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Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 404: Chairman Woo Han-Jong (7)
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[A new skill has been created – Blood Attribute (F)]

[A new sub-skill has been created – Blood Drain (F)]

[A new sub-skill has been created – Blood Armor (F)]

[A new sub-skill has been created – Blood Leg (F)]

[A new sub-skill has been created – Blood Teeth (F)]

[So? Do you like it?]

[Hoho! I don’t think that’s the end of it.]


[Blood Attribute has devoured your Body Strengthening (M) and Rage Mode (D) skills.]

“W-What?!” Han-Yeol was shocked after seeing a skill devour another skill.

Shortly after, he learned the reason behind it.

[Blood Attribute has started to fuse with Body Strengthening and Rage Mode.]

[A new skill has been created – Blood Strengthening (D)] [1]

He could not believe his eyes—he started doubting if he was dead and dreaming in hell. New ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄhapters are published on ɴoᴠel Fɪre.nᴇt

[Haha! What cute imagination you have there, my little human. Unfortunately, this is still the same cruel reality you know.]

Astaroth nonchalantly laughed and winked seductively. The wink, from the demon specializing in the art of seduction, turned mana into the shape of a heart, and it flew toward Han-Yeol’s heart.

[Oh! My bad~ Hoho~]

How could he get mad at one of the Seventy-Two Demons of Solomon? He would only do that if he was insane or had a death wish.

[Ahh~ It feels good to let loose in the human world after a long time.]

“Haha… Good for you,” Han-Yeol replied in a manner that was neither formal nor informal, and this was his way of getting revenge for the pain he experienced just now.

Fortunately, Astaroth seemed to find this childish revenge of his to be cute instead of insulting.

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[Ah~ I could’ve harvested that arrogant old man’s soul if I had been summoned properly. Unfortunately, I can’t do more than this since I was summoned indirectly…]

“Hahaha…” Han-Yeol laughed like a fool while steeling his resolve to grow strong enough to enter a contract and summon Astaroth.

[Hmm… I guess my time is up.]

He initially found her intimidating, but it seemed that she had slowly grown on him after a few meetings. He could not help but feel sad that he had to say goodbye already.


Astaroth was surprised after sensing Han-Yeol’s feelings. Her eyes curled up as she smiled, but there was something different about her smile this time.

She looked like an innocent child smiling from genuine happiness, and not a trace of the seductive demon could be seen in her.

This was the first time his heart thumped wildly when she did not use her skill or aura.

[Hehe~ You’re making me happy even until the last second. You’re so adorable, my little human.]

“Hmm? What are you talking about?” Han-Yeol tried his best to feign ignorance.

Astaroth grabbed his right hand and pulled it to her chest.

However, despite his best efforts to control himself, just having his hand on the breast of Astaroth, a former goddess and now a demon specializing in seduction, sent electrifying chills throughout his entire body.

Lust was the last emotion he felt as the fierce battle he was engaged in with Woo Han-Jong just a while ago, but his lust came roaring back like a lion the moment he felt the soft sensation in his right hand.

Astaroth smirked and looked down.

[Hehe~ I would’ve satisfied your needs if we had more time~ Too bad!]

Han-Yeol flinched and closed his legs instinctively.

[I’ve merely existed for millions of years meaninglessly, but you’re the first creature to teach me the value of life. Therefore, I want to give you a gift as a reward~]

“A g-gift…?”

[Hoho! You will find out once I disappear, my love~]

“O-Okay, goodb—“

Astaroth did not disappear with a poof like the other demons. She yanked Han-Yeol toward her just as he was about to say goodbye. Then, she pressed her soft, luscious lips against his.

The kiss took him by surprise, but he did not push her away or anything like that. In fact, pushing her away was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

Han-Yeol was no virgin, and he was quite familiar with women. However, this kiss from Astaroth was beyond anything he had ever experienced, and this was the first time he felt ecstasy from a simple kiss.

He wished for time to stand still right now so he could enjoy this sensation.

Unfortunately, Astaroth had used up all of her time on Earth as she slowly dissipated, and the sensation touching Han-Yeol’s lips disappeared too.

