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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2158
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While many were happy, some were worried.

As Ye Fan and his pals were celebrating their victory, the Chu Sect members were weeping over their


Once, they were immensely proud of being a member of Chu Sect. At that moment, only despair and

disappointment were visible on their faces.

From a distance, all of them seemed to be in anguish.

Chu Yuan's death was the equivalent of the sky falling for the members of Chu Sect.

However, to Ye Fan, killing Chu Yuan was only half of his revenge quest.

“Help me up, Lei.” Ye Fan's expression suddenly turned serious after he had rested for a while.

Once he was up, he turned around and approached Tang Yun.

Her life wasn't in danger, despite her blood-drenched clothes.

She was spacing out with a pale countenance, her gaze aimed at her master's corpse.

“It's time to fulfill your promise, Ms. Tang. I've defeated you, and now you must disband Chu Sect.” Ye

Fan's deep voice rang in her ears.

The moment the Chu Sect members heard that, they panicked.


“That's impossible!”

“We've sworn to never leave Chu Sect!”

“Don't you dare disband us, Chu Tianfan!”

“We will defend Chu Sect's honor to our last breath!”

Anderson and Chu Sect's other elders exclaimed adamantly with reddened eyes.

“That's right!”

“We'd rather die in battle than to leave Chu Sect!”

“We lived as a member of Chu Sect and will still be one even after death!”

Soon, the Chu Sect martial artists who were still alive responded similarly. Close to a thousand of them

clamored with gritted teeth, swearing they would live and die with Chu Sect.

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“Very well! All of you will get your wish!” Gaius roared furiously. “Many of my comrades died by Chu

Sect's hand! I can't wait to slaughter the lot of you! If you all want to die this badly, Dragon God Hall will

gladly fulfill your wish!”

Owen and the others were prepared to slaughter their enemies, too.

The other members of Dragon God Hall were also pretty pissed off.

To them, they didn't want Chu Sect to be disbanded.

After battling against Chu Sect for so many years, they were unwilling to lay their accumulated hatred

to rest unless their enemies were all dead. This was especially true for the Dragon Slayers, who had

been imprisoned by Chu Sect for nearly three years and tortured endlessly.

If they hadn't clung to the hope that their Dragon Master would come to rescue them, Gaius and the

other Dragon Slayers likely would've ended their lives in their prison.

Even though Chu Yuan was dead, his accomplices and the Chu Sect scum were still around.

Gaius and the others were stifling their anger. If not for Ye Fan's bet with Tang Yun, they would've

started cutting down their enemies.

After all, at that moment, Chu Yuan was dead, Tang Yun was defeated, the Demonic Duo had betrayed

the sect, and Chu Qitian had become a prisoner.

In other words, the only fighters left in Chu Sect were of no threat to them.

Dragon God Hall alone could wipe the rest of Chu Sect out without the help of Ye Fan.

That was why Gaius and the others were very happy the loyal dogs of Chu Sect were unwilling to


After they gathered a group of subordinates behind them, they were ready to charge forward and

massacre the Chu Sect members.

However, Ye Fan stopped them.

“Why are you blocking our path, Dragon Master? Please allow us to butcher all of those f*ckers! The

world has suffered enough under Chu Sect's rule! That group of scumbags deserves a thousand

deaths!” Gaius growled fiercely, his eyes filled with contempt.

However, Ye Fan didn't reply.

Instead, he continued to stare at Tang Yun, patiently waiting for her answer.

In the end, she revealed a miserable smile. “Congratulations, Chu Tianfan. You won. As you wish, Chu

Sect no longer exists from this day onward.”

No one knew how much it broke her heart to say that.

“Ms. Tang!”

“Ms. Tang!”

Anderson and the others wailed as tears poured down their faces.

They still wanted to change her mind and protect Chu Sect.

However, Tang Yun had made her decision.

Upon turning around, she faced the remaining survivors of Chu Sect.

Every one of them was covered in blood and wounds, yet their loyalty to Chu Sect and reverence for

Tang Yun remained unwavering.

They still wanted to fight for Chu Sect until their dying breath.

However, to Tang Yun, it was meaningless at that point. Even if we continue to fight, what's there left to

gain? Master is dead, and two of the Three Families of the Chu Sect have fallen to Ye Fan. The only

family left standing in the sect is the Tang family. It's impossible for a single family to continue

supporting the whole sect. Even if we do try, Chu Sect will only exist in name. Besides, with how things

have turned out, should we continue this battle, Chu Sect stands no chance of winning. Hundreds of

people will only die in vain. I can tell Ye Fan is helping Chu Sect and me with this bet. It's humiliating,

but the survivors of Chu Sect will live. I may need to sacrifice my dignity, but at the very least, I can

ensure the survival of my loyal followers.

After her train of thought ended there, she endured the pain in her body and stood.

The majesty and dignity she possessed when Chu Sect still reigned supreme reappeared on her cold

countenance. “I, Tang Yun, as your leader, hereby declare the dissolution of Chu Sect, effective

immediately! Survivors of the sect will return home and seclude themselves, never to step foot into the

martial arts world again. I'm glad to have met you all. From today onward, Chu Sect no longer exists,

and neither does its head. I hope everyone will have a bright future ahead!”

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Her sorrowful voice was heard across the entire mountaintop.

The Chu Sect members promptly kneeled before her and wept.

Their cries shook the land.

To Anderson and the others, Chu Sect was the place where they had lived and worked for their whole


In just a single night, they had lost their home.

Their grief couldn't possibly be described with words.

“I'd say we let them off the hook too easily.” Gaius and the others snorted coldly, still displeased.

However, with how things had turned out, they had no choice but to let the former Chu Sect members

go home.

As for Ye Qingtian, King Folo, and the other fighters from their generation, their feelings were pretty

complicated when they saw that.

Ye Qingtian uttered, “The Three Families of the Chu Sect was magnificent back then. At the height of

the sect's power, the top ten individuals on Sky Ranking were all from Chu Sect! They ruled the martial

arts world for nearly a thousand years. Who would've thought their empire would topple in one day? I

bet the previous heads of Chu Sect never thought the most powerful sect in the world would be taken

down by a twenty-something-year-old man!”

Everything was destined to end one day.

Even the most powerful sects would fall eventually.

As the wheel of history rolled by, the waves of time ultimately washed away Chu Sect, a sect that had

lasted for a thousand years.

Regardless of the struggles of heroes, the victories they achieved, or the defeats they suffered, the

world moved on all the same.

The mountains would still stand, and the sun would still rise from the east.

Despite that, their stories would continue to live on as people passed down their legends from one to


Finally, the long night had come to an end as sunlight peeked out from the eastern horizon.

Ye Qingtian gazed at the skyline. Despite how things had ended, he sighed.

Just as everyone thought the war had come to an end, Tang Yun, who was long dead inside, tried to kill

herself with a sword when no one was paying attention to her.