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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45: Heroic Behavior Her sharp green eyes fix on my face. Those eyes are just like Eason’s, but they glint with an icy shine that makes the hair on my arms to stand up. “Do | know you?” she asks in a sharp tone, as if I've already offended her. | instantly regretted calling her. Hell, why can’t | just keep my mouth shut and quietly walk away? “Umm...” under her perching gaze, | gulp nervously before saying, “I'm Natalia. Natalia Moore. Maybe you didn’t remember but-" “Oh,” she raises her brow. “Right, Natalia.” She studies me, from head to toe, as if she’s examining a livestock.

The way she looks atis so arrogant and condescending that | can’t say I'm not embarrassed at all. “I'll bring over your water Ms. Griswold,” | say hastily trying to get her to stop looking. “Wait,” she raises a hand. “Do you work here?” “Yes.” “But why?” she leans back squinting at me. “You and your mom don’t really need the money, right? Since...you have Shawn now.” | instantly understand the implication behind her words. She’s implying that my mom stole Mr. Ramirez from her and that makes mom a shameless gold-digger.

But | know that isn’t the case at all. When mom met Mr. Ramirez, his first marriage was already on the verge of falling apart. Ms. Griswold stayed abroad most of the year and the only reason they were still married was because of slegal issues. As soon as they sorted out the division of assets, they filed for divorce instantly.

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And that’s when mom started dating Mr. Ramirez for the first time.

Sure, mom picked up the bad, upper-class mindset after she married to Mr. Ramirez, but | know she didn’t marry him solely because of his money.

So how can Caroline Griswold accuse mom of her own failed marriage.

| grip on the tray, trying to sound as calm as | can manage, “I'm saving up for college on my own.” | emphasis the last few words. “By working in a coffee shop?” a faint smile appears on her lips. “You need to take a few extra shifts to cover the tuition.” | puff my chest and look straight into her eyes, “Thanks for the advice. Now if there's nothing else, I'll leave you to it.” “Actually there is,” she says in a forceful tone. “You are not busy, are you? Sit down and tellmore about the anniversary party.” “There are other customers waiting for me. So if you'll excuse me-" “Oh dear,” she smiles looking atwith an almost pitying expression on her face. “You are a waitress at a coffee house. How busy can you be?” | grind my teeth and scowl at her. And right at this moment, the door opens behindand Eason walks into the meeting room. I've suspected that she’s meeting someone here, but | didn’t know it was him.

Now it makeswant to escape this room even more. “Where have you been?” Ms. Griswold turns to him. “You were gone for a long time.” “I had to take a call,” Eason pulls a chair and sits down. “Hey Nat. Didn't know you are on call today.” Didn't know my ass. It’s obvious that he asked his mom to meet him here.

“So as | was saying, when do you think is a good tto-" “Mom, I'll stop you right here,” Eason interrupts her without hesitation. “I'm not meeting the girl you setup with. End of discussion.” What? I'm startled by the information | just received. Ms. Griswold is asking him to meet a girl? His marriage partner perhaps? | knew this day would eventually come...but so soon? | instantly feel a surge of mixed emotions. It’s really none of my business since we've already broken up. But | just can’t stop myself from picturing the girl in my head. What's she like? | bet she must be elegant and beautiful, and she must cfrom a well-off family. She and Eason will make a lovely couple for sure. | blink and try to fight back those jealous dark feelings.

Ms. Griswold’s voice turns cold immediately, “End of discussion? Eason, where's your manner? You better givea very good reason for this. I'm not asking you to marry her tomorrow, only for you to take her to the anniversary party.” “I have no interest in being your puppy,” Eason sneers. | almost admire him for standing up to Ms. Griswold like this.

“Plus, | already have a date for the party,” he announces calmly. “And may | ask whom that is?” his mom narrows her eyes dangerously. A bed feeling crosses my mind and | instantly want to escape the scene. But before | can do that, Eason points a finger atand says, “I'm going to the party with Nat.” | feel hard to breath, as the way Ms. Griswold looking atis absolutely terrifying. “You are out of your mind, young man,” Ms. Griswold snap.

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“What are you thinking? Going to the party with her? She is nothing more than a—" “She is dad’s stepdaughter. She's my sister. And most importantly, she is my friend. | bet I'll have a much better twith her at the party than with sstrange girls that I've never met before.” With that said, he stands up from his seat and casts his eyes down on his mom's angry face.” And don’t insult her in front of me. She doesn’t need to tolerate your bad temper.” What he did was crazy...but so cool. | am still processing everything that just happened and the next second he walks over to and takes my hand, “let's go.” Then he simply dragsout of the room and leaves his mom alone in the room.

| follow him all the way downstairs. He's going to takeout of the coffee house, but | stop abruptly “Wait,” | frown. “What was that?” “What was what?” he turns back to face me.

“Are you usingagain to irritate your mom?” | ask, a little suspicious.

His face drops instantly, “No. Why do you always assthe worst of me?” “Umm...because you have a history?” | cross my arms in front of my chest. “Otherwise, why do you have to meet her here? You know | work here.” He sighs deeply, “I wanted to see you, OK? You were avoidingall the time.

And” “And?” | hold my breath involuntarily. His green eyes lock with mine, “And | want you to be my date to the anniversary party.”