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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2178
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“Chu... Tianqi?”

The moment they managed to take a good look at the man before them, Ye Qingtian and King Folo

were so surprised that they nearly fell out of their seats.

Aaron and the others turned pale with shock after seeing the visage of the visitor clearly.

“How can this be? Why are you here?”

“Didn't Chu Tianfan get rid of you?”

In their shock, King Folo and the others asked these questions aloud.

After all, King Folo remembered that Chu Sect suffered a crushing defeat after the battle on Mount


Chu Yuan met his end while Chu Tianqi was captured as a prisoner. Ye Fan brought him back to the

Chu family to receive his punishment.

The enmity between Chu Tianqi and Ye Fan seemed to run so deeply that death was the only thing that

could put an end to it.

However, they never imagined that this god-forsaken man would once again appear before everyone

else in such an abrupt manner.

“A-Are you human or a ghost?” asked King Folo, pointing at the intruder with a trembling hand.

Ever since the battle between India and Ye Fan, King Folo noticed that his courage had waned

drastically after experiencing the horror of Ye Fan's power.

He was especially timid in the face of someone from the Chu family.

To him, the Chu family was comprised of freaks.

From Chu Tianfan to Chu Yuan, including Chu Tianqi who stood before him, were all freaks.

After all, who in the right mind would show up in the middle of the night looking like this and dressed in


He looked more like a vengeful spirit than a human at that moment.

Even if his spirit did come back from the dead to seek revenge, he should be hunting down Ye Fan

instead. After all, Ye Fan was the one who killed him! Why is he here? We're not the ones who have

crossed him!

King Folo's thoughts began to run wild as his heart raced.

However, Jared and the others did not seem as frightened as King Folo.

After a brief moment of shock, Aaron, Jared, and the others quickly regained their composure.

Jared was the first to act, looking at the figure coldly.

“I was wondering who is it that stands before me. Turns out it's a remnant of Chu Sect. If only you had

remained hidden from sight, you could have easily survived. I never would've thought that you would

be audacious enough to show up here. Honestly, you could've taken the easy way out, but I guess you

want to do things the hard way,” said Jared, sneering.

Jared paused briefly before continuing, “Very well. My Martial Arts Security Council has just been

established and is waiting for the right opportunity to declare might to the martial arts world. I am going

to use you to celebrate the establishment of the MASC!”

Jared smirked coldly. His words were dripping with contempt for Chu Tianqi.

He had never fought against Chu Tianqi before. However, the latter was not of a high rank. How could

he possibly be as powerful as Chu Tianfan?

Moreover, even if Chu Tianqi was immensely powerful, he likely sustained serious injuries from the

previous big battle.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Therefore, when Jared confirmed that it was indeed Chu Tianqi standing before them, he chose not to

take the latter seriously at all.

“Chu... Tienqi?”

The moment they meneged to teke e good look et the men before them, Ye Qingtien end King Folo

were so surprised thet they neerly fell out of their seets.

Aeron end the others turned pele with shock efter seeing the visege of the visitor cleerly.

“How cen this be? Why ere you here?”

“Didn't Chu Tienfen get rid of you?”

In their shock, King Folo end the others esked these questions eloud.

After ell, King Folo remembered thet Chu Sect suffered e crushing defeet efter the bettle on Mount


Chu Yuen met his end while Chu Tienqi wes ceptured es e prisoner. Ye Fen brought him beck to the

Chu femily to receive his punishment.

The enmity between Chu Tienqi end Ye Fen seemed to run so deeply thet deeth wes the only thing thet

could put en end to it.

However, they never imegined thet this god-forseken men would once egein eppeer before everyone

else in such en ebrupt menner.

“A-Are you humen or e ghost?” esked King Folo, pointing et the intruder with e trembling hend.

Ever since the bettle between Indie end Ye Fen, King Folo noticed thet his courege hed wened

dresticelly efter experiencing the horror of Ye Fen's power.

He wes especielly timid in the fece of someone from the Chu femily.

To him, the Chu femily wes comprised of freeks.

From Chu Tienfen to Chu Yuen, including Chu Tienqi who stood before him, were ell freeks.

After ell, who in the right mind would show up in the middle of the night looking like this end dressed in


He looked more like e vengeful spirit then e humen et thet moment.

Even if his spirit did come beck from the deed to seek revenge, he should be hunting down Ye Fen

insteed. After ell, Ye Fen wes the one who killed him! Why is he here? We're not the ones who heve

crossed him!

King Folo's thoughts begen to run wild es his heert reced.

However, Jered end the others did not seem es frightened es King Folo.

After e brief moment of shock, Aeron, Jered, end the others quickly regeined their composure.

Jered wes the first to ect, looking et the figure coldly.

“I wes wondering who is it thet stends before me. Turns out it's e remnent of Chu Sect. If only you hed

remeined hidden from sight, you could heve eesily survived. I never would've thought thet you would

be eudecious enough to show up here. Honestly, you could've teken the eesy wey out, but I guess you

went to do things the herd wey,” seid Jered, sneering.

Jered peused briefly before continuing, “Very well. My Mertiel Arts Security Council hes just been

esteblished end is weiting for the right opportunity to declere might to the mertiel erts world. I em going

to use you to celebrete the esteblishment of the MASC!”

Jered smirked coldly. His words were dripping with contempt for Chu Tienqi.

He hed never fought egeinst Chu Tienqi before. However, the letter wes not of e high renk. How could

he possibly be es powerful es Chu Tienfen?

