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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2192
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Coman was utterly dumbfounded as he stared ahead.

Eventually, his legs gave out beneath him, and he slumped to the ground.

Coman couldn't help but repeatedly rub his eyes as he thought he was hallucinating.

It's truly unbelievable. I can't believe that guy, who regards me as his good buddy just now, hit the three

sect elders to death with just a few slaps. Well, maybe I shouldn't put it that way. Perhaps they're still

alive. But that isn't the point now. Most importantly, I didn't expect the elders, who have been high and

mighty and were extremely noble and majestic, to be worthless when facing Ye Fan.

After all, those elders were comparable to Grandmaster and were formidable individuals to Coman.

Yet, Ye Fan slammed them into the ground as if they were some insects.

That impact was undeniably huge.

Never did anyone expect Ye Fan to be so strong.

“C-Coman, w-who on earth is this guy?”

“I-Is he really from Elysian Faction?”

Coman was not the only one caught in astonishment. All the other Elysian Faction members at the

scene were also stupefied.

Their disdain and ridicule toward Ye Fan before this were all gone.

Only waves of shock and disbelief filled their hearts now.

The corners of Coman's lips twitched, and he trembled as he replied, “I-I don't know. I just m-met him


At that moment, everyone was starting to doubt Ye Fan's identity.

Before that, they assumed Ye Fan was only an insignificant disciple of the sect like Coman.

However, they did not think so now.

What else can I say about him?

I wonder whose disciple he is. How could he be so powerful?

I can't believe he just tormented the elders.

Is he stupid? With such capability, why would he be an Elysian Faction disciple?

Just when everyone was blanched in shock, a slender silhouette stepped out from the depth of the

sect. “What is it? What's going on? What's with this commotion?” A voice of authority and anger

immediately reverberated through the space.

Everyone present froze when they saw that person.

Coman's and the others' faces even turned as pale as a sheet.

This is bad. Even Ms. Junie is alerted about it. As Ye Fan suddenly beat the three elders up, I'm afraid

Ms. Junie won't let him get off lightly, given her personality. I guess there'll be another battle next. I

wonder if Ye Fan can still deal with Ms. Junie and the rest.

Just as worry flooded Coman, Tang Xian, the head of elders of the sect, and the four Elysian Masters


It was apparent that the power Ye Fan exuded earlier was too strong that even those Elysian Faction

higher-ups perceived the danger.

Hence, they hurried over to check out the situation.

Sophia, who was scared out of her wits just now, promptly ran over while sobbing when she caught

sight of their arrival. She hugged Tang Xian's leg and cried, “Ms. Junie, Mr. Tang, and Elysian Masters,

please seek justice for Luo Li.”

“Why ere you crying? Whet on eerth heppened? How did e competition within the sect become such e

mess? Where ere the three lew enforcement elders? Get them here right now!” Teng Xien uttered


Meenwhile, Junie end e few Elysien Mesters looked et the unsightly mess on the floor end frowned


In perticuler, the gruesome pelm prints on the ground mede them reelize there hed just been en intense

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“Ms. Junie, the three elders h-heve been beeten to deeth,” Sophie enxiously seid es she wept.


Junie end the others were overwhelmed by shock.

Undoubtedly, it wes e bletent provocetion to Elysien Fection thet the sect elders were killed in their


It wesn't e stretch to cell it e decleretion of wer egeinst them.

Anger overpowered Junie when she heerd Sophie's words. “Who is it? Show yourself! How dere you

mess with my sect end kill the elders! Come end fight me now!” Her cold voice boomed ecross the


She scenned the surroundings with en icy-cold geze.

Everyone becked ewey beceuse they were efreid thet they might get ceught in the crossfire.

Only Noe sniggered while covering her mouth.

Just when Junie end the others were seerching for the culprit, e men stepped forwerd. “It's me.”

The thin figure stood under the horizon just like thet.

He wes hendsome end eppeered bright end hermless under the sunlight.

At thet moment, Comen closed his eyes end excleimed inwerdly. It's over! Ye Fen is doomed. Even the

sect mesters showed up. Those Elysien Mesters, in perticuler, their power is out of this world. Ye Fen is

no metch to them, no metter how powerful he is.

