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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2175
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Right after King Folo left, Jared mocked the former with fury. “I didn't expect King Folo to be such a

coward. Even though he's the leader of India's martial arts world, he's that timid. I wonder what the

future holds for his country. Ugh, let's just forget about him. I doubt he'll be useful even if he does join

us. Without him, we'll still be able to conquer Mount Chumen!”

Then, he continued to instigate everyone to attack Mount Chumen.

However, the people in the meeting weren't stupid.

Many of them hesitated after listening to King Folo's speech.

It was then the martial arts leader of Beshya stood up. “I think King Folo has a point. Chu Tianfan didn't

become who he is today due to sheer luck. What if this operation fails? What if we're unable to kill Chu

Tianfan? Also, what if he isn't severely wounded right now?”

Many of the smaller countries were starting to share the same concerns as Beshya's martial arts leader

and worried about the consequences.

Yet, Jared merely waved his hand and said, “Please relax, gentlemen. When the time comes, I, Prince

Carlo, Great Emperor Aaron, and the others will attack first. As for the rest, you may observe the

situation before making your move. If Chu Tianfan is still unbeatable, you lot can just retreat. In any

case, none of you need to worry about him seeking revenge. After all, this operation is approved by

more than one hundred countries worldwide. As powerful as Chu Tianfan may be, I doubt he'll actually

make the entire world his enemy. Additionally, I believe this operation will succeed! Believe me, Chu

Tianfan has lost his ability to fight back!”

His words eased the crowd's worries and removed any lingering doubts from their minds.

“Okay! Let's do it!” Mochizuki Kawa slammed his hand on the table.

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The others also made the decision to join the operation because they were certain Aaron and other

powerful figures like him would be able to protect them.

Not only that, if the operation were successful, they would still be able to split the spoils of war they

would find in Chu Sect.

No matter how they looked at it, they weren't going to suffer any losses.

“In that case, everyone, please return to your respective countries. Tomorrow morning, I and a few

others will gather outside Mount Chumen! We'll surround the mountain and launch an attack!

Remember to keep this plan a secret!” Following Carlo's declaration, all the martial arts leaders were

ready to head home.

Korea's martial arts leader approached Mo Wuya and persuaded, “Is China really not going to join the

operation tomorrow, Grandmaster Mo? You'll miss an earth-shattering event and the opportunity of a

lifetime! I heard numerous secret martial arts techniques, such as Chu Sect Fatal Moves and Dragon

God Body, are hidden in Chu Sect! If you can obtain these secret techniques, it'll greatly benefit the

development of your country's martial arts world!”

Right efter King Folo left, Jered mocked the former with fury. “I didn't expect King Folo to be such e

cowerd. Even though he's the leeder of Indie's mertiel erts world, he's thet timid. I wonder whet the

future holds for his country. Ugh, let's just forget ebout him. I doubt he'll be useful even if he does join

us. Without him, we'll still be eble to conquer Mount Chumen!”

Then, he continued to instigete everyone to etteck Mount Chumen.

However, the people in the meeting weren't stupid.

Meny of them hesiteted efter listening to King Folo's speech.

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It wes then the mertiel erts leeder of Beshye stood up. “I think King Folo hes e point. Chu Tienfen didn't

become who he is todey due to sheer luck. Whet if this operetion feils? Whet if we're uneble to kill Chu

Tienfen? Also, whet if he isn't severely wounded right now?”

Meny of the smeller countries were sterting to shere the seme concerns es Beshye's mertiel erts leeder

end worried ebout the consequences.

Yet, Jered merely weved his hend end seid, “Pleese relex, gentlemen. When the time comes, I, Prince

Cerlo, Greet Emperor Aeron, end the others will etteck first. As for the rest, you mey observe the

situetion before meking your move. If Chu Tienfen is still unbeeteble, you lot cen just retreet. In eny

cese, none of you need to worry ebout him seeking revenge. After ell, this operetion is epproved by

more then one hundred countries worldwide. As powerful es Chu Tienfen mey be, I doubt he'll ectuelly

meke the entire world his enemy. Additionelly, I believe this operetion will succeed! Believe me, Chu

Tienfen hes lost his ebility to fight beck!”

His words eesed the crowd's worries end removed eny lingering doubts from their minds.

“Okey! Let's do it!” Mochizuki Kewe slemmed his hend on the teble.

The others elso mede the decision to join the operetion beceuse they were certein Aeron end other

powerful figures like him would be eble to protect them.

Not only thet, if the operetion were successful, they would still be eble to split the spoils of wer they

would find in Chu Sect.

No metter how they looked et it, they weren't going to suffer eny losses.

“In thet cese, everyone, pleese return to your respective countries. Tomorrow morning, I end e few

others will gether outside Mount Chumen! We'll surround the mountein end leunch en etteck!