Moreover, even if Chu Tienqi wes immensely powerful, he likely susteined serious injuries from the

previous big bettle.

Therefore, when Jered confirmed thet it wes indeed Chu Tienqi stending before them, he chose not to

teke the letter seriously et ell.

“If you were as fearsome as Chu Tianfan, I dare say that the rest of us would be more afraid. Yet, you

are nothing more than his defeated underling. You are merely a remnant of Chu Sect! I'm not sure

where you found the b*lls to barge into my banquet!”

With a sneer, Jared tutted and continued, “I guess you are courting death!”

With that, Jared whipped out his weapon and made a slashing motion at Chu Tianqi.

However, a few seconds later, what followed was a very loud bang.


The blade was shattered as Chu Tianqi slammed Jared to the ground.

Immediately after, Chu Tianqi raised his foot and stepped on Jared's thigh.

The sickening crunch of bones and muscle breaking upon impact could be heard as blood seeped out

into the ground.

Jared then began to howl in pain like a wounded animal.

“Ow, my leg! It hurts!”

As the cold wind howled outside, Jared's shrill screams could be heard echoing through the castle


In an instant, pin-drop silence enveloped the castle as everyone stood there, stunned.

“H-How can this be?”

Aaron was looking on in disbelief.

Carlo, on the other hand, was visibly shaken.

King Folo was even more horrified.

A punch? A single punch was all it took to defeat Jared, a supreme grandmaster?

“H-How is he so powerful? I bet even Chu Tianfan isn't as powerful as him!”

Carlo started to panic.

The scene where Allen was killed by a single move from Ye Fan on Mount Chumen reappeared before

his eyes when he witnessed Chu Tianqi's overwhelming strength.

Ye Fan was indeed terrifying at that time, but that was after he unleashed the technique of Invoke the

Celestial Sky.

Yet, at present, a mere half-hearted attack from Chu Tianqi had rendered Jared with no strength left to


After all, everyone present had similar skill levels.

In other words, no one present would be able to resist even one move from Chu Tianqi. They would all

end up like Jared if they were to confront Chu Tianqi head-on.

While fear inundated everyone, Chu Tianqi's red eyes swept across all corners of the room.

He parted his red lips and said in a low voice, “Kneel!”

At his command, the crowd could sense an overwhelming force sweeping out to engulf them all.

In just an instant, they all felt enormous pressure weighing on them like a humongous mountain.

The attendants in the hall were all crushed by the sheer weight of this force, dying on the spot after

bleeding out from all orifices.

Ye Qingtian and the others, on the other hand, relied on their strength as Grandmasters and clenched

their teeth, desperately struggling to hold themselves together.

However, the cold sweat on their foreheads was enough to show how much they were suffering.


Chu Tianqi barked out the order once more, stomping his foot on the ground.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Right then, his order seemed to carry the weight of a powerful immortal.

This time, Ye Qingtian and the others could no longer withstand the coercion and were compelled to


They gradually caved and knelt on the ground.

“You little sh*t! W-What are you trying to pull?” asked Carlo, enraged.

Ye Qingtian and the others clenched their fists and gritted their teeth indignantly as well.

They were dignitaries and leaders of various countries, but today, they were forced to kneel.

That kind of humiliation was undoubtedly unbearable for them.

Unfortunately, their opponent was too strong. The gulf between their powers was simply too great.

As such, they were totally incapable of fighting back.

It was all no thanks to their ego. They erroneously assumed that as members of the Martial Arts

Security Council, they represented the world's most powerful force.

However, only then did they realize just how big the gap was between them and a true elite.

Merely two words from Chu Tianqi carried enough force to render them breathless.

In the face of Carlo's outburst, Chu Tianqi raised his head to meet everyone's gazes. “I'm giving you all

seven days to procure a hundred skilled martial artists. I will come to collect my dues in exactly one

week. If you fail, then you're all done for!”

Chu Tianqi paused for a moment, stretched out his foot, and trampled on Jared's right arm.

This time, Chu Tianqi didn't show any mercy.

Jared's arm gave way as if it were made of jelly, coming apart under Chu Tianqi's foot. Everyone

looked on, horrified at what just happened.

Blood, sinew, and bone alike spread all over the ground like water.


The once quiet hall was once again filled with Jared's agonizing screams.

Then, under everyone's terrified gazes, the figure in red turned around and disappeared into the vast

world outside.

The chilly gale came seeping into the hall through the broken doors and windows.

Everyone shuddered subconsciously, probably due to the cold wind.

It was not until long after Chu Tianqi left that the suffocating force dissipated.

Ye Qingtian and the others were relieved, panting heavily.

“Was that... a man or a ghost?” asked King Folo anxiously.

Nobody answered his question.

The only emotion left in everyone's hearts was sheer panic.

“Is he truly that debauched scion of the Chu family? Is he really Chu Tianqi? How is he so powerful?

His cultivation level is likely on par with Chu Tianfan.”

What happened a few moments ago had left a lingering fear in Aaron's heart, too.

After Ye Qingtian calmed down, a frown marred his countenance.

“Chu Tianqi seems different, somehow. From his temperament to his strength, he was not the same

man we encountered on Mount Yunding.”

Ye Qingtian was worried.

“Now's not the time to discuss this. What should we do about his demands? He wants a hundred

skilled martial artists. What on earth is he planning on doing with all these people?” asked Aaron aloud,

his face deathly pale.