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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39: Scheming When we walk into the study, Mr. Ramirez is already expecting us. He seems calm but | still can’t help but feel edgy.

Mom walks in with us and closes the door behind her. She sits down next to me, her lips pressed firmly together, and she seems just as nervous as | am.

“Eason,” Mr. Ramirez turns his eyes toward his son, his voice deep and stern. “I just received a phone call from the hospital. They said that the boy is suffering a server head concussion, internal bleeding, and his rib is broken.

Do you have anything to say about this?” I inhale quietly. This is even worse than I thought.

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Yet Eason doesn’t seem to care at all. He lets out a cold sneer and crosses his legs, “serves that bastard just right.” BANG! Mr. Ramirez hits the table surface really hard with his hand. I almost cry out in fear but quickly stifle my voice. | cower in my chair, keeping my eyes down.

| know Mr. Ramirez is an intimidating person. Yet I've never seen him lost his temper like this before. Now | understand why he is both feared and respected by many people.

“Eason, do you think this is skind of joke?” Mr. Ramirez stands up looking straight at his son. His face holds a frightening trace of anger that makeshold my breath involuntarily.” Is this how you solve all kinds of problems? To beat someone to near death right on the street in front of everyone's eyes? Is this how a Ramirez react facing crisis?” “Of course not,” Eason replies coldly. “Because beating the shit out of him isn’t enough. | want to see him destroyed, academically, socially, and permanently.” My heart has jumped to my throat. Before | can stop myself, I've blurted out, “No! Eason stop, This isn’t your fault.” “Natalia!” mom immediately interrupts shootinga warning glare. “Don’t.” But | don’t care. | gather all my courage and look at Mr. Ramirez before saying, “Zack cat me. Because- because he said his family is going bankrupt because of the Ramirez. And he wanted to talk to you, but | refused him...Eason didn’t do anything wrong! He was just protecting me.” | can’t be the coward here and let Eason take all the blames.

Mom widens her eyes and gasps, “what are you saying? His family is broke because of us?” then she snaps her head towards Mr. Ramirez and asks sharply. “Are you aware of this, Shawn?” Mr. Ramirez frowns and remains quiet. Yet his silence speaks for everything. Mom's face tenses and her eyes blazing with anger. She's always been super protectiveand this tis no exception.

“What were you thinking? Don’t tellyou didn’t know Nat's relationship with that boy! Do you know that all of your business decisions may and will affect my daughter? How can you make such a reckless move and put Nat in danger! She is not a Ramirez. So she doesn’t need to carry the risk!” “Mom...” | say uneasily.

Mr. Ramirez narrows his eyes at us. I'm so afraid that he will take it on mom. But after a short while, he simply sits back to his seat and turns his eyes to Eason, “maybe we should hear this from you, son.” ...What? I'm totally baffled by the situation. Eason sits in his chair quietly. His face carries the scalm expression the entire tand | can’t figure out what he is thinking. After a long deathly silent, Eason finally looks up to mom and says, “I'm sorry, Mrs. Ramirez. It was me. | advised father to take down Zack's family in the first place. | apologize for dragging Nat into danger.” My mind went blank.

No...this is ridiculous. How can Eason be the one? We haven't even started college. Who gives him the right to make any business call? Yet even though everything seems hard to believe. Eason is nevertheless the one and only Ramirez's heir. He apparently possesses more power than | thought.

“He advised me. And after putting sthoughts into it, | think it's a real good move. Brilliant tactic,” Mr.

Ramirez stares at Eason. “I thought you gave that advice based on logic. Yet it seems that it's not the case at all.

Care to tell us why now?” Eason exhales and shrugs, “That piece of shit treats Nat like trash. | want to see him pay. End of story.” Mom seems speechless as well. She falls back into her chair, her eyes roaming towardsfor help. Yet I'm still in a trance myself.

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| mean...how long did he plan this?? And why didn’t he say anything before? | know he’s only doing this forand probably he just didn’t want to brag about it, but it still scaresa little. His scheming, and the fact that he’s able to destroy someone's life so easily...all these scare me.

I sit in my chair, rigid with shock and fear, unable to say anything at the moment.

“But father,” Eason breaks the silence, his tone very calm as if he has anticipated everyone's reaction. “You'll have to admit that was a good move, business wise. And I'm sure Nat can forgive my recklessness.” He turns to me, smiling, “right Nat?” Everyone's eyes are on me, waiting forto response. Yet what can | say? Nevertheless, he did everything for me. “Of course,” | avoid his gaze and look down, saying in a low voice. “You didn’t see the danger coming either... | don’t blyou.” “Fine,” mom says harshly, strengthening up from her seat. “But Shawn, | still need to talk to you about this.” Mr. Ramirez signs and then turns to us, “Nat can you take Eason out and help him with his ripped knuckle? Your mom, David and | will take care of the rest.” We both nod and exit the room. When the door is closed behind us, | immediately hear mom's rage-filled voice coming from inside. | bet she is still super pissed about how Eason involvedinto their business rivals.

It's already so close to their anniversary. Hope nothing happens before that.

“Hey.” Eason suddenly takes my hand and dragsdown the hallway. He leadsinto his room, closing the door behind him and pullinginto his arms. “Now you can tell the truth,” he whispers besides my ear, his hot breath on my earlobe. “Are you mad?” | take in a deep breath and try to keep my mind sharp, “How long have you been plotting things against Zack?” “Since the first t| met him,” his long fingers play with a lock of my hair, making it harder forto concentrate on what he’s saying, “I couldn’t stand the way he treated you. And apparently, throwing a glass of water onto his face wasn’t enough. Sorry, | didn’t think he has the nerve to cback to you again.” My heart swells. So doesn’t it mean that, even when he gavea hard ton everything, he was actually looking out forbehind my back? That's...kind of sweet.

“Wait,” | suddenly realize something and pushes him away slightly, squinting at him. “So you already started to likeat that tright? Even though you were acting like an asshole on the outside, you did have feelings foron the inside!” Eason raises his eyebrows, givinga meaningful smile. “Aren't you a little genius,” he says and lowers his head to nibble my neck. | giggle wrapping my arms around his neck and kiss him, “So how about you takeout again tomorrow? To that Secret Garden that you mentioned? | only have one crazy ex so no one will cin the way again, | promise.” He chuckles, “I like that idea. Though we are not going to the Secret Garden.” “Why not? If you've planned it out already-" “Can we talk about this later?” he interruptsand slips his hand into my shorts. “I've always wanted to fuck you in this room.” | gasp in shock, “No! They are just down the hall -” “They won't finish in slong hours,” he catches my lips murmuring under his breath.” And these walls are soundproofed.” | still want to say no. But when his hand comes down between my thighs, | totally forget what | was going to say.