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Leaving The Country After Divorce

Chapter 2005
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Chapter 2005 Dying Words

Meanwhile, at the security post outside the manor, Grant woke up and suddenly started vomiting, spitting out a mix

of sour gastric fluid and traces of blood.

The bodyguard was shocked to see that. Mr. Farwell told me to keep on eye on this man, but looking at his

condition, he must be severely ill. He's even puking out blood.

Hence, the bodyguard hastily informed the butler. After considering the situation, the latter decided to report that

to Lucian.

Noticing Lucian and Roxanne sitting in the living room, the butler immediately approached them and reported,

“That man outside seems to be suffering from a serious illness because he just vomited blood.”

Roxanne's right hand, holding the coffee mug, trembled after she heard that. She turned to look at her husband.

Lucian got to his feet at once and said to Roxanne, “Let's go take a look. If his condition is grave, we have to save

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him first.”

Pulling herself together, she nodded and quickly followed Lucian out of the house.

Less than half an hour had passed since they last saw Grant. However, taking in his appearance now, Roxanne was


His face was extremely pale and waxen, his eyes were murky, and even his breathing seemed labored. It was as if

he was on the verge of death.

As a doctor, Roxanne wasn't repulsed by the vomitus on the ground. Instead, she stepped forward and examined it.

“Roxanne. Is that you, Roxanne? I'm sorry. I've hurt you and your mother deeply...” At that moment, Grant

struggled to prop himself up with assistance from the bodyguard next to him.

A faint smile of relief spread across his face when he saw her daughter. Then, he shifted his attention to Lucian.

“Lucian, I'm indeed a failure."

“Stop talking. Do you have the medical report from the hospital?” Lucian had no interest in hearing his deathbed

confession and searched his body for the report. Spotting a corner of a paper sticking out of his pocket, he reached

out to take it.

Before Lucian could unfold the diagnosis report, Roxanne grimaced. “It seems to be stomach cancer.”

Lucian handed the document to his wife.

After a quick glance, the report indeed mentioned a malignant stomach tumor that might have metastasized to the

liver. No wonder his complexion is so yellow. It's a result of elevated bilirubin levels.

In an instant, Roxanne felt an indescribable discomfort in her heart. Judging by the spread of the cancerous cells,

he's probably beyond cure. Even my medical skills will be of no help. Hahaha! He deserves this.

Roxanne wanted to guffaw but couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead, she stared at Grant with complicated

emotions in her eyes.

Seeing his wife's reaction, Lucian noticed her gaze held a mixture of resentment, pleasure, pity, and a touch of

sadness, all tangled together.

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“Grant, your time is indeed running short. So, are you afraid of death?” Roxanne stepped closer, riveting her eyes

on Grant's countenance.

At that moment, Grant revealed a faint, enigmatic smile. “Roxanne, I've been afraid for several days. But now, I'm

genuinely not scared anymore. I spent a whole day thinking about what regrets I have in this life. In the end, all I

can think about are only you and your mother. I've been impulsive and more prone to failure than success my

whole life. I was arrogant, boastful, and didn't understand the concepts of love and family. I truly deserve this. I

betrayed your mother, and I owe her an apology.”

He wore a griefful expression as he spoke, and tears slowly rolled down his eyes.

“I wish to apologize to you. I know you can't possibly forgive me, but I still have to say I'm sorry. I don't want to die

without apologizing. Thank you, Roxanne and Lucian, for giving me this opportunity.”

The couple listened quietly, not interrupting him anymore.

It was said that the dying words of someone on his deathbed always came from the bottom of his heart, and they

chose to believe that Grant was genuinely repenting and apologizing at that instant.