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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28: Beach House

Eason’s POV

The annoying noise wakes me up from my sleep. I groan opening my eyes. It takes me a few seconds

to realize that the persistent noise is coming from my phone. I grab it and take the call, saying in a

raspy sleep filled voice. “This better be urgent.” “Hey man. Having fun last night?” James chuckles. I

slowly sit up from my messy bed, rubbing my forehead and letting memories from last night gradually

come back to me. We were having a wild party. I remember taking tequila shots and having some

random girls slipping their tongues down my mouth. I look around and find only myself on the bed. She

probably took off after the party “I’m hanging up,” I snap. “No no no wait! You don’t want to miss this,”

James raises his voice. “It’s about Natalia.”

I was reaching over for the glass of water on my nightstand. And suddenly my hand pauses. Her name

is like a wake-up call to my hangover. My mind clears up immediately. “What about her?” I ask and

immediately regret it. “No forget it. I don’t want to know.” “You sure? What about your epic plan of

winning her heart and body? You’re giving that up?”

I drag my steps going into the living room while pinching the middle of my brows. “I fucked her once.

That’s it. She’s too difficult to be dealt with. Not worthy of my time.”

I still remember the look on her face the morning after we slept together. It’s like she had already

regretted the whole thing. That look pisses me off every time I think of it.

James bursts into laughter on the other end of the phone.

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“Really? You guys slept already? And she dumped you immediately after? Fuck. Sorry man but I’ve got

to ask…did you do something wrong?” “Are you fucking crazy?” I snap. “Go fuck yourself. I’m hanging

up now.” I’m pulling the phone away from my ear, but his voice rushes out from the speaker, “She is

going to the beach house with Alex!” My heart skips a beat.

She fucking what??

Before I realize, I’m back on the phone again. “What the fuck did you say?” “I’m telling you man. You

are losing this one. I heard them talking about it during lunch break. It’s true. She’s going to the beach

house with Alex during this weekend.” I clench the phone with rage burns up in me like flames. Alex?

She’s going out with Alex? Traveling together is a huge step and she’s ready to take that step in just

two weeks?

…Has she become his girlfriend already?

I curse and give the dumpster a hard kick, running my fingers through my hairs. Fucking Alex with his

smug face and straightened shirt. I know she loves his type. Even her mother loves his type. The

straight-A, president of the student union type.

A million of dark ideas surge up in me. I close my eyes for a second and let myself calm down. When I

open my eyes again, I ask James, “where is this beach house?” James gives me an address and

laughs. “So you are back on board again?” “Yeah.”

I wanted to let her go. It’s a stupid game anyway. But she picked the wrong guy. I’m not losing her to

that fucking Alex. “Now we are talking! So what’s your plan then?” “My original plan,” I sit down on the

sofa with elbows resting on my knees. “My dad and that woman are celebrating their third anniversary

in less two months. On the anniversary night, here comes the grand reveal.” 1 “Ouch that hurts! You

are getting back at her big times! To be fair though, she doesn’t deserve all these you know?” A surge

of irritation passes through me. I don’t like to be reminded about what happened between me and her

three years ago. But I hated it even more when she came back this time pretending nothing has

happened. In my opinion, she deserves this. Every single bit. “Which side are you on?”

James chuckles, “You have to ask? Two months is a tight schedule. Are you certain that she can fall in

love with you in such a short time?”

I lapse into silence. When it comes to her, nothing is for certain.

“I have an idea,” James announces eagerly. “If you play it right, she’ll be back in your arms at the end

of this weekend.”


Natalia’s POV

On Friday night, we drove to Katherine’s beach house as planned. Alex is in charge of the wheel as I

sit next to him upfront. Katherine and Edie take up the back seat. They are having a huge debate over

a film I’ve never heard of. I lean on the seat looking at the scenery outside the window. Dusk is

approaching. As we drive down the coastal highway, streaks of light fall on the cliffs and the sea. The

evening sky is filled with gold-and-red-tinted clouds of sunset. It’s a breathtaking view.

Suddenly the window is rolled down, letting the warm summer breeze to gush in. I look around and find

Alex smiling at me. He then turns on the radio. A country music is on the play.

I love how thoughtful he is. So I lay back on my seat and close my eyes, quietly enjoying the wind and

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the music.

Maybe this trip isn’t a bad idea at all.

We arrive at our destination a little pass by 7p.m.

There’s a row of villas by the coast and Katherine’s uncle’s beach house is one of them. Each house

has its own private beach. It’s the perfect place for a little getaway.

When Alex pulls over in front of the beach house, Katherine leans over and asks, “my uncle has called

the butler to clean up the house. But do you guys want to grab something to eat first? I checked the

weather report and it’s going to rain tonight. I hate to come out again later in the middle of the rain.”

“Yeah sure,” I take out my phone. “Let me see if there’s an open restaurant nearby.” I’m on my phone

when suddenly a bright flashlight pierces through the dark night and shines directly onto our faces. It’s

so glaringly bright! The car coming towards us definitely has its high beam on. We all cover our eyes as

Edie murmurs in the back. “What a jerk.” I peek through my fingers and catch sight of a sport car

hurtling towards us. I’m not familiar with fancy cars but I know it’s a BMW M8. I’m only able to

recognize it because Eason has the same car. Suddenly panic seizes my heart as if I’ve foreseen

what’s coming towards me. The M8 makes a sharp stop right next to us. The passenger door flies

open, and James jumps out of the car. He bends down and greets us cheerfully, “hey guys!” All of us

are shocked beyond words. I stiffly turn around my head and look pass the car window. Through the

opening door, I see Eason sitting in the driver’s seat, his hand still resting on the wheel. Gradually, he

looks up and locks eyes with me. Those beautiful green eyes are so dark right now that they almost

appear pitch black. I take in a quick inhale involuntarily. The look on his face sends a chill down my
