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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54: Last Words “Great speech,” Zack sneers. “You guys done?” Eason’s voice becomes cold again, “I'll give you 30 seconds. State what you want.” “Ten million USD in traveler's checks. A car with full tank. No cops. And you must calone!” Zacks blurts out at once. “Then you can have your little whore back.” My heart sinks.

Oh my god. Ten million USD!!! Even if the Ramirez can gather that much money in a short amount of time, how will | ever be able to repay them? “How touching,” Eason says sardonically. “You talked about how your parents and sister were mistreated. But what now? You are going to abandon them and run away yourself?” Zack's jaw tenses and his face twists in anger.

“Do you want her back or not!” he snarls. “Because if not, | can have so much fun with her—" “One hour,” Eason cuts him off sharply. “And sendyour location now. One hour later, | want to see her safe and sound without a scratch. If you dare land a single hand on her, | promise you now, you will die miserably. | will have you skinned alive, chopped into pieces and feed to dogs. | will also make sure your families live in hell.

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Mark my words.” Zack shudders. | catch a spasm of fear flitted across his face.

He swallows hard before continuing, “Deal. If you getwhat you want, | have no reason to hurt her.” After hanging up the phone, he quickly sends out our location and then turns to me, his face surly.

“Well. Let's just wait for your prince charming to show up.” The next hour is a living hell.

Zack keeps pacing back and forth in the room, checking his phone regularly. | can tell his on edge. Threatening a Ramirez takes a lot of courage. He's putting everything he has at stake here.

But I'm glad that he has lost his interest in me. So | lie quietly on the floor, resting and wondering about things.

Has Eason told anyone about this yet? Has mom noticed that I'm missing? And how's her anniversary party going so far? | feel terrible that | can’t be at her side when she needsthe most.

And oh god... Ten million dollars??? That's freaking insane... Will Eason be able to get that money without drawing Mr. Ramirez's attention? And if Mr. Ramirez knows about this, is he willing to pay the ransom? I'm only his step-daughter. 1 My mind is a mess.

And yet, in spite of everything, | never doubt the fact that Eason will try everything he can to getback. | trust him. With all my heart.

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And all that’s left is to wait.

| don’t know how long it has been. Half an hour? Or a full hour maybe? Suddenly, Zack snaps his head towardsand growls, “he’s late!” My body tense up immediately. The frustration on his face is even more obvious, which is a bad sign.

| quickly sit up and move away from him slightly, “has it been an hour already?” “Yes! An hour and extra five minutes! He is fucking late!” Zack yells. My mind is spinning fast. | need to get him calm down first. “I know he's coming. But probably got caught up at the bank? It takes a long tto get that amount of money. So you have to have spatience...” “But he said it himself!” Zack roars frantically. “One fucking hour! And now he is late! Why! He won't come, right Natalia? He has called the police!” | bite my bottom lip. He doesn’t seem sane right now. “He won't. He will keep his promise, | swear. Just wait a little longer and—" “No! Stop tellingwhat to do! Bitch!” Zack strides over and dragsup from the ground roughly. | can feel his hand trembling. He is being eaten alive by fear and desperation. “This is a mistake. A huge fucking mistake,” he grunts in a crazy tone. | don’t know if he’s talking toor to himself. “What I'm | thinking? He obviously doesn’t care about you. You are only a whore he’s been fucking. Why did | get you? You—you are FUCKING USELESS!” | try to speak but he slapsagain, so hard that | cough out blood. He shouts to me, “Shut up! And move!” He pushesforward and forcesout through the door. When we are outside, | finally realize that we are at a mountain top cabinet. Judging by the view around, we are probably hundreds of miles away from the city. 1 At this very moment, | finally start to feel despair. ...Eason will never be able to make it on time. Zack pushesto the cliff. | take a quick peek downward and feel cold sweat trickling down my spine instantly. If | fall from here, they won't be able to find my body in full piece. Zack grabs my shoulder and forcesto stand on the edge.

The wine ruffles his hair and shows his bloodshot eyes, which is now fixed onfull of hatred.

“Any last words?” he grits out, | close my eyes in desperation. How did we cto this place? When | started dating him, he appears so normal.

He even seems like a gentleman. | used to dream about our future once, like going to the scollege, living in the scity and starting a family together sday. | never thought, not even for a single second, that one day | would die in his hands. How ironic.

“Is it really worth it?” | ask him with a trembling voice. “If you do this, you will beca murderer. Your life will be ruined. Stop now before it’s too late!” “No, you are wrong. My life had been ruined a long tago, ever since that Ramirez bastard walked all over me.” Then his grip on my shoulder gradually loosens. “Goodbye. Natalia.”