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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Then, she drank the champagne and set the glass down on the table.

“What is this…!”

Lady Aiden blushed and stared at her and the gloves that had fallen on the floor alternately.

“You don’t know what throwing gloves mean?”

Saying so, Elysia smiled and walked over to Jane’s side. She heard remarks that were too insulting to just pass by. Meanwhile, the ladies around them began to gossip with bewildered faces. It was because a red mark remained on Lady Aiden’s face as Cassian’s gloves hit her face exactly.

“Lady Aiden. You must know that today is a very special day for the Crown Prince.”

The nobles gradually began to gather around the commotion.

Although they watched the situation with interest, there didn’t seem to be any intention of stopping or interfering.

Often, when there was a quarrel between the ladies at a banquet, the lords would come forward and throw gloves on their behalf.

However, as the Duchess threw a glove, it wouldn’t look so good. Originally, instead of throwing gloves, she would have to give harsh verbal instruction, but she owed a lot of debt to Lady Aiden.

“When there are so many delegations from other countries, it is impossible for me to let His Highness go up in such a rumor.”

Lady Aiden said with a sullen face.

“What do you mean by rumor? When did I…!”

“One night, weighing this man and that man. One of those men was even mentioned as the Crown Prince.”

She didn’t have to justify throwing the glove as an insult to her.

Bringing in Revos would make the job easier. The next moment, Elysia walked over to Lady Aiden and spoke in a low voice only she could hear.

“I heard you were a wizard. Let me teach you a few things as a senior.”

She could see Lady Aiden’s face hardening. Since She did not reveal that she was a wizard, she seemed shocked that Elysia knew. It was like telling who raided her carriage today, so maybe that was a shock to her, too.

Elysia again distanced herself from Lady Aiden.

“It would be better to break the evil habit of instigating young ladies and spreading false rumors.”

She knew there was no point in pretending to be noble, and that she would gain nothing. Fighting with words would only inflate rumors, so wouldn’t it be better to let them know that if they play around with her, they will be ruined…?

In fact, she did it believing that Cassian would take care of anything she did. She trusted her father, she trusted her husband — Duke Esteban — and she trusted her mentor, Ramote.

Jane took a step forward and replied.

“I will do the duel for you.”

Instead of stopping her, Jane became even more fussy because she was going to a duel instead.

Turning her head, she saw Cassian approaching. The high-ranking nobles who had been talking to him were also approaching behind Revos, who followed him.

“What kind of fuss is this?”

It was the voice with the Crown Prince’s dignity, but Elysia snorted inside. She criticized him that he left Jane alone in the social world when he was in love with her, though he actually understood…?

Revos took turns looking at Jane and Lady Aiden. To have trouble with Lady Aiden, who was attending as Levos’ partner today, it might seem like he was taking her side. But when he saw Jane, his eyes fluttered incessantly. It seemed that it was certain it was both sides.

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As Elysia clicked her tongue, Cassian wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in.

“Wife, we can’t have a duel in the banquet hall, so let’s go.”

“Shall we?”

As Cassian did not stop her, but rather made the situation worse, Lady Aiden frowned. She grabbed her cheek that was thrown a glove at. She was seen turning her head towards Revos, with tears in her eyes in an instant.

Elysia raised the corners of her mouth and gently stretched her arm out, and pushed Jane’s back to Revos’ direction.


Jane’s body staggered at the unexpected strength, and Revos hurriedly embraced her.

Calling her by her first name, not Lady.

Elysia took the lead before Lady Aiden burst into tears. Then, she lowered her eyebrows and gazed up at Cassian. He could see the tears welling up in Elysia’s eyes, and he sharply gritted her teeth. Even though he knew it was a fake, somehow, he gave a bloody reaction.

Reaching out to her, Cassian wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Wife. Tell me what’s going on.”

“Lady Aiden was making low-key remarks referring to the Crown Prince, so I couldn’t pass it up as her senior.”

A few young ladies who had watched everything from the beginning looked like they were going to throw their gloves anyway, but Elysia said brazenly.

“She was talking about you and me as if you were going to get a new wife…”

When she heard it, Elysia said how could she stay still, and she buried her face in his arms.

The next moment, Cassian looked at his gloves which had fallen to the floor, and Lady Aiden. The surroundings became quiet with the cold eyes. It felt as if everyone was listening to him, waiting to say the next word. He stared at Lady Aiden and tilted his head.

“You can take someone and ask for a favor, or you can send an escort instead. You have to choose wisely to deal with me.”

Jane came to her senses late in Revos’ arms and opened her mouth.

“Duke, the conversation has already ended, I will enter the duel on behalf of the Madam.”

“I threw my gloves, so I must come forward.”

Jane spoke in a firm voice, and she grabbed Revos’ hand.

“No. It started with the story of the Crown Prince, so it is right for me to step forward.”

Revos blushed with a bewildered look, but he didn’t reject it. Seeing him following what Jane was doing, it felt strange.