The seed of desire she planted in his heart sprouted almost instantaneously—he could not help but long for her despite already having a woman he loved.

That was the end of the short event Astaroth prepared for him.

[Astaroth’s blessing and gift has arrived.]

[The blessing and gift are still sealed.]

[The seal will be released at the appropriate time to reveal what you have received.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

He gained ten levels instantly, even though her gift was still sealed.

However, he seemed to be more focused on his longing even though only ten seconds had passed. He looked around for her, but the only other person around him was Woo Han-Jong.

A cold breeze blew past the fake Seoul created by the Illusion Barrier.

“This is the first time… someone has blatantly ignored me. Are you prepared to pay the price for making me angry, young man?” Woo Han-Jong asked with a serious look.

He previously did not get mad no matter how much Han-Yeol taunted him, but blatantly being ignored struck a nerve in him. An angry look replaced the relaxed smile he had.

He was not in the mood to bicker with an old man.

“Hey, I’m not in a good mood right now, old geezer,” Han-Yeol growled.

A shockwave shot out from Woo Han-Jong’s mouth.

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However, Han-Yeol simply moved his head to avoid the shockwave attack. Then, he grimaced and glared at Woo Han-Jong.

“You dare act so insolent, you punk! Do you honestly think we are equals just because I entertained you until now? I’m done playing with you. Blame your arrogance for what I’m about to do this time. It won’t end with your mana being restricted. My sword will cut your head this time!” Woo Han-Jong shouted, visibly enraged by the disrespect.

He was a Transcendent Master-Rank Hunter, but he was already nearing the end of his life. Yes, awakened beings could live longer than normal humans, but he had lived for so long that he was nearing the end of that extended lifespan.

He might be the strongest Hunter in the world, but even he could not stand the test of time as his body started to deteriorate with age. Thus, he avoided using any skills that placed a heavy burden on his body if possible.

However, he no longer planned to hold back as his rage would not be quelled unless he taught this arrogant young punk a lesson.

Woo Han-Jong was a frail old man barely 165 centimeters tall, but his body instantly expanded to three meters and was so large that he looked as if he weighed at least three hundred kilograms.

His skin was a bit grayish, and Han-Yeol could tell that the old man’s entire body was covered with dense mana, just like the creature he fought.

“Bring it on!” Han-Yeol exclaimed in response.

Both of them instinctively knew the only way to settle this was for either one of them to die, so neither bothered to waste their time engaging in childish banter.

To kill or to be killed! This was the only way to settle the score!

“You still don’t know the secret behind my movement!” Woo Han-Jong shouted.

He was confident he could easily overpower his opponent. Yes, his body was much larger than before, but that did not mean he slowed down. In fact, the extra muscles on him allowed him to use more mana, thus allowing him to move faster than before.

However, using such power came at a price.

His doctor had repeatedly advised him not to use this skill if possible, but he had no other choice right now.

Woo Han-Jong dashed toward Han-Yeol faster than before. He instantly appeared in front of Han-Yeol and swung his sword, which had also grown in proportion to his enlarged body.

The plain-looking bamboo sword he was using was actually a unique artifact that could adjust its size according to its user’s needs.

Karvis hesitated before she slowly explained her discovery, and he grimaced the more he listened to her explanation.

They took turns dealing blows to each other a while ago as if they were playing a game, but that was no longer the case as the duel descended into pure destructive chaos.

They swung their weapons at each other, with every swing carrying their full strength in hopes of killing their opponent.

“Not so fast!”

Han-Yeol threw his chain and used Restrain, but Woo Han-Jong caught the chain and yanked it. Woo Han-Jong’s strength could only be described as monstrous now, and the impact from being yanked made Han-Yeol feel as though his shoulder had nearly been dislocated.

“Damn it…!”

He barely managed to plant one foot on the ground to anchor himself and retrieve his chain.

However, he did not hesitate to use his chain as he threw it at his opponent again.

He suddenly disappeared from view, just like he did a while ago.

1. I wanted to translate it as Bloody Strengthening. Get it? B-lo-ody Strengthening? Hehe. ☜