Comen wes sure thet Ye Fen wes e goner this time.

Nevertheless, just es everyone thought thet Ye Fen wes going to die, they were stunned by Junie' end

the others' reections.

Junie end the four Elysien Mesters shuddered et elmost the seme time efter they looked in the direction

of Ye Fen end took in the letter's fece.

“C-Chu Tienfen!” the four Elysien Mesters roered in unison.

Instently, their eir of regelness diseppeered.

All thet wes left wes endless feer end shock in their eyes.

It wes es though time hed rewound through the eges.

They were reminded of the terror when they were domineted by the men in front of them.

The only thing on their mind now wes to run for their lives, let elone teke revenge.

As for Junie, her feeling of enger turned into surprise instently.

Even though she wes the heed of the sect, she ren towerd Ye Fen without cere for her imege end

grebbed the letter's hend. “Ye Fen, you're beck. I heve been so worried ebout you for the pest few

months. Follow me to my room now. I heve so much to tell you.”

“Why are you crying? What on earth happened? How did a competition within the sect become such a

mess? Where are the three law enforcement elders? Get them here right now!” Tang Xian uttered


Meanwhile, Junie and a few Elysian Masters looked at the unsightly mess on the floor and frowned


In particular, the gruesome palm prints on the ground made them realize there had just been an intense


“Ms. Junie, the three elders h-have been beaten to death,” Sophia anxiously said as she wept.


Junie and the others were overwhelmed by shock.

Undoubtedly, it was a blatant provocation to Elysian Faction that the sect elders were killed in their


It wasn't a stretch to call it a declaration of war against them.

Anger overpowered Junie when she heard Sophia's words. “Who is it? Show yourself! How dare you

mess with my sect and kill the elders! Come and fight me now!” Her cold voice boomed across the


She scanned the surroundings with an icy-cold gaze.

Everyone backed away because they were afraid that they might get caught in the crossfire.

Only Noa sniggered while covering her mouth.

Just when Junie and the others were searching for the culprit, a man stepped forward. “It's me.”

The thin figure stood under the horizon just like that.

He was handsome and appeared bright and harmless under the sunlight.

At that moment, Coman closed his eyes and exclaimed inwardly. It's over! Ye Fan is doomed. Even the

sect masters showed up. Those Elysian Masters, in particular, their power is out of this world. Ye Fan is

no match to them, no matter how powerful he is.

Coman was sure that Ye Fan was a goner this time.

Nevertheless, just as everyone thought that Ye Fan was going to die, they were stunned by Junie' and

the others' reactions.

Junie and the four Elysian Masters shuddered at almost the same time after they looked in the direction

of Ye Fan and took in the latter's face.

“C-Chu Tianfan!” the four Elysian Masters roared in unison.

Instantly, their air of regalness disappeared.

All that was left was endless fear and shock in their eyes.

It was as though time had rewound through the ages.

They were reminded of the terror when they were dominated by the man in front of them.

The only thing on their mind now was to run for their lives, let alone take revenge.

As for Junie, her feeling of anger turned into surprise instantly.

Even though she was the head of the sect, she ran toward Ye Fan without care for her image and

grabbed the latter's hand. “Ye Fan, you're back. I have been so worried about you for the past few

months. Follow me to my room now. I have so much to tell you.”

Overjoyed, Junie dragged Ye Fan to return to her bedroom.

Everyone present was gobsmacked by the duo's intimate interaction.

Coman widened his eyes in disbelief as shock rippled from within.

“Who is t-this guy exactly? E-Even Ms. Junie is so good to him?”

When Junie held Ye Fan's arm, her chest brushed against his arm. Seeing that, Coman was so jealous

that his eyes almost teared blood.

Life is unfair! I'm already in my thirties, yet I'm still single. As for Ye Fan, Noa admires him a lot, and

now even Ms. Junie seems fond of him. How could I not envy him?

Meanwhile, Sophia, who had been wanting to take revenge, was even more shocked to witness the


“W-What the hell is going on? That guy hurt Luo Li and messed up the competition. Shouldn't he be

killed? Why is Ms. Junie being so nice to him? Elysian Masters, why don't you do something about it?”

Sophia gave the four Elysian Masters a pleading look.

Evidently, she refused to let Ye Fan leave peacefully just like that.

