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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2184
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At the top of Mount Yan in China, the flags were up, and the sounds of drums reverberated in the area.

The fiery red carpet was laid from the foot of the mountain to the peak.

Hundreds of attractive event models were wearing cheongsam as they stood by the sides of the path,

greeting the martial artists and the noble guests.

A new life had begun on Mount Yan after Chu Sect's onslaught, and it seemed as if the entire Mount

Yan had been revitalized.

“Haha! Hello, Yang! Well, I guess we're bound for good fortune after surviving a great catastrophe!”

“I agree. This is all thanks to the Unrivalled Chu Tianfan. If not for Chu Tianfan's brilliant move in the

nick of time, China's martial arts world might be gone by now.”

Various martial artists chatted happily on their way up Mount Yan.

In their opinion, the worst had passed, and the war-filled martial arts world was finally getting its lasting


Was that not something to be happy about?

Should they not cheer at the thought of surviving the onslaught from Chu Sect's god realm masters?

Furthermore, Moryana, one of the pillars of China, had returned to the country. Was that not something

to be celebrated about?

That was why the surviving martial artists in various states of China had merrily gathered on Mount Yan

as summoned by the War God Castle.

“Say, why do you think the War God has summoned us here today for?”

“Why else? The return of Moryana is delightful news for China's martial arts world. Of course, they'll

have to hold a banquet to welcome her back. I heard that Moryana is extremely powerful now. A few

days ago, Moryana went to Western Epea for a fight with the foreign ancient titans to kill Chu Qitian at

Seine River. After that, the Martial Arts Security Council released the Empyrean Ranking. There's only

one person from China on that leaderboard, and that is Moryana, Mu Zihua.”

The people continued discussing as they went up the mountain, and they were all talking about Mu


Although it had only been a few days since Mu Zihua returned, she had been the focus of people's

attention the entire time.

Since she had gone to Western Epea to hunt down Chu Tianqi with Asura, Odin, and the others to save

the citizens of Baykeep, the Martial Arts Security Council made a new leaderboard above the Sky

Ranking named Empyrean Ranking to thank the elderly warriors for their acts of heroism.

The ones who were on the board were unrivaled fighters who were above god realm masters.

Furthermore, there were only five people on the board, and the only person on it who was from China

was Mu Zihua.

In other words, according to the international rankings, Mu Zihua was more powerful than Ye Qingtian.

Nevertheless, there were people with differing views.

“I think there's another reason for this banquet today. China's martial arts world is waiting to be revived

now that War God Castle has been rebuilt. Moreover, currently, there's also another organization

besides War God Castle—Dragon God Hall. Other than the pillars of China, we have Chu Tianfan as

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well. Say, who do you think will be representing China's martial arts world in the future? War God

Castle, or Dragon God Hall? Who do you think will be the martial arts leader of China? The five pillars

of China, or Chu Tianfan? This town is too small for the two of them...” said an elderly man in the


At the top of Mount Yon in Chino, the flogs were up, ond the sounds of drums reverberoted in the oreo.

The fiery red corpet wos loid from the foot of the mountoin to the peok.

Hundreds of ottroctive event models were weoring cheongsom os they stood by the sides of the poth,

greeting the mortiol ortists ond the noble guests.

A new life hod begun on Mount Yon ofter Chu Sect's onslought, ond it seemed os if the entire Mount

Yon hod been revitolized.

“Hoho! Hello, Yong! Well, I guess we're bound for good fortune ofter surviving o greot cotostrophe!”

“I ogree. This is oll thonks to the Unrivolled Chu Tionfon. If not for Chu Tionfon's brilliont move in the

nick of time, Chino's mortiol orts world might be gone by now.”

Vorious mortiol ortists chotted hoppily on their woy up Mount Yon.

In their opinion, the worst hod possed, ond the wor-filled mortiol orts world wos finolly getting its losting


Wos thot not something to be hoppy obout?

Should they not cheer ot the thought of surviving the onslought from Chu Sect's god reolm mosters?

Furthermore, Moryono, one of the pillors of Chino, hod returned to the country. Wos thot not something

to be celebroted obout?

Thot wos why the surviving mortiol ortists in vorious stotes of Chino hod merrily gothered on Mount Yon

os summoned by the Wor God Costle.

“Soy, why do you think the Wor God hos summoned us here todoy for?”

“Why else? The return of Moryono is delightful news for Chino's mortiol orts world. Of course, they'll

hove to hold o bonquet to welcome her bock. I heord thot Moryono is extremely powerful now. A few

doys ogo, Moryono went to Western Epeo for o fight with the foreign oncient titons to kill Chu Qition ot

Seine River. After thot, the Mortiol Arts Security Council releosed the Empyreon Ronking. There's only

one person from Chino on thot leoderboord, ond thot is Moryono, Mu Zihuo.”

The people continued discussing os they went up the mountoin, ond they were oll tolking obout Mu


Although it hod only been o few doys since Mu Zihuo returned, she hod been the focus of people's

ottention the entire time.

Since she hod gone to Western Epeo to hunt down Chu Tionqi with Asuro, Odin, ond the others to sove

the citizens of Boykeep, the Mortiol Arts Security Council mode o new leoderboord obove the Sky

Ronking nomed Empyreon Ronking to thonk the elderly worriors for their octs of heroism.

The ones who were on the boord were unrivoled fighters who were obove god reolm mosters.

Furthermore, there were only five people on the boord, ond the only person on it who wos from Chino

wos Mu Zihuo.

