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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35: A Wild Guess My whole body tenses up immediately at his words.

About Eason? Why?

Did he find out about us???

Now that I think of it, we aren’t very careful about hiding our tracks. There is evidence everywhere: like

yesterday, like that one time in the restaurant with my mom…

I gulp and force out a smile, trying to sweep it under the rug, “but they are still waiting for us outside.

Maybe some other time-”

I want to escape the scene so bad.

But before I can stand up, Alex puts his hand on my shoulder and forces me back. I’ve never seen him

like this before. “You will want to hear this Nat,” he says sternly. I gulp as cold sweat starts to form on

my forehead. Oh god, he is definitely on to us. What’s he going to say? Is he going to judge me for

sleeping with my stepbrother? Is he going to tell my parents, my friends or everyone at school? If I beg

him, will he keep the secret? My mind is a mess when suddenly I hear Alex says

“I think Eason is plotting something against you.” I blink and stare at him blankly, as my mind

processing his words.

A moment of silence later, I burst into laughter.

“What Eason?” I wave my hand laughing. “No…you must be mistaken.”

His brow furrows. Apparently, he’s not so pleased about my reaction.

“Nat, hear me out, ok?” he puts both of his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to face him,

his eyes flashing brightly. “Your brother-well, stepbrother-is not a very good person. I’m not saying this

to make him look bad…it’s how I really feel. I’ve always sensed something was wrong about him, but I

couldn’t quite put my fingers on what it was.” “Till last night, I found out about something.” His

seriousness affects me, and my smile gradually faints away. All his words sound ridiculous to my ears,

but I still can’t help but ask, “…you find out about what?”

“Remember yesterday you went out to find him? The storm was like hell, so we were all worried.

Katherine suggested we should call the police and everyone else agreed…except for Jarnes. And he

said something really weird.”

“…what did he say?”

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“He said…” Alex pauses and then continues in a low voice. “… ‘don’t worry. Eason has it all under


I slightly part my lips and look back at him blankly.

…Eason has it all under control?

What’s that supposed to mean?

Alex looks at my puzzled face and says hastily, “you think it’s weird too right? Like he knows that Eason

would be OK. Like they’ve plotted for him to go swimming under this weather, and they’ve plotted for

you to find him!”

…no way.

My back falls on the sofa’s back as I keep staring at him with a stunned look on my face.

His accusation is…outrageous!

But every time I think Alex must be crazy, a voice in my mind starts to ask me back-then why did

James say that?

After a long silence, I finally open my mouth.

“But…” I clear my throat and ask dryly. “But why would he do that? Why would he plot anything against

me? What’s in it for him?”

Alex shakes his head, “I don’t know. But…just a wild guess: maybe he’s doing this for the inheritance?

with you back in the picture now, maybe he’s worried that you might stole his money in the future.”

Is he suggesting that Eason wants to trick me into the storm and has me killed?

I meant to laugh because it sounds so freaking ridiculous.

But my lips only twitch slightly and form an ugly smile.

“No. That can’t be it,” I stutter. “Me and my mom have no interest and no rights to the Ramirez’s money.

He knows that.”

But does he? I ask myself. I also used to think that he was treating me so horribly because he’s afraid

that I might steal his money. Yet that also makes no sense. If he only thinks of me as a gold-digger, why

did he sleep with me? Why did he say that he loves me and asks me to be his girlfriend? I sit there with

a million thoughts whizzing through my mind. “Hey,” Alex lowers his voice. “My point is, be careful with

him. These rich people would do any ugly shit for money. You have no idea.”

I inhale deeply and nod.

He doesn’t know the real relationship between me and Eason. So he has no idea that things are even

more complicated than it seems.

Alex studies my face and frowns, “You ok? I’ll keep an eye for you just in case–”

A voicer suddenly appears behind our back right at this moment, “Keep an eye for what?”

Alex and I both jerk around and find the entrance door is wide open. Eason is standing beside the door,

narrowing his eyes at us.

