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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52: Kidnap Eason’s POV A spotlight hitsand people are turning their heads at my direction. | vaguely hear the host's voice coming from the distance, askingto take my dance partner and join the dancefloor.

“Eason!” mom grits beside my ear, pinching my arm. “Go invite the girl now. Or you will regret it later.” She is pushing me. | know if | say yes, | will becher puppet once again, which is exactly what she wants.

| take in a deep breath and pull myself free from her grasp, taking a step back.

“Mom,” | meet eyes with her. “I don’t care if she’s a princess or the daughter of the richest man on earth, | won't dance with her.” There is only one person | want to share my first dance with And she is not here.

“Don’t be stupid, Eason! As the Ramirez's heir, you have a responsibility to-" | cut her off, “Mom, stop fucking control me. | am the Ramirez's heir. Not you.” Her lips part slightly in shock. She's obviously astonished by my outrageous words. But | don’t give a damn. She can go nuts all she wants after the party. Right now, | have a more important thing to do.

Then, with everyone staring, 1 turn around and leave. | hear buzzing whispers behindbut so what? I can try to be a part of this party for her sake, but if she’s not here, | might as well just drop the act.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Right now, all guests and guests are gathered at the lawn, so everywhere else is deadly silent. | dash across the hall, going upstairs and break into her room.

No, she isn’t there.

A thousand crazy ideas whiz past my mind. My palms are sticky with cold sweat.

Where can she be? She is not answering my calls either. Did something bad happen? But this place is heavily secured since we have sreally important people on the guest list. So what could possibly happen to her? | take in a deep breath and try to calm myself down. She wanted to be alone when she leftso she must have gone to somewhere quiet | turn around and head back downstairs again. | check the kitchen first, then go to the backyard. | ask every staff that | run into.

But nothing. No one has seen her.

“Maybe Miss Moore had already left?” Our butler suggests. “I saw a few cars leaving earlier.” “No, impossible. She would have toldfirst,” | shake my head irritably. She promised to dance withon the party.

Or maybe...maybe she decided to break her promise. Nevertheless, she was seriously pissed when she leftbecause how my families had treated her.

Fuck. | silently curse them. All my relatives are a bunch of stupid fuckers.

Suddenly I hear two staffs whispering as they walk past me.

“...the delivery guy should have arrived a long tago. Where is he?” “No idea. His trolley was left in the parking lot. No one has seen him. How weird is that? Something occurs toin a split of second.

| snap my head back and grab one of them. The man is startled when he sees me.

“C-can | help you with anything sir?” he stutters.

‘Which delivery guy!” | snap, tightening my grip. “Where is he!” The butler comes in between us and tries to calmdown, “It’s nothing important. You don’t need worry about that, Mr. Ramirez.” “No, just fucking listen to me!” | grit out word by word.”-where did he leave his trolley?” ork Natalia’s POV | gradually wake up from a painful slumber.

| feel like my skull is being cut open by a chainsaw and my neck has been scattered into a thousand pieces.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You are awake.” A low and bleak voice rings from above my head and | snap my eyes open instantly.

This is a small and dimly lit room with almost no furniture. I’m lying on the damp floor with my hands tied up and there's a chair a few feet away from me. Someone is sitting on it right now.

It's Zack.

Suddenly, everything that happened before cback toat once.

“Are you fucking crazy?!” | yell, struggling to sit up from the ground. “What are you doing? Are you kidnapping me? If you think this is going to get you what you want, then you are-" He suddenly sprang out of his chair and start roaring to my face, “Shut up! SHUT UP!! You don’t tellwhat to do bitch! So just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” I've never seen him like this before. Like a crazy beast. It scares the shit out of me.

He clenches his fists and takes a step closer to me. | quickly move back with my butt and feet, but he launches forward and grabs a hand full of my hairs before | get away.

“No! L-let go of me!” | cry out in pain.

He forces my head up and lands a hot slap on my cheek, “You wish slut!” My vision becomes blur for a moment and something hot rushes out of my nose. It tooka second to realize that my nose is bleeding.

“Listen toyou fucking whore,” he squeezes my face. “You better wish the Ramirez is willing to paya shit load of money to get you out of here. Otherwise, you are going down with me!” The blood runs down into my mouth and I can’t even spare a hand to wipe it. This is probably the most awkward moment in my life.

Yet | don’t want to anger him further, so | soften my tone and say, “OK you can try calling Mr. Ramirez. But you better not be too greedy with the ransom. I'm only his stepdaughter.” To my surprise, a twisted, ugly smile appears on his face.

“Mr. Ramirez? Who said anything about calling the old one?” he sneers. “I called Eason Ramirez. Nevertheless, he’s the one fucking you right?” Previous Chapter