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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86

Elysia turned her head in the direction she heard the voice.

The woman with a scarlet bob hair brushed and a slight frown on her brow was wearing the imperial knight’s uniform. She was Lady Silva, who she talked about with Ryan. Should she call her Dame Jane…?

Then, she came close to Jane and greeted her.

“Greetings Duchess. I am Jane Silva, the deputy commander of the 1st Knights.”

“I heard that you recently returned to the Empire. Nice to meet you.”

As Elysia raised the corner of her lips and smiled, Jane’s ears turned a little red. She shook her head for a moment, then bowed again to the Princess standing in front of her and spoke.

“Please, apologize for the ‘hey there’.”

Seeing the Princess wrinkling her face, Elysia raised the corners of her lips.

“Dame, I am fine. A Princess who came as a delegation without knowing the basic identities of the imperial nobles may make a mistake.”

The mistake was something she just had no idea what was going on.

“I beg your pardon?”

Jane bowed her head slightly and opened her mouth to the Princess again.

“I heard that she is looking for the Commander’s office, but you cannot enter unless you have a prior appointment.”

Both the Princess and her handmaiden had faces that could not hide their displeasure. The handmaiden looked at the Princess, and then she approached Jane and tried to open her mouth in a calm voice.

“Tell him a word for now.”

“It is impossible. Please, request a visit by letter first.”

Jane’s expressionless look and businesslike demeanor made Elysia glance at her with a curious gaze. She was curious as to whether her original personality was that or whether she was like that to show off to Elysia.

“I have to deliver a handwritten letter from the King.”

The Princess, citing the handwritten letter and saying it was very important, blushed. Seeing that, her brows furrowed with strength. Look at this, it seemed that even the Princess, who was here as the delegation, would flirt with her husband.

Elysia moved closer to the Princess. She bent her body slightly to meet the Princess’s gaze, who was shorter than her.

“Princess, are you aiming to be a concubine?”

The voice that followed slowly was so cold.

It was a far more rude question to ask than the Princess who had called her ‘hey.’ Perhaps, if the Princess had an escort, they would have thrown their gloves. Come to think of it, there were no knights escorting the Princess around. It looked like she had escaped her escort.

“If, if so…!”

Even though I was rude, the Princess could not easily speak.

Elysia placed her fan, which she was holding, under the Princess’ chin.

At that action, the Princess curled up the hem of her skirt, and her words became blurry.

“The Princess…of the Kingdom of Mordo is it.”

It was not like she thought something was going to happen.

The Princess was seen trembling with shame.

The Empire did not permit having more than one spouse. Whether it be male or female, except for the Emperor, nonetheless, that didn’t mean there was no concubine. Still, the concubine only lived in the same mansion, but she could not be officially named on the family list, and she could not socialize.

Despite that, now that the Princess was agreeing, wasn’t this amazing…?

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Elysia tapped the Princess’ shoulder with her fan and said.

“Stay still and then go back quietly. Wouldn’t it be better not to do things that would be disgraceful?”

“Even though I made a mistake by not recognizing you at first! It’s not too rude!”

Elysia raised the corners of her lip and twisted his body to open her mouth to Ryan, who was watching with wary eyes, alerting Jane.

“Let’s go in.”

Although they were on the same level, the Princess wouldn’t dare say anything to her. Elysia had no desire to be polite, and she had no reason to be. She paused her steps for a moment and turned her head to see Jane bowing her head to her.

Why did Jane research the maid for…? Just as Ryan saw her, she wondered if Jane should be the one to watch out for.

“First impressions aren’t that bad.”

Tapping her lips with her fan and tilting her head, Elysia opened her mouth as Ryan knew whom she was talking to.

“Let’s find out more.”

As she arrived in the hallway of the office, a familiar voice pierced her ears.


He was grabbing the doorknob as if he wanted to come out of the office.

Cassian seemed to be on his way. He seemed to be busy as well, and she was so depressed that she probably thought she got the wrong day.

“Where are you going?”

“Because it looks like you came.”

Cassian glanced at Ryan, then grabbed her hand and led her into the office. Elysia glanced at the window of the office with her eyes on how he knew.

“Did you hear that?”


Cassian gently stroked her back as if to soothe her. Seeing that no one was in the office, she placed the fan on his desk with a clattering sound.


It was a voice that was suppressed as though he was holding on to something.

Elysia gazed at him as if she was angry at him for calling her that way. She sat down on the chair and slid across the desk, avoiding the hand trying to grab her wrist.


A letter caught her eye that seemed to be what Cassian was looking at. There was what appeared to be her name on the letter, so she reached out, and Cassian grabbed the letter first. He put the letter behind him and spread his arms out.

“Come here.”

“What is that?”


“Show me it’s nothing.”

Elysia got her body up, which had been sitting, and walked closer to him. She gently rolled up the hem of her dress and shoved her legs between his legs. Then, she placed her hands on his waist and raised the corners of her lips crookedly.