When did he get in?! A chill runs down my spine and the hairs on my arms literally stand up. After what

Alex just told me, I am horrified to see him sneaking up on us like that. Alex takes in a deep breath and

averts his eyes, “nothing. We were just talking about how dangerous last night was.”

Eason curves his lips and steps in, “No need to worry. We are both safe and sound.”

I remain silent. Alex shrugs and stands up, “Fine. I’ll head out first. Nat, don’t forget what we just said.”

He walks pass Eason and leaves through the door. Eason stares at his back till he disappears, and

then turns back at me.

A smile appears on his lips as he walks over towards me and sits on the sofa. He touches my ankle,

“does it hurt babe?”

“Not really.” My mind is still on what Alex said.

“So…” he gently rubs my ankle and asks casually. “What were you guys talking about?”

“Nothing,” I reply quickly. Eason raises his brows, apparently not buying my words. But I’m not in the

mood to talk about it either. I need some time alone to think

“Let’s head out,” I struggle to stand up, trying to keep a straight face. “I’ve smelled the barbecue

already.” He signed. But fortunately, he doesn’t keep pressing me. He lowers his body and gestures me

to climb up his back, “Come. I’ll carry you out. Can’t let you twist your ankle again.”

The rest of the weekend flies by and everyone had a great time. We enjoyed a seafood feast on the

beach, watched sunrise the next morning and sail out into the sea taking Eason’s boat. The guys even

caught a giant fish.

But my mind was on something else the entire time.

I kept thinking about Alex’s words and wonder if his accusation stands on any solid ground. It’s crazy to

accuse someone-my boyfriend to be precise-of something so horrible based on one single sentence.

But I just can’t shake off the suspicion. Guess parts of me never trusted Eason. On Sunday afternoon,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

we all pack up our luggage and ready to leave. Katherine’s car and Eason’s M8 are parked outside.

I carry my bag walking towards Katherine’s car. But right after I open the passenger door, a

hand coming from my back pushes the door closed again. I snap my head around and find it’s Eason.

He takes my bag forcefully and announces to everyone else, “you guys can go. Nat will ride with me.”

I widen my eyes. My first reaction was to say no since I’m not ready to face him yet.

“But I don’t

Before I can even finish my sentence, he grabs my wrist and drags me to his car. He basically shoves

me into the passenger seat and slams the door shut. It all happens too fast. The next minute he has

already gotten in the car and started the engine.

Before the car drives away, I catch a glimpse of Alex’s worried face.

The sports car exits the parking lot and roars down the road. I grab my seatbelt and asks in a strained

voice, “can you please slow down?”

“OK,” he keeps his eyes straight ahead and says. “But first you have to let me know what’s wrong with

you for the past two days.” “Nothing…” “Don’t fucking play dumb with me Nat!” he suddenly snaps and

startles me. “You’ve been acting so fucking weird after you talked to Alex! What the hell did he say to

you?!” He caught me off guard. I didn’t know he’d confront me like this. Suddenly my mind goes blank

and my tongue twists.

And he is still speeding up as I struggle with my words. The wind wooshes by. The view outside the

window becomes blur because of the speed. My heart jumps to my throat before I finally cave in and

screams, “Slow down! Fine! I’ll tell you!”

He snorts and hits the break. The car finally comes back to normal speed. I pant roughly trying to catch

my breath while my heart is still beating wildly. Fear grips my throat making it difficult to breath.

And suddenly I find my eyes become glossy. Damn. I didn’t know I’m such a cry baby before I met him.

He takes a casual look at me and suddenly freezes. From my watery vision, I see his eyes widen

slightly as a shocking expression takes over his face. “Nat why are you-fuck. Don’t cry babe. I—I’m


He turns the wheel and pulls over the car. Then he quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over,

holding me in his arms. My tears break out. He pats me and shushes me beside my ears, like I’m a

three-years-old. “Hey, what’s going on?” he asks softly, pressing his lips on my forehead. “Was it

because of the speed? I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again. I don’t want to make you cry…Fuck…I

just want to know what you are thinking…”

I sob and keep quiet. My mind is clouded. Should I tell him the truth? Or not?