In other words, occording to the internotionol ronkings, Mu Zihuo wos more powerful thon Ye Qingtion.

Nevertheless, there were people with differing views.

“I think there's onother reoson for this bonquet todoy. Chino's mortiol orts world is woiting to be revived

now thot Wor God Costle hos been rebuilt. Moreover, currently, there's olso onother orgonizotion

besides Wor God Costle—Drogon God Holl. Other thon the pillors of Chino, we hove Chu Tionfon os

well. Soy, who do you think will be representing Chino's mortiol orts world in the future? Wor God

Costle, or Drogon God Holl? Who do you think will be the mortiol orts leoder of Chino? The five pillors

of Chino, or Chu Tionfon? This town is too smoll for the two of them...” soid on elderly mon in the


At the top of Mount Yan in China, the flags were up, and the sounds of drums reverberated in the area.

“I agree with you. I can't seem to get a clear picture of our country's current martial arts world.”

Many nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, the current situation in China's martial arts world was a confusing one.

Even those who had been through many catastrophes were having trouble figuring out what was going

to happen next.

Initially, after Dragon God Hall's victorious defense of Mount Yunding led by Ye Fan, everyone in the

martial arts world thought that Chu Tianfan would be the ruler of the martial arts world.

Moreover, they were certain that Dragon God Hall would take over as the official representative of

China's martial arts world.

However, what happened next was something no one saw coming.

First of all, the International Martial Arts Union started settling the score with Dragon God Hall in public.

Then, the Martial Arts Security Council announced to the public that Dragon God Hall was an illegal

organization and demanded its dissolution.

Even though the Martial Arts Security Council was forced to relent later on, after the crisis of Chu

Tianqi was resolved, Jared and the others retracted their previous apology statement and continued

demanding Dragon God Hall accept the Martial Arts Security Council's previous decision.

It was clear that the existence of Dragon God Hall was at stake.

It did not help that Chu Tianfan had gone off the radar recently.

The accumulation of the matters made the reputation of Chu Tianfan and Dragon God Hall far weaker

than before.

At the same time, War God Castle had re-established itself in China and continued using Mount Yan, a

sacred land for martial arts in China, as their territory.

They also continued to join international conferences as the official representative of China's martial

arts world.

Everything seemed to have returned to its original state.

Like a shooting star, the once-brilliant Dragon God Hall was gradually disappearing from the people's

line of sight after shining brightly.

“Stop making random guesses. The banquet's about to begin. We'll soon know what the future

developments of China's martial arts world are and who the martial arts leader will be. This land must

not go without a leader. They'll have to give us an answer soon, right? They'll have to let us martial

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artists know who we're going to serve under.”

As the sun crawled to the top of the sky, the various esteemed guests and martial artists took their


Everyone was waiting for the start of the banquet.

Li Er, Chen Ao, and the others were there, and of course, among the guests were Zhang Jiuling, the

representative of Jiangbei's martial arts world, and Lu Ziming.

“Mr. Li, I heard that you've followed the Unrivalled Grandmaster the longest among everyone. You must

know where the Unrivalled Grandmaster has gone, right? Why isn't there any news about him for such

a long time?”

Some curious people had started asking Li Er about Ye Fan before the banquet even began.

Li Er smiled and proudly said, “Mr. Chu is a respectable figure. Who am I to know where he has gone

to? But I'm guessing that Mr. Chu must have been enlightened in certain ways after the battle, so he

has gone to a quiet place for solitary training. When he leaves his training, I'm sure he'll shock the

world again.”

“Is that so? I'll look forward to his reappearance, then. The Unrivalled Grandmaster is from China. The

more glorious he is, the prouder we Chinese martial artists can be,” the people said as they chuckled


Right then, a one-eyed man walked out and scoffed.

“Ha! Are you really believing in this old fool's rubbish? If Chu Tianfan has truly gone into solitary

training, why did he bring along all of the members of Dragon God Hall? Honestly, I think he fled. After

all, he is a sinful man who has killed so many martial artists across the globe. Moreover, he tried to take

Chu Sect's treasures for himself. In the end, he enraged everyone. Are you saying that you'd be proud

of someone like him? He's nothing but a humiliation to the country!”

Before Li Er could say anything, Zhang Jiuling, who was beside him, snapped, “How dare you say that?

Mr. Chu saved the world and protected our country! Who do you think you are to insult him?”

Right as a fight was about to break out, rumbling noises sounded out.

It was deafening sounds—the sounds of firecrackers going off and musical instruments being played.

As the loud music went on, the pillars of China stepped out and appeared on the stage.

The one standing frontmost was War God Ye Qingtian.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am China's War God, Ye Qingtian. Today, I have gathered you all here for no

other reason but to celebrate our victorious defense of the country. The Chu Sect has been annihilated,

and China's martial arts world remains! While we celebrate our survival, we should also remind

ourselves of those who had passed on and those who contributed to the victory. Therefore, please

raise your glasses to a toast. The first toast is to the Unrivalled Grandmaster, Chu Tianfan.”

Ye Qingtian lifted his glass and turned around to face Chu Tianfan's towering bronze statue.

“To the Unrivalled Grandmaster!” the people beneath the stage yelled as they lifted their glasses to

toast to Ye Fan's statue.

He was worthy of their respect.

After all, if not for Ye Fan, how many who were present at the banquet would still be there?

Li Er, Chen Ao, and the others were there, and of course, among the guests were Zhang Jiuling, the

representative of Jiangbei's martial arts world, and Lu Ziming.