in him.


Bam! Bam!


The monsters cin an endless wave.

“Aaaargh! Stop coming, will you?!” Han-Yeol screamed out of frustration.


[Your level has risen.]

The advantage of killing so many monsters was leveling up, but he would rather relax than deal with this endless wave of monsters. It would have been less annoying if he only had to deal with the venomous insects, but that was not the only type of monster attacking them right now.

“Woo! Woo! Aaah! Aaaaaah!”


The dark-skinned warrior monsters armed with shields, spears, and bows appeared once again. The ones armed with shields stood at the forefront, while the ones with spears and bows lined up right behind them. Ironically, they looked like a professional army despite the fact that they were a bunch of monsters.




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Unfortunately, one of the crew members instantly died after an arrow shot her in the head. The Shurarmors carrying shields were protecting the crew members, but the arrow managed to pass through a small gap and hit her.

Ironically, the first casualty of Han-Yeol’s party was the result of a series of unfortunate events. Han-Yeol had his shoulder cannons pointed at her when the arrow struck her, so if she hadn't died right away, he could have healed her.



Han-Yeol turned the shoulder cannons toward the monsters after he confirmed that she was dead.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

A hail of arrows ccrashing down on Han-Yeol, but he did not have to move a muscle as his Force Shield was more than capable of deflecting all of them. At the end of the day, it was only natural for a shield to be able to deflect arrows.

‘So you want to have a show of firepower?’ Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

“Hey! Stewart!”

“Hmph! I guess things will finally becinteresting,” Stewart muttered with a scoff. He had a rough idea of what Han-Yeol wanted, so he cracked his whip and commanded the Shurarmors to gather in one spot.

Han-Yeol smirked after seeing the Shurarmors line up and said, “It’s a mistake to think only you guys can move like an army, right, Stewart?”


Chwak! Bam! Bam!

The Shurarmors armed with their staffs raised their arms up high.


The monsters shot their arrows at the Shurarmors, but it was too late.

Shwoooong… Kaboom!

The Shurarmors almost instantly finished their incantations and bombarded the monsters with explosion magic.



The monsters with shields were protecting the backline from enemy attack, but they could not defend against the magic cast by the Shurarmors. Thus, the monsters’ backlines were thrown into confusion and were now in utter disarray.

“Woo! Woo!”

Chwak! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Surprisingly, the monsters on the frontlines abandoned the archer monsters and decided to rush to Han-Yeol’s party instead.

“Haha! You guys tried to pretend to be an army, but you’re just monsters after all,” Han-Yeol said with a laugh.

“I agree, Han-Yeol-nim,” Stewart added.

“Well, this makes it easier for me, so I’m not complaining.”


The red aura once again enveloped Han-Yeol’s body after he took his shirt off and used one of his favorite skills that he had gained recently: Blood Strengthening.

He looked like an evil demigod from his red tattoos, red eyes, and red aura surrounding him. However, it was not his appearance that made him resemble an evil demigod—it was the dominating aura he unleashed, making others think he was not of this world.

“I’ll make quick work of them and cback soon, Stewart,” he said before bending down.


He did not bother waiting for the demon to reply as he kicked off the ground and threw himself toward the incoming monsters.

“Sigh… This is why I hate muscle brains…” Stewart grumbled while shaking his head.

He was not a fan of physical combat. He was not incapable of physical combat, but rather, he prided himself in being a magician. In other words, he did not want to act unrefined like the muscle-brain warriors and fight elegantly with his spells and summoned creatures instead.


“Heed my call, Shurarmors!”

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

He summoned even more Shurarmors to the human world.

‘Hmm… It’s quite strange that this island doesn’t restrict my powers like the human world does…’

His powers were not sealed by someone purposely after he cto the human world, as it was just the difference in mana between the two worlds. However, this island seemed to restrict his powers even less than the human world did.

‘Is this island located closer to the demon world?’

This was the only conclusion he could cup with, and it was not a bad thing for him if it was indeed true. He felt stifled by the restriction that prevented him from displaying the sdominance he could have shown in the demon world and found it frustrating not to be able to use his full power.

‘Wave Slash!’


Krwaaaang! Kwachik! Kwachik!


When Han-Yeol slashed a monster in half, the shockwave that resulted from the slash triggered an earthquake. The ground did not simply tremble but started to move left, right, up, and down until it was impossible for anyone on the ground to stand on their own two feet. The ground even opened up and swallowed those unfortunate enough to fall into it.