Revos, who snapped out belatedly at the situation that they were going to a duel, raised his hand and stopped the conversation.

“Today is a good day, so I’ll forgive it at this point. I will not tolerate any more fuss.”

‘Who do you want to forgive?’

Elysia swallowed the words she couldn’t utter and laid her head on Cassian’s arm.

When Revos gestured toward the servant, the stopped song started playing again.

Elysia reached out her hand to Jane and heard Revos’ voice requesting her dance, so she quietly raised her hand and rubbed her forearm. All attention was focused on Revos and Jane dancing, and the girls around Lady Aiden scattered while looking at her and Cassian.

She looked at Lady Aiden and smiled.

“Be careful on the way back, Lady.”

Saying so, she quickly turned her body before grabbing Cassian’s hand and pulling him away. Meanwhile, he looked in the direction of her steps and gave a small laugh while his hand wrapped around her back softly.

His gloves were already taken off as his bare hands touched her.

* * *

Their lips overlapped before the carriage could even depart.

They were able to get out of the banquet hall early because of the fuss, so it wasn’t bad. While Cassian sat Elysia on his own leg, his hard hands brushed against her soft flesh.

“Don’t cry.”

She was not crying yet. Maybe it’s a warning that she was going to soon…? At that, Elysia lifted her closed eyelids halfway up.


In response to her questioning gaze and answer, a shrill voice continued. It was about showing those false tears in the banquet hall. It may be tears, but it was not worthy enough, so she buried her face in his chest.

“It’s not really crying, you know.”

He grinned and kissed her neck and moved away. Elysia tried to push him down as his lips went down, steadily engraving traces.

“…Cassian. There are still two days of the banquet…”

The banquet did not end today, but two more days.

Originally, it was supposed to last for about three days. Although it was a short schedule because the Emperor’s health was not so good. The delegation would not return in two days but would stay a little longer.

“You don’t have to attend.”

Uttering that, Cassian’s hand reached into the hem of her dress. He seemed to be dissatisfied with not being able to take all her clothes off because he was in the carriage.



Elysia stared intently at him to see if he was lying.

It didn’t seem like a lie.

“If that’s the case.”

There was no reason to reject him, so she let him do what he did.

She could see Cassian, who laid her down with her skirt rolled up, firmly kissing her thigh. Elysia glanced around her, thinking that she was lying too comfortably in the carriage. Then, she remembered how confident Philip, the butler, was that she would be very pleased with the newly purchased carriage.

A sofa wide enough to do anything while lying down and a carriage with almost no noise from outside. Soundproofing seemed to have been taken care of as well…

She was somewhat embarrassed and buried her face in her palm.

“Don’t cover it.”

Cassian hurriedly grabbed both of her wrists, and she gazed at Cassian. It seemed that he was kind of grumpy.

“I wouldn’t do it in the carriage.”

Naturally, she thought he would be embarrassed, but instead, he pushed her clothes away and moved his fingers.

“You’re already like this?”

Wasn’t it because he was so diligent in touching me?

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Cassian pressed his fingers firmly.



Cassian smiled languidly and licked his lips with his tongue.

“If the wife doesn’t want it, I’ll hold on.”

But, why were his fingers still there then? Weren’t his words and actions different?

“You said you’ll hold on.”

“I think you want it here.”

He then rubbed the most sensitive areas.


The stimulation was too intense with his one persistent touch. Just before the escalating pleasure reached its end, his hand stopped.


“What do you want me to do?”

The sound of the buckle being released was heard.

Cassian grabbed her and led her to him. Contrary to the question he asked a while ago, she thought he would fill her in right away, but it wasn’t. She tried to lower her body as it only touched the tip, though Elysia couldn’t because Cassian was holding her waist tightly.

He smiled leisurely, lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

“Elysia. Tell me what you want.”


“I don’t know when you say that.”

Elysia reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. He wanted to hear such explicit words. Cassian seemed to be having a bit of revenge for her refusal to do it in the carriage, but he got something firmly wrong.

She uttered the words he wanted.

It was natural for his eyes to change at those words as he lowered one of her hands and took hold of something solid with bulging veins.


She also felt that he wanted to overlap his body with her right away. Still, he looked relaxed. Elysia wanted the relaxed smile to disappear from his face as soon as possible.

“Hurry up. You can’t take your eyes off me as if I’m the only one in this world…”

A hand that rested on his shoulder felt the power rushing into Cassian’s body.

She moved her hand slowly.

The sound of something hot rubbing against her body was unmistakable.

“No matter how much you’re in me, it’s not enough.”

He pressed down on his hand that was holding her by the waist. A groan burst out between her lips as she felt the tightness pushing in. Cassian clenched his teeth, resisting the desire to move his back in one shot.


He furrowed his brows.

Meanwhile, she slowly raised her back and grabbed his chin.

“I want to turn your eyes red like this and for you to react immediately even if I tighten it a little.”