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Kids from One Alpha

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1: Return to Night Sky Pt. 1

When Serena drove across the border into Night Sky

pack territory, a moment of hesitation struck her heart. Her

foot itched to press the break and reconsider, but she clenched her hands on the steering wheel and ke

pt going. No! She‘d come too far to turn back now, and all because she had a case of jitters of the last ti

me she‘d been there? Night Sky

wasn‘t the pack Serena had been born into, but she was returning from medical school and had been o

ffered a residency position at the new medical building in Night Sky

territory. It was a smart move for her to

make for her career. Starseeker, the pack she‘d been born into, had always been close allies to

Night Sky, so she would still get to see her

father, Alpha of Starseeker, her mother who was Luna, and her

twin brother Santino. If she was being perfectly honest with herself, Serena was glad for the chance to

step out of her brother‘s shadow. He had been selected

to be the next Alpha, so her parents were always working with him and training with

him. Serena didn‘t mind, he was her twin! But she wanted the chance to prove herself, and it was better

to do that in a fresh environment.

Sighing, Serena relaxed her hands. She was grateful there was still another pack in the Federation to r

elocate to. Ever since Moonshine had been taken over by an illegitimate

Alpha and separated from the Federation, tensions were high. Serena understood the resistance she’d

encountered when she pursued her current career path in another pack. Reason had won out in the en

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d. What better way to keep Night Sky and Starseeker on good terms if the daughter

of Alpha Thomas from Ștarseeker was living and working among the Night Sky pack? Inwardly, Serena

satisfied herself with the thought that she was helping her father in ways Santino never could! She

still had a long drive ahead of her. The border of the pack territory was two hours from the building she

was headed to. A long, straight shot with no turns and nothing but forest to look at. Serena hadn‘t been

in such an open, natural setting in a long time, not since

the last time she had been in Night sky territory. That had been quite a party! Serena had just graduate

d from college, and the Federation

had thrown a masked ball, a tradition that hadn‘t been practiced in centuries. Sure, every year one of th

e three, now

two, packs hosted a graduation party for all pack members that were graduating from some education

program. The masked ball had been an event brought forward through time, requiring fancy

dresses and intricate

masks. Serena had been so overwhelmed by the flourishes of color and sparkles. She hadn‘t even

really wanted to go, but it was tradition. Her mother, Charlotte, had picked

out a red ballgown and matching mask for her. The moment she‘d stepped through the

door, Serena had grabbed herself a flute of champagne. A few more glasses later, she‘d started to loos

en up. “I do believe, dear sister, you are drunk” Santino teased her. Serena giggled, pulling her champa

gne away from her brother as he tried to snatch it from her hand.

“I am a graduate, that is my prerogative,” she pointed out, sticking her tongue out at him since the mas

k made facial expressions hard to see. She did catch

Santino‘s eye roll. “Leave it to you to use large words when

you‘re drunk,” he chastised. “I‘m going to find a foxy female I‘m not related to so I can really begin to

enjoy my

night.” Serena shrugged, twirling away from her twin and ending up getting caught up on the dancefloor

with twirling, spinning dresses. Nearly tripping over her own feet, Serena stumbled right into the arms

of a nearby man. He was dressed all

in black with a matching black mask. The alcohol inhibited her wolf senses, and she

could not scent who he was. “My apologies,” Serena said, attempting to pull away. “There are few men

who would

mind getting bumped into by you,” he said in a thick, deep voice. Serena scoffed, shaking her head. “Is

that your best pickup line?” she asked. The man shrugged, taking her

champagne flute and setting it on a tray as a servant passed by. “Who says it is a line?” he asked, takin

g Serena‘s hand and leading her onto the dancefloor. Serena halfheartedly fought against him, but som

ething about his directness and willingness to take control made it easy for her to let go of her hesitatio

n The man placed one hand on her hip, bringing her hand to his shoulder. He was so formal and proper

he had to be related to an Alpha or Beta. Under the mask, all she saw was a deep pair of greenish–

yellow eyes. She smiled at him.

“I don‘t know this dance,” she said. The man smirked at

her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Just follow my lead,” he insisted, keeping their cheeks pressed to

gether as

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he began. Serena stumbled over the first few steps, but her feet caught on to the rhythm soon

enough. “This isn‘t so bad,” she said. He chuckled, a sound that sent a shiver through her bones. Almo

st instantly after he laugh, he spun her away from him. Serena giggled, a rush

causing her stomach to plummet. He pulled her back against him, the warmth of his body sucking her i

n. They continued to dance until the song ended, the mysterious man leading her through each step. S

he‘d never danced so formally before, and the combination of the dress, the dance, and the champagn

e had her feeling like a princess! “Not bad,” the man teased her as they made their way off the danceflo

or. A new, more upbeat dance had begun, and Serena didn‘t think she’d

be able to keep up. “Where did you learn to dance like that?” she asked, the man following her as she

went to find another beverage. “Tradition,” he told her. “I was taught in the event that a pack decided to

host a formal ball again.” Serena scoffed.

“It seems a little stuffy and outdated to me,” she admitted. “This dress weighs more than

I do with all the layers of fabric.” Her companion laughed, getting himself a glass of beer. “And here I w

as, worried I wouldn‘t meet anyone interesting at this event,” he said, taking a long drink from his glass.

He was flirting with

“Agreed,” the man said. He leaned down, kissing her shoulder. Serena gasped, closing her eyes as his

behind her, Serena grabbed his hand from her back. She pulled him

towards the nearest exit. Everyone else was too busy or drunk to notice their departure. She didn‘t care

the man behind her, and that was all that mattered tonight!

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