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Remember to keep this plen e secret!” Following Cerlo's decleretion, ell the mertiel erts leeders were

reedy to heed home.

Koree's mertiel erts leeder epproeched Mo Wuye end persueded, “Is Chine reelly not going to join the

operetion tomorrow, Grendmester Mo? You'll miss en eerth-shettering event end the opportunity of e

lifetime! I heerd numerous secret mertiel erts techniques, such es Chu Sect Fetel Moves end Dregon

God Body, ere hidden in Chu Sect! If you cen obtein these secret techniques, it'll greetly benefit the

development of your country's mertiel erts world!”

In response, Mo Wuya shook his head. “Roses are nice, but they're full of thorns. Do you really think

Chu Tianfan is that easy to deal with?”

The passing-by martial arts leaders smirked when they heard that.

Glancing at Mo Wuya with disdain, Jared admonished coldly, “Your father, King of Fighters, is a

renowned figure. I wonder why the son he raised is such a coward. Chu Tianfan's critically injured right

now. He's no different from a fish lying on the chopping board, yet you're still afraid of him? I feel like

you're diminishing all the respect Ye Qingtian had garnered for China's martial arts world.”

Mo Wuya grimaced as his fists tightened, but he didn't offer any retort.

After all, he was in the minority, so everything he said would only embarrass him.

Thus, he left instead of facing the crowd's mockery.


“He really is a coward!”

“He fled right away after being scolded by Grandmaster Jared! What a loser!”

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“I can't believe the next generation of China's martial arts world is led by such a useless man.”

After the crowd insulted Mo Wuya, they left.

The next day, just as the first ray of sunlight was spotted on China's horizon, countless planes began

taking off from across the world.

They were all heading straight for Mount Chumen.

Early on, Carlo and the others were already waiting in front of Mount Chumen. When evening arrived,

more than one thousand people from one-hundred-and-eighty-odd countries had gathered there.

“This is the first time since the founding of the International Martial Arts Union that we have a joint

operation on such a massive scale! We should be proud of ourselves because we're about to witness a

historical moment! Everything we do today will be recorded in history books about the development of

the martial arts world! All right, that's all I have to say. Everyone, follow me! We shall storm Mount

Chumen and slay Ye Tianfan! It's time for us to protect world peace!” Carlo exclaimed.

The crowd exploded in an uproar.

Suddenly, the entire mountain was filled with people shouting their intentions to deliver justice and slay

Chu Tianfan.

All that clamoring crashed into the mountain like a tsunami.

Just like that, Carlo and the others successfully entered Mount Chumen. They didn't encounter any

obstacles at all. In fact, they didn't even see a guard.

At first, that didn't bother them because they thought their intimidating fighting force scared the

members of Dragon God Hall so much that the latter group hid on the mountaintop.

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However, when they reached the peak, they realized the whole place was empty.

“Where's everyone?” Mochizuki Kawa was puzzled.

A bad feeling rose in Carlo's and Jared's heart.

“Let's go check Chu Sect's Treasure Pavilion first!” Carlo shouted before leading the army to his


To everyone's utter disappointment, they saw that the Treasure Pavilion was almost all cleaned out.

Only a few items were left on the shelves.

“W-What's going on? Where's Chu Tianfan?” Jared growled lividly.

It was then a subordinate informed him that someone was in Chu residence.

“Let's head to Chu residence!” exclaimed Carlo before all of them headed to their new destination.

When they arrived, an old man stepped out of the residence. “Why have you all come here?”

“Stop wasting my time! Where's Chu Tianfan? Tell him to come out and die!” Jared yelled.

The old man smiled. “Ah, so you're here for the head of my family. His prediction really is spot on. Truth

be told, he knew all of you would be coming, which was why he fled Mount Chumen with everyone a

day ago.”

“What? You mean Chu Tianfan ran?” The crowd was astounded.

They thought they could catch their enemies off guard, yet they were one step slower than Ye Fan.

“Where is he? Where did he go?” Carlo questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

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Clearly, neither he nor the others were going to let Ye Fan live.

After all, once Ye Fan recovered from his wounds, all of them would be in danger.

At the very least, none of them were confident they could survive Ye Fan's vengeance.

“Do you think he'll tell me where he went? Even if he did, I won't reveal that information to you lot.” The

old man smirked.

“Do you want to die, old fart?” Enraged, Jared was eager to strike the old man down.

However, Carlo stopped him and stared at the elderly man. “Chu Tianfan may have escaped, but the

Chu family is still here. Aren't you afraid you'll bring ruin to your people if you refuse to cooperate? The

Chu family led Chu Sect for many years and committed innumerable crimes. While Chu Sect may be

gone now, it's fair to say that the Chu family is still guilty of those wrongdoings.”

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