“Show me.”


“Are you having an affair?”

Cassian looked at him as if it was unfair, as though there was no way he could do that. There obviously was her name on it, so why couldn’t he show it? She was sure it wasn’t a woman’s problem, though should she make fun of him for reacting like that?

“That’s how it turns out. This is it. All right, then.”

As she was about to pull back, Cassian grabbed her waist tightly.

“They asked me for permission.”


“The youngest prince wanted to be sent as your concubine, so they sent a letter to the first husband.”

…What was this nonsense?

Not understanding what he was saying, Elysia picked up her letter, which had been set behind him.

“Literally what it is.”

They sent the youngest prince to an envoy from a kingdom whose name was hazy, so they were asking Cassian’s permission to make him her concubine.

“Aren’t you supposed to ask me about this?”

The word may be to be the concubine, but in reality, wasn’t it a tactic of trying to rub against the family somehow?

It wasn’t that she didn’t understand. It was Duchy Lowell who made Revos Crown Prince, and it was Duchy Esteban who drove out the Empress and beat the noble watchman Marquisate Blanche. Standing at the pinnacle of power, everyone would be in a rush to open a line.

And, a prince…?

She had a question. Come to think of it, it was a Princess she met a while ago. For both Cassian and her to have this happen, made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

Cassian grabbed her waist and buried his face in her arms.

“Is there a lot of work left?”

“No, I was just about to go back.”

Elysia frowned as she glanced at the papers piled up on the desk.

She didn’t think so.

Seeing her like that, he gazed up at her with a languid look and smiled before stretching out his hand. He supported her from the side and threw her to the floor.

Cassian dug into her again.

“This is your office.”

…Also, the Imperial Palace.

“Huuh… Shall we go back together then?”

“Looks like there is some work left.”

Cassian smirked and clicked his tongue and let her go, “I only need to deal with urgent matters. It will be over soon.”

He smiled prettily as if he wanted her to wait for a moment.

“One hour?”

“It won’t take that long.”

“Then, I’ll go for a walk or something.”

“If you want to have a feast for your eyes, you’d better put up with it.”

It must have been because she had enjoyed watching the knights training in the training ground at the mansion in the past.

Damn, that was possible.

Thinking that, she shamelessly opened her mouth.

“Don’t worry, your body is the best.”

Elysia, seeing the playfulness disappear from Cassian’s face at those words, hurriedly avoided his touch and left the office. She saw the unexpected person she encountered as she left his office and widened her eyes.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It seemed like he had just come out of another office a little further away from Cassian’s office.

“Greetings Crown Prince.”

Revos looked at her and hardened his body, revealing his bewildered expression.

“Lad… No, Duchess. Long time no see.”


“I’m glad you seem to be doing well.”

“Your Highness looks good, too.”

Elysia answered in a dry voice, turning her gaze to where Revos came from.

Next to the door were Jane, the deputy commander of the First Knights, and the names of the knights who appeared to be in the ranks below her. He didn’t come all the way to see Cassian, though he met the deputy commander…?

“Would you like to walk for a while if it’s okay?”

She thought she was going for a walk, anyway.

Elysia glanced at Revos with narrowed eyes, wondering why he did that. Still, he didn’t look like he was particularly doing something. If Cassian found out, he didn’t seem to like it very much, so she was worried about it.

Revos seemed to notice her feelings and opened his mouth again.

“Just a moment is fine.”

“All right.”

Revos didn’t say anything until they went to the small backyard behind the Knights Order building.

He put the hand he was holding as an escort, he didn’t give any strength. Continuing to lick his lips, he was hesitating as if he had something to say. The thought of the still stuffy silence made her feel bad as she remembered her old thoughts. Elysia spoke first.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“At that time… I’m sorry.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He was apologizing for one or two things he was sorry about, though Revos didn’t expect her to understand. He let go of her hand and stopped walking.

The eyes looking at her were very serious.

“Everything I did at the last banquet, including what I did to you for six years.”

Before meeting Lumiere, she knew just how crazy he was. Even knowing that, she made him the Crown Prince, and it was her choice to keep him as a lover. If Revos dared to apologize to her, would it be because he forcibly kissed her at a banquet…?

He seemed to remember that as well, but isn’t it too late to apologize?

She wondered what it had to do with anything, whether the apology was sincere or not, whether it was made on time or late.

“Yes. I forgot everything, so don’t worry about it.”

Revos nodded his head with an unknown expression. There didn’t seem to be any regrets or any special emotions.

In fact, she had more questions than an apology.

“By the way, didn’t you come here because you have business to do?”

Although she had already seen him come out of Jane’s workplace, it was a question she pretended not to know.

He looked at her.

“I…I’ve already done my business.”

She saw Revos’ face blush.

Look at this?
