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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 121
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After Elysia did her best to relax, changed her clothes, and went back to her bedroom, she saw Cassian waiting on the sofa.

“A while ago, I—”

As she sat down as far away as possible, she glanced at him before finishing her words.

“I am sorry.”

“Huh? No, I pulled you.”

From awkwardness to silence.

Elysia wondered if she hadn’t been able to seduce someone like this before. Originally, she tended to rush without hesitation if there was something she wanted or liked. Though she was aggressive, even if it wasn’t necessarily an attack.

The thought alone was terrifying, but she knew that rejection would give her a lot of pain, so now, she felt like she was trying to protect herself.



“If there is anything you want to ask, ask now.”

She thought it would be good to see some reactions after she told him she was going to tell him everything.

Elysia leaned back and gazed at him.

The color of his eyebrows was dark between the straight forehead. His eyes, which gave off a languid atmosphere, drew a strange line. She was well aware of how hot the purple eyes she could see in there were.

If she bit those thick lips that looked exceptionally red and their breath got entangled…

…Oh, I’m going crazy.”


Muttering to herself, she then raised her body and moved closer to Cassian.

“Just once.”

In her half-down view, she could see his sharp jawline and neckline quivering. Elysia peered at him while holding his chin up. She didn’t even let go of her hand gripping his chin, and her patience snapped when she saw his blushing face.

“Sorry, I can’t stand it.”

Just like that, their lips met.

Like tickling, she rubbed her lips against his and ran her fingers through the nape of his neck, which stiffened.

“Lady… uhp.

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Calling her name, she dug in without missing the opening lips. As Cassian’s body scent spread throughout her mouth in an instant, a giddy, tingling excitement swept over her body. Only now did she realize that she had really met him.

Feeling him, her body seemed to lose control.

The mixing of his saliva and the rubbing of her tongue had a blatant meaning. Elysia’s hand, which had been stroking the nape of his neck as if to calm him down, dug into the inside of his jacket.

Even though it was not a very thick shirt, even that was not enough to feel Cassian.

Ah, Lady Elysia, wait a minute…”

She couldn’t allow even a moment of leisure.

As if he didn’t know what to do, his large hands wandered around her body and grabbed her by the waist. Elysia pushed her own leg between his legs and pressed her body against his. When she opened her eyes, which had been closed slowly, his eyes were wet.

Then, she parted her lips and kissed her lips against his eyes.


The smell of his body mixed with his excited breath was too tempting.

Elysia lowered her lips. Her lips, down his cheek, passed the line of his jaw, where she could feel the throbbing pulse.


Cassian, Cassian.

She called his name several times and kissed him. His hard body touched under his untied shirt was hot like a ball of fire, and Elysia struggled to come to her senses though she wanted to hug this hot body.

As she kissed him along the neckline, her mind became more and more distant.

‘Not now. Not yet…’

Elysia gritted her teeth and parted her lips to hold back, wanting to suck his blood. While she struggled to raise her head and take a step back, the hand holding her waist wouldn’t let go of her.

Cassian seemed unable to let go rather than unwilling to let go.

“…Don’t run away.”

It seemed that the eyes filled with boiling heat were tying her down. There was something that came to mind in the tone that even seemed desperate.

When she went to his bedroom, he would always grab her in his sleep and tell her not to go. It seemed to have a slightly different meaning now that the word ‘run away’ was attached to it, but she wondered if it meant not to run away from him.

“I’m not going.”

Elysia spoke in a soft voice. It was then that the hand that was holding her waist relaxed.


Cassian pursed his lips as if he was curious about the reason for the kiss, although he couldn’t finish his words.

Was it too much of a shock? Elysia bit her lip, blaming herself for not overcoming the urge for a moment. Still, she couldn’t take her eyes off the face looking up at her.

His bright eyes and lips, which had been breathing with her a moment ago, looked too appetizing. Seeing them, Elysia lifted her hand and pressed it to his lips, rubbing it as Cassian let out the breath he had been holding in and grabbed her wrist as she rubbed his lips.

“Who do you want to kiss?”

Elysia, who did not bite his finger, hesitated. Even though she didn’t think too deeply about it, she knew what it meant. He must be referring to that portrait.

She had to retrieve it.

Was she overreacting more than he expected? He said yesterday that he wasn’t the man in the portrait. Although she was happy with the jealousy, she wondered what kind of feelings he had for her. Perhaps, it was just an impulsive feeling while kissing him at this moment.

They didn’t really exchange hearts, so it was probably impulsive. Even though it was bittersweet, she also had hope.

“I wanted to do that to you.”

Elysia bowed her head and pressed her lips against his again.

Even after their lips fell, Cassian held onto her wrists and waist for a long time. He had a face that didn’t know what he was thinking. However, what was certain was that he could hear the sound of his heart beating like it was about to burst.

‘…Driving me crazy.’

Feeling that she wanted to put their lips together again, Elysia frowned at the sudden thought. Did Cassian feel that her heart was not beating right now? That also scared her a little. Even after a long time had passed, she could not help herself in front of him.

“I want to sit down.”

Saying that, she took his hand away from her.

Cassian let go, but he squeezed the hand that had been holding her wrist tightly. Elysia closed her mouth and looked at him, who was staring at her hand, which was clasped tightly. Was it because he was younger? He seemed to be asking for more.

‘Is he bigger? It seems like that.’

She kept her eyes on the collarbone that stretched out straight through the shirt she had untied or the bone of the chest that could be seen at a glance. As she stared blankly at him, Elysia beckoned him to come closer.

Cassian, who hesitated for a while, thought that he should just have to move his position and sit down. He dared to stand up and come forward.

Umm… is this the right thing to do?”

When she took it off, she couldn’t remember how she took it off. Elysia moved her hand to and fro and fastened all of the buttons.

“It’s still lewd…”

She didn’t like the height of his collar, which covered half of his neck, but she swallowed a gulp again at his well-groomed appearance.




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“…Did I say it out loud?”

Cassian turned his head to the side, covering his face with the back of his hand.

“Are you crazy? Why are you so cute?’

Her face flushed.

“Can I hold your hand?”

When she kissed him, there was not even a question though she was asking if she could hold his hand. Elysia let out a sigh and sneakily grabbed his finger.

But still, he gave no answer.

“I won’t hold it if you don’t like it.”

As she tried to let go, the fingers that she was holding twitched and came back with a firm grip on her hand.

“I don’t hate it.”

“You don’t like it?”

Elysia asked as she rubbed the back of his hand with her finger.

The habit that had been out for a long time was sending a subtle signal again…. these damn hands. Then, she waited patiently for his answer before she opened her mouth. It was a question she asked herself, but she didn’t want to ask for confirmation now.

“A meal? A walk? Or would you like some tea?”

“I came as an escort.”

It sounded like he would not go for a walk or a meal with her.

“That was an excuse. Or do you want me to treat you that way?”


“Yes, to meet you.”

When Elysia gazed up at him and smiled, Cassian looked like he couldn’t believe it. It must be a bit awkward. She thought so, too.

“Then, do you have any schedules at the Imperial Palace?”

“No. I’ll stay as long as I want to stay.”

Of course, she had to be with him as well.

Cassian nodded his head, perhaps understanding her meaning.

“I see.”
