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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76: His Mysterious Fiancé Liam eventually left, even though he still found Eason hard to trust. Before he left, he repeated several times that | should let him know the moment | notice something is wrong with Eason and he'll fly to New York personally to helpmove out of this apartment.

I didn’t really pay attention to every word Liam said, because my full heart is hang up by the news Eason just told us.

...He is engaged, and about to get married? To whom? And when? A million questions are whizzing inside ofwhile | follow Eason upstairs, Stepping inside of the apartment, | notice that the dinner I left for him is still on the table, untouched.

Eason takes of his coat and throws it on the coachi. He turns back to me, green eyes plaring with a hint of anger, and snaps: “Why did you lie to | wis about to ask him about the entirement thing, but he beatson this and asks first Catchingoff guard.

aw what lie” “You said you couldn't have dinner withbecause cup at school, which clearly was a Histone is very accressive, as if | have done something unforgivable. | stand there embarrassed for a moment, and then start to feel irritated.

Yes | lied to him. But he also keptin the dark, didn’t he? For the whole t| thought he was only dating, he didn’t even bother to letknow that he was about to walk down the aisle with someone | don’t even know! So | shot back, “Yes | lied to you! But so what? You had lied tocountless times before, terrible lies! And I've forgiven you. Surely I'm allowed to do that once!” His face darkens, and he lapses into silence. For a moment, there're only heavy breathings from both of us and nobody says a word, | bite down my bottom lips, trying to fight back the sudden wave of sadness in my heart.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He is engaged. He is about to be someone else’s husband.

So many things have happened on him that | didn’t know of. This is the very first tthat I'm forced to realize that we've all gone too far to look back Eventually, he speaks up in a hoarse voice, “...you still blme for things I've done, don't you?” | take in a deep breath and quickly wipe the corner of my eyes, “Why does it matter Eason? Just ...don’l.” I'm still trapped in the splace | was three years ago, and yet he’s already moved on to his glamorous life.

should | blhim? Even if | do, there's nothing he could do about it.

He’s about to get married, nevertheless, “This is a mistake Eason,” | murmur. “I shouldn't stay here. | - | should go.” | turn to leave for my room, but he grabs my elbow from behind and forcesback. He stares atintensely, a vein popping on his lorehead.

“I didn’t ask you to leave,” he says sternly.

“But | want to go! OK? Seriously why do you want to keephere? You are engaged and about to get married! This-this is wrong!” “But why does it bother you so much? Huh?” he suddenly asks. His gaze is so sharp that I'm afraid that he might see through me. “You were perfectly fine with staying withbefore. What changed? Why do you care whether I'm getting married or not?” | can barely look at him. | struggle to break free but he’s not lettingto leave. My body is shaking under his firin grip, and | bet he can feel it.

“Natalia...” He suddenly calls my name, his voice deep and hoarse.

“Do you still...have feelings for me?” How dare he askine this? | know | should jump up and scolds at him the moment he asksthis. Or at least | should laugh at his face.

But feeling his hot palm touching my skin and his blazing eyes fixing on me, suddenly I'm at a loss for words. We stand there, so close to each other, like in the old days.

After a long while, | finally open my mouth and say weakly,”...No.” That doesn’t sound very affirmative So | quickly repeat again, “No | don’t. Don’t think too much of yourself.” He stares at me, the look on his face unreadable. | slightly quail beneath his look and look away.

Fortunately, he doesn’t pushany further.

“Well then,” he says releasing my arm. “If you don’t have any feelings for me, you should have no problem staying here. I'm only giving you a hand as your brother and your friend. Don’t over think it.” “I didn’t over-think it!” I snap.

He shrugs, “Fine. So are we good?” “Yes.” | reply stiffly.

He slightly narrows his eyes on me. A meaningful smile appears on his lips. “You still haven't congratulatedon my engagement yet.” Why does he have to be so cruel?! But | don’t want to appear weak in front of him. So I clench my fist and girt out through my teeth, “.Congratulation.” “Thank you.” He smiles, “Now I'm going to enjay that dinner you made me. Care to join me?” | march into my room without a word and slam the door close, shutting him outside.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| spend the rest of the tbefore Christmas to avoid Eason the best | can. | try to make my schedule tight, keeping my mind off the fact that he is engaged and about to get married. Luckily, my efforts get paid off and | finally find a new job and a new apartment. I'll start moving after Christmas.

I've been thinking if | should go back to Boston for Christmas, given the awkward circumstances betweenand Eason. But mom has been callingnon-stop and she promisedthat Eason wouldn't be at hduring Christmas. So | eventually caved in.

On the first day of my winter break, 1 pack a small suitcase and prepare to catch the 4-hours bus back to Boston.

Yet when | go into the living room, I'm surprised to see that Eason is standing hallway, sully dressed, with a car key in his hand. “Ready to go?” he asks me.

I look at him, perplexed. “What are you doing?” He flashesthe car key. “What does it look like?” You don’t need to driveto the bus station. | can take the subway.” He laughs, “No I'm not doing that. But I'm driving you to Boston.” “What?!” | gasp, shocked and irritated at the stime. Please tellyou are not coming back to Boston for Christmas!” “Yet | am. That’s my home. Where else am | supposed to go?” he picks up my suitcase and starts heading out.

“Hurry. Or we'll be late for dinner.” | chase behind his back, following him into the elevator and down to the garage. “But what about your girlfriend? Mom toldthat you were going to spend Christmas with her.” He looks at me, bemused. “My girlfriend?” “Yeah? The one | met in the restaurant? The one who gotfired?” | snap.

“Oh!” he laughs out. “Yes that was the plan. But we broke up.” ...What did he just say? “You broke up with your fiancé?” | ask, astounded.

“No she is not my fiancé. She is just my girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend to be precise,” he walks up to his car and opens the door for me. “Let's go. We have 4 hours ahead of us.” He just gavetoo much information to process. And | just realized that i never asked him to whom he is engaged to. “So, you are engaged, but you are also dating someone else?” | ask, while he drives us out of the garage. “Sort of,” says him with a shrug. “That's cheating!” argue sharply, “Aren't you ashamed of yourself?” Yet he doesn’t seem to mind my accusation. With his hands on the wheel and eyes straight ahead, he smiles, “I've never met my fiancé before. Don’t know what she looks like either. You can’t really cheal on someone you've never met before.” 1 That's even more absurd. “If you've never met her, wliy on earth are you engaged?” “My mother got into this. She always wantsto be engaged and to get married as soon as | graduate. | tried to fight her but...eventually | decide that it's better to let her have what she wants.” | know Ms. Griswold. She is a strong and aggressive woman, who won't give up until her wish is fulfilled. But...

“But this is your marriage!” | exclaim in disbelief. “You will spend the rest of your life with that woman. Don’t you think you should get to know her a little bit better before rushing into this?” “And that’s why I’m coming back to Boston this time, to finally get to know her under my mother’s supervision.

I'm not a fan of this arrangement, but...” He tails off. | turn my head to him and find his face dark and sulky. “But?” | ask carefully, involuntarily holding my breath. He shakes his head and laughs briefly in a self-deprecating way, “But | guess | don’t really care about it either. If I'm not marring the girl i love, | can marry whoever my mom wants.” My heart stops for a second. But before | ask any other questions, he has already changed the subject, “Music?” We both remain silence for the rest of the drive. And after 4 long hours, we finally arrive at Boston.

I look through the window and feel a nostalgic feeling rising in my heart. It's been 3 years and I'm finally back I'm so looking forward to meeting my mom, Mr. Rainirez and my friends, Alex, Katherine. and Eddie.. And most importantly, Eason’s mysterious fiancé.