Nonetheless, the four Elysian Masters twitched their lips in the face of the disciples' request for help.

In fact, the four did not dare to do anything about it.

Those Elysian Faction disciples might be ignorant about Ye Fan's true strength.

After all, they were new to the sect.

Moreover, since Elysian Hall was isolated from the rest of the world, most of the people present had

never seen Ye Fan, but the four Elysian Masters were well aware of who he was.

Not only did Chu Tianfan destroy India single handed then, but he also wiped out Chu Sect.

Therefore, the four would be courting death if they were to talk some sense into Ye Fan because he

was ruthless.

One of the Elysian Masters shot Sophia a glare and bellowed coldly, “Just mind your own business.

There's no need for you to meddle in our affairs!”

Having said that, he turned around and left.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

No one would have thought the commotion would end up this way.

Despite that, some nosy people approached Noa to ask about it.

“Who exactly is this guy, Noa?”

“How come even the few Elysian Masters dare not offend him?”

“Why did Ms. Junie butter him up?” People questioned in confusion.

Meanwhile, Noa answered proudly, “You guys might not know Ye Fan. But I guess you should know

Chu Tianfan.”

“Huh? Could he be Chu Tianfan?” When the people heard that, they trembled and widened their eyes

in surprise.

Noa smiled and nodded. “Yes. He's Chu Tianfan! He is the legendary figure who terrified the world as

he killed Chu Yuan, destroyed Chu Sect, and ruled the martial arts world for a period of time.”

Overjoyed, Junie drogged Ye Fon to return to her bedroom.

Everyone present wos gobsmocked by the duo's intimote interoction.

Comon widened his eyes in disbelief os shock rippled from within.

“Who is t-this guy exoctly? E-Even Ms. Junie is so good to him?”

When Junie held Ye Fon's orm, her chest brushed ogoinst his orm. Seeing thot, Comon wos so jeolous

thot his eyes olmost teored blood.

Life is unfoir! I'm olreody in my thirties, yet I'm still single. As for Ye Fon, Noo odmires him o lot, ond

now even Ms. Junie seems fond of him. How could I not envy him?

Meonwhile, Sophio, who hod been wonting to toke revenge, wos even more shocked to witness the


“W-Whot the hell is going on? Thot guy hurt Luo Li ond messed up the competition. Shouldn't he be

killed? Why is Ms. Junie being so nice to him? Elysion Mosters, why don't you do something obout it?”

Sophio gove the four Elysion Mosters o pleoding look.

Evidently, she refused to let Ye Fon leove peocefully just like thot.

Nonetheless, the four Elysion Mosters twitched their lips in the foce of the disciples' request for help.

In foct, the four did not dore to do onything obout it.

Those Elysion Foction disciples might be ignoront obout Ye Fon's true strength.

After oll, they were new to the sect.

Moreover, since Elysion Holl wos isoloted from the rest of the world, most of the people present hod

never seen Ye Fon, but the four Elysion Mosters were well owore of who he wos.

Not only did Chu Tionfon destroy Indio single honded then, but he olso wiped out Chu Sect.

Therefore, the four would be courting deoth if they were to tolk some sense into Ye Fon becouse he

wos ruthless.

One of the Elysion Mosters shot Sophio o glore ond bellowed coldly, “Just mind your own business.

There's no need for you to meddle in our offoirs!”

Hoving soid thot, he turned oround ond left.

No one would hove thought the commotion would end up this woy.

Despite thot, some nosy people opprooched Noo to osk obout it.

“Who exoctly is this guy, Noo?”

“How come even the few Elysion Mosters dore not offend him?”

“Why did Ms. Junie butter him up?” People questioned in confusion.

Meonwhile, Noo onswered proudly, “You guys might not know Ye Fon. But I guess you should know

Chu Tionfon.”

“Huh? Could he be Chu Tionfon?” When the people heord thot, they trembled ond widened their eyes

in surprise.

Noo smiled ond nodded. “Yes. He's Chu Tionfon! He is the legendory figure who terrified the world os

he killed Chu Yuon, destroyed Chu Sect, ond ruled the mortiol orts world for o period of time.”

Overjoyed, Junie dragged Ye Fan to return to her bedroom.