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Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 430: Onward, To The United States! (5)
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Han-Yeol was not someone who would bat an eye at something like this.

“Really? It sounds fun?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Hey, Tia… Can’t you tell the mood? How can you be smiling right now?”

The mood was definitely very gloomy.


The flight crew consisted of a bunch of ordinary civilians who had not received any survival training. They were not like Han-Yeol who had no problem surviving anywhere and everywhere.

Most people working in the airline industry received training on what to do during emergencies, but those were just basic training and not in-depth specialized training.

Tia licked her lips out of excitement.

“What if we investigate this island, Han-Yeol-nim?” Stewart asked.

The demon was tired of listening to the senseless chatter of the two, and he knew from experience that these two could go on and on forever unless someone cut them off.

“Ah, you’re right. We should do that first. But first, we need to gather snecessary supplies. Hmm. I think we can’t depend on them, so I’ll need your help on that, Stewart.”

“Arise! Shurarmors!”

A bunch of armor demons emerged from the ground. These demons, called Shurarmors, were the lowest-ranking demons under Stewart’s command, and they acted like his infantry soldiers.

He summoned these demons and gave them a simple task: “Go inside that metal tube and take out everything useful.”

The Shurarmors nodded in unison. These demons did not receive verbal commands. Instead, they read their summoner’s minds, so Stewart did not have to give them exact commands—they inherently understood what he wanted.

Thirty-five Shurarmors were summoned in total, and all thirty-five of them moved to carry out the command. They were able to remove everything useful from the wreckage in just fifteen minutes.

“It seems they are done, Han-Yeol-nim.”

“As expected of you demons! They might be ranked the lowest in the demon world, but they’re way better than humans!”

“Let’s see… There’s nothing that useful…” Han-Yeol muttered while going through the things.

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The private jet was equipped with things for Han-Yeol’s comfort rather than survival, so aside from the food onboard, nothing would boost their survival chances.

He continued to rummage through the pile of things before he suddenly lifted something above his head and exclaimed, “Oh! There’s something!”

“What is that? Oh, I doubt that is going to be of any help, and nobody is going to use that,” Stewart said after recognizing the object in Han-Yeol’s hands.

The object he was holding was none other than the newly-developed mana rifles.

However, not a single one of the Gurkha raid party members was on board the private jet. There should have been around twenty of them accompanying him, but they were all out training when Han-Yeol abruptly decided to fly out.

Of course, they would have dropped everything and crunning if Han-Yeol called them, but he decided not to bother them as he was going to the United States for leisure. Due to that, there were thirty mana rifles in the cargo, but nobody was able to use them.

“Why not?” Han-Yeol smirked, then pointed at the two stewards huddled up together with the others.

“Are you thinking of them?”

“They have to do their fair share, no?”

Han-Yeol looked like the devil himself for sreason.

“I think... you are the demon and not me, Han-Yeol-nim.”

The two stewards shuddered as a chill traveled down their spines.

“H-Hey, did you feel that just now?”

“Y-Yeah, I did.”

Neither of them had any idea why they got the chills, but they soon found out after seeing Han-Yeol look at them with the most evil look they had ever seen.


In the end, both of them were forced to undergo Porter training for four straight hours under Han-Yeol.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir, yes sir!”

Han-Yeol even threw in special mental training for them as well. Nobody knew what awaited them on this island, so they did not have the luxury of shuddering in fear.

“I might be a Transcendent Master-Rank Hunter, but I can’t protect you around the clock! Therefore, you need to protect yourselves! I know you can’t becthe best in such a short period of time, but you should be able to survive without dying no matter what comes your way!” Han-Yeol said in a tone that made him sound like a drill sergeant.

“Yes, sir!”

Neither of them wanted to undergo this training, but they had no choice as Han-Yeol looked too scary right now. It was more like he was exuding his mana to intimidate them, and it was far more effective than dealing with any type of verbal or physical abuse.

Her ideal kind of guy was someone who was tough and evil.

“Hey, you two, can’t you choose whether to praise or curse me?” Han-Yeol grumbled.


“Omo~ I’m so disappointed~”

“Anyway, I’ll leave their survival training to you, Scarlett,” Han-Yeol said.

“Alright, leave it to me.”

“I knew I could count on you!”

“You can do more than that~”

The fact that Scarlett, who underwent all sorts of special training, was with him was quite helpful. She underwent the straining as a certain person on TV who treated everything as a source of protein, so she was, without a doubt, a survival expert.

“Then, what should we try this time~?” Scarlett muttered with sparkling eyes.

The stewards screamed inwardly and despaired after seeing the look in her eyes.


Han-Yeol trained the stewards for four days, which was neither short nor long. That was enough tto teach someone the basics on how to beca Porter and survive.

He did not bother training them longer than that, as he did not have high hopes that they would do much. After all, the key individual in this exploration was Han-Yeol himself, so the stewards just had to know how to do the bare minimum.

Well, he would have wasted around ten days training them if it was not for Scarlett. Her expertise cin very handy and was the only reason they were able to finish their training in four hours.

“Alright! Tto depart!”

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“Yes, sir!”

The stewards had large eye bags after training nonstop for the past four days. They looked like they were about to die and were extremely haggard, but perhaps it was due to the training they received that there was renewed spirit in their eyes compared to the first tthey chere.

Mavros nested on top of Han-Yeol’s head while the White Dragon wrapped itself around his neck as they explored this suspicious island.

The thirty Shurarmors summoned by Stewart were in charge of gathering supplies and scouting their immediate vicinity. They were unable to display the spower they displayed in the demon world, but they were still useful as physical laborers. Also, Han-Yeol loved the fact that Stewart could summon these golem-like demons as much as he wanted to as long as he had enough mana.

Han-Yeol threw a tantrum. “I want a skill like that! I want one!”

“Has it crossed your mind that maybe you are being too greedy, Han-Yeol-nim?” Stewart asked in response.

Han-Yeol could not help but covet this skill that could summon an army of manual laborers. The fact that Mariam had her ants while Stewart had these demons annoyed him even further.

Of course, he did have the Black Orc Horde, but he could not summon them anytand anywhere he wanted.


“Don’t you think it’s a great idea to slightly tweak the Lava Golem summoning skill I helped you create last tand make it so that you can summon different kinds of golems?”

“Oh…” Han-Yeol muttered while feeling slightly guilty. She indeed had made the Lava Golem for him, which was amazing, but it was not that useful for Han-Yeol.

“Oh? That sounds like a great idea.”

On the other hand, Stewart let out a sigh once again. Not that long had passed since they ventured into the forest, but they were already setting up camp after the two impulsively decided to do something.

The demon could not help but wonder why nothing went smoothly whenever Han-Yeol was involved.

“So, do you have something in mind, Tia?” Han-Yeol asked.

He used his Magma Attribute to summon a pile of lava that was neither too hot nor too cold.

“I think something like those Shurarmors is good. They look like humanoids too, so most people won’t have problems with them. Also, they look cool.”


Han-Yeol usually would have given the thumbs up without much opinion as long as it was Tia’s opinion, but he did not do so this time.

“Why? Don’t you like it, master?” Tia asked, slightly worried that Han-Yeol no longer felt the stoward her.

She knew she was an attractive female, but she also knew that her appearance was not something humans would be attracted to.