Han-Yeol extended his right hand and shot his mana, ‘Shockwave!’

Whoosh! Krwaaaang!

The moment the shockwave struck the monsters carrying daggers, their bodies blew up instantly.

‘Wow…’ Han-Yeol muttered in amazement.

This was his first tusing this skill in combat, which meant that it was his first tusing it against a living target.

‘This is so awesome!’

The shockwave was not as powerful as the one Crasunleashed in Japan. With one stomp of her foot, she destroyed an entire city, and the earthquake she triggered spread throughout the country.

On the other hand, Han-Yeol could only display one percent of the power Crasdisplayed. Still, the effect was quite satisfactory for his first tusing it.

‘My Blood Attribute skills are excellent in one-on-one combat, but my Vibration Attribute is the best against multiple opponents.’

Han-Yeol was certain now that he could easily sweep away multitudes of weak enemies with the skills he inherited from Craspio, as weak enemies would find it difficult to retain their composure when the ground was shaking them as badly as it did just now.

‘This is the reason that I had a hard tagainst Crasthat time…’

Those without flying abilities were rendered absolutely useless against Craspio, but just because they possessed flying abilities did not mean they were able to fight on equal footing against her. They were going to die regardless, unless they were adept at fighting in the sky like Mavros or Tayarana.

‘Crasand I did not have the best affinity. Haha!’

She was the worst opponent Han-Yeol could have faced, but she somehow ended up thanking him after the battle and blessed him with her skills.

“Woo! Woo! Wooo!”

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Shwiiik! Puuuk!


A spear flew and stabbed the ground beside Han-Yeol. It seemed that the spear-wielding monsters fighting against the Shurarmors changed their target to Han-Yeol after deciding that the other monsters were no match for him.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

However, Han-Yeol was just getting started.

‘Good! Catand letfight to my heart’s content, you monsters!’

He extended his hand once again and…

‘Summon Lava Golem!’

Plop! Plop! Plop!

If Stewart had the Shurarmors, then Han-Yeol had his Lava Golems. The ground in front of him turned into mana and started to boil, and his newly designed minions emerged from the ground.


Tia’s laughter resounded across the jungle as if it were the background entrance music of the Lava Golems.

“Hahaha! Cforth and reveal yourselves, my lovely golems!” Han-Yeol exclaimed while watching the Lava Golems emerge.

Watching his subordinates created from his mana alone made him feel extremely proud, even though they were not as strong as they looked due to them still being F-Rank.

‘I have to use them diligently to increase their level!’

“Let’s go, boys!”

Chwak! Clack! Clack! Clack!

The familiar sound of clacking footsteps reverberated as the Lava Golems raised their shields and lances while charging at the monsters.

Of course, they were not as powerful as the dark-skinned monsters, but they had an excellent commander leading them.




Another swing of Han-Yeol’s sword incapacitated dozens of monsters. Their eyes and eardrums burst from the shockwave, and they rolled on the ground in agony while clutching their eyes and ears.

Then, the Lava Golems easily approached the completely incapacitated monsters and dealt the killing blow.

Puuuk! Fwaaah!


The Lava Golems lived up to their reputation and burned the enemy as soon as they stabbed them. Their damage might not be that strong as their levels were still quite low, but the burn damage that their Lava Attribute dealt was continuous and added up to quite a lot after a few seconds.

‘Hahaha! Excellent! This is awesome!’ Han-Yeol triumphantly laughed after finally feeling like a Summoner.

Yes, the endless wave of monsters got on his nerves, but all of the negative emotions he felt instantly disappeared after watching his creation, the Lava Golems, fight.

“Sigh… Why are humans so childish even after they reach adulthood?” Stewart muttered with a sigh. He could not help but shake his head at the childishness of the human he was assigned to serve.

If Albert had seen what Han-Yeol was doing, he would have laughed it off like the grandfather he was, but the demon was not used to this, so he thought of him as an immature human.

Of course, Stewart was not gauging Han-Yeol’s strength or anything and was solely judging him based on his mental age.


Jo Ye-Rim was hiding behind a tree. She had awakened as a Master-Rank Hunter, but she had yet to learn how to fight in actual combat. This was not strange at all, as she had spent her entire life as a stewardess, and her life changed in a matter of a few hours after awakening as a Master-Rank Hunter.

Nearly all Master-Rank Hunters went through near-hellish training to reach their current position, and that was not something they achieved overnight.

No one could ever becthe best without effort, and this was why the Gurkha raid party beca hot topic within South Korea.

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