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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41: Ex-wife It's like a bucket of ice water being poured down my head. My whole body goes cold. | finally realize this: Eason was waiting for this chance all along. He never supportedof getting this job. But he also perfectly well that if he asksto turn it down, I'd never agree. So he waits for everyone to be present and then spill it out. That way mom and Mr. Ramirez can be the bad guy for him.

That manipulative, cold blooded bastard! I'm so damn mad. | feel like I've been played.

“Nat?” mom urges me, waiting anxiously for my answer. | take in a deep breath, “yeah that’s true.” The scar has been ripped open already. No need to cover it further.

“What? Why!” mom tightens her grip on the napkin till her knuckles go white. “What made you believe that you need to get a part-tjob? Do you need money?” Yes | need money! | want to scream at her. | need the money to go to college and start my own damn life, so that | don’t need to becstrophy wives who live on allowance like she does! But those thoughts are just too harsh. And our family lawyer is here, and | can’t embarrass mom in front of him.

So after a long pause, | simply spit out a few words, “Yeah | need money. And | want to make them myself.” Mom sucks in a sharp inhale as if she has heard something absurd. “Natalia,” Mr. Ramirez joins our awkward conversation. “If you want a job, you are welcto do a paid internship at my company. It'll also help your resume.” “Thank you sir, but I'm fine with my current job,” | say dryly, trying to sound as respectful as possible.

Eason, who's sitting right across me, suddenly leans forward his upper body. His eyes gleam with a very familiar light that | now recognize it as evil. He givesa cold smile before saying, “Nat, and who set you up with this coffee house job again?” My heart literally stops. | want to pick up the knife and stab it into his smug face.

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“I found it myself,” | snap. “Oh | don’t think that’s the case at all,” Eason says icily. “It was Alex, right? He gave you the interview and put you in danger.” “What? Are you fucking out of your mind? How dare you accuse Alex— ” | yell.

“Alex?” mom gasps. “Your boyfriend?” Eason snorts, “Yes her boyfriend, who by the way seems to have zero concern about Nat's safety.” | smack my hand down on to the table before jumping up to my feet. That's it. I've had it enough. All the accusation, manipulation and betrayal.

“So you wonder who givesthis job? Yes it's Alex. Because he actually cares about my circumstances and wants to provide a solution, unlike someone who says he’s proud ofbeing a strong woman but acts the complete opposite! You are a fucking hypocrite Eason Ramirez!” The room goes dead silent as everyone wears the smask of shock. Eason’s face falls, his green eyes burning with fury. There's one second that | thought he was going to jump up and slap me, but he just sits there and eyescoldly in a very condescending way.

“Sorry, now if you will excuse me.” | grit out and leave the table. | storm out of the dining room, head upstairs and go into my room directly. It’s hard to believe that we were kissing and having sex just a few hours ago. But this is our relationship-bumpy, hard and toxic. The good moment is always fleeting, and we spend most of the tcursing and hating each other.

| sit on my bed absent-minded.

Maybe, | thought, maybe he'd cupstairs and apologize? I'm not sure if I'll forgive him but | definitely want him to explain everything to me.

But no.

| wait anxiously for a long time. No one showed up at my door.

Maybe he’s done with me. Or maybe he simply doesn’t give a fuck of how | feel. Sadness and angry surge up inas | take out my phone and text him. (Maybe we should take a break.] (This is too much.) | click “send” spur of the moment and immediately regret it. It’s stupid to break up over something like this since we've overcso much together.

Yet I'm also curious of how he'd react to this. So | sit there holding my phone, waiting for his reply.

And another hour passes. Nothing.

Eventually, I'm forced to realize that he won't textback ever. The phone slips through my fingers and drops to the ground as | bury my face into my palms.

ork The next few days have been hell forbecause | haven't heard back from him since. No texts, no calls, and he doesn’t even show up at the townhouse again. My self-esteem preventsfrom contacting him first, but | sure spend a lot of tstaring at my phone screen hoping magic can happen and he can call me.

I'm pathetic.

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He's the evil asshole but why I'm the one suffering? The only fortunate thing is that mom and Mr. Ramirez weren't affected by my . One day later, they are back to being sweet and loving again. I'm a little envy of how great they are together With their anniversary approaching, mom goes crazy shopping again. On the next Saturday morning, she dragsto a fitting. I'm not interested in such things at all, but since my so called “boyfriend” is ignoring me, | have nothing else to do.

“...so for the color palette of the party I'm thinking white and beige. | wanted to go with rosily pink, but | was also afraid that people would call it cheesy. So basically | want to stay on the safe side. So do you have anything appropriate to wear sweetie?...Nat are you listening? Natalia!” I'm whipped back to reality, realizing that I'm staring at my phone again. Mom is standing on a platform in her newly made evening gown with three designers measuring her at the stime. She pouts staring at me, apparently upset by my distraction. “You look very beautiful, mom.” It’s a compliment but also the truth. She's the most attractive woman I've ever seen.

She smiles and turns to those designers, “can you bring over the collection again? | think my daughter needs something as well.” “No mom I'm fine!” | immediately decline. Those tailored clothes are shockingly expensive.

But those designers simply smile and nod, then leave the VIP lounge.

Mom walks down the platform and comes to sit with me. She studies my face and then asks,” everything fine sweetie?” “Yeah of course.” “But something is on your mind, right?” her almond-shape eyes fix on my face. “I think it has something to do with your boyfriend? With Alex?” It does have something to do with my boyfriend. But not Alex.

“Listen, | don’t want to tell you whom you should date. But do you really think Alex is a good choice? | mean | liked that boy before, but this part-tjob thing really changed my mind about him-" “Mom! That's enough!” | snap, “How cyou all blhim for this? He's only doinga favor! He did nothing wrong!” “I'm not blaming him. But your top priority is college application and school. You need a boyfriend who understands that. If he’s from one of those families that need him to do part tjobs to afford college, then | don’t think he’s the right choice for you...” Gosh. How can she say that? She was a smalltown girl herself! Did she totally forget that after she married a billionaire? “One more word. Then I'm out of here,” | mumble grumpily.

“OK fine,” mom spreads her hands. “Well since you won't share you worries with me, I'll share one myself.” I wait in silence, not sure if | want to hear it.

She signs again as unease flashes through her eyes, “Shawn's ex will cto our anniversary party.” I hold my breath involuntarily, “Wait, do you mean-" “Yes. Shawn's ex-wife. Eason’s mother.”