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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 100
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Elysia grabbed Rania’s face and met her gaze. She herself had to know for sure how she got here.

…If she killed Rania here, would she herself be killed?

She wondered if the demon, who had not yet received the price of the contract, would let the contractor die. Even if Rania was saved, the question remained as to whether or not Rania could be locked in the temple and be restrained.

Would the demon appear in the temple? Could he come in?

Or, did she have to tell Rania to summon him now…?

Would it be dangerous? In addition, Der already chose her to be its master.

She told Rania confidently that Der’s master was her, so she would not be able to pay the price of the contract. However, if she was the owner, the demon could not take Der, or the contract with Der could be broken. Was there a way to break the contract, or would he kill her to take Der away…

Thoughts continued endlessly.

As long as there was no accurate information, she should not kill Rania blindly. For now, it would be better to erase her memory of seeing Der’s eyes first.


Rania groaned briefly and fainted as she fell asleep and fell to the floor. Elysia walked out of the parlor as Cassian, who was watching, hugged her softly. He then gave Bug a command, pointing to the inside of the parlor with a tilt.

“Put her on restraints for now.”


Bug moved faster when he saw the chilly atmosphere.

“You got yourself in a little trouble.”

“I’m sorry.”

Elysia saw him pour magic into the ring she was wearing, and smiled awkwardly.

Suddenly, the view of the bedroom came into view.

Cassian sat her on the bed and brought something to her. She licked her lips as she watched him wiping the bloodstains from her palm.

“You came early.”


“Are you angry?”

“I was worried. I was surprised that there was a barrier. It was only when I found out that you were fine that I felt a little relieved.”

After seeing what the parlor looked like, he got a little angry. Hearing his words, Elysia bowed her head and kissed his forehead, who was kneeling at her feet, examining the wounds on her palm.

“I couldn’t help it.”

“You didn’t stop this?”

She shut her mouth at the wounds on her palms and the sight of him alternately looking at her. A similar situation happened when Lumiere was in the annex before. It was even more annoying when she had promised to be careful back then.

“Rania Aiden was Elysia.”

Cassian raised his head and met her gaze.

“She’s the original Elysia.”

As Elysia told him everything she had heard from Rania, Cassian put a bandage on her palm as he listened to the story.

“Do you want me to release Lady Aiden?”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“You can’t just let her go. You know there’s more to do.”

“I know.”

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Cassian lifted her up and started glancing around to see if everything else was fine. Feeling guilty, she meekly let him do what he did.

“Then, I’ll have to discuss it with old man.”

Because Ramote was the only person who knew the relevant information.

Elysia shook her head, imagining what she would have been like if she hadn’t met Ramote. Even now, there were still so many questions though it was terrible.

“It would be better for Lady Aiden’s matter to be put on hold for a while until the Second Prince’s matter is finished.’

Cassian nodded.

“Wife, then you should eat.”


When he gazed at her bandaged hand, Elysia grinned and stretched out her arms, and hugged his neck.

“Are you not angry anymore?”

She gently pushed the collar of his shirt away and buried her face in the nape of his neck.

As she took a deep breath, she felt a dizzying scent. She wanted to eat him right away, so she tried to open her lips. Nonetheless, Cassian released her arm that was wrapped around his neck and widened the distance.

“Wait for me, I’ll wash up first.”

She grabbed his collar in a disgruntled voice.

“Then, you should have told me to eat after you washed up.”

Cassian smirked at her look. Perhaps, he was getting revenge for her hurting her palm now.

In the end, Elysia sat on the bed and looked at his back.

“Duchess, you can use this place.”

Elysia came to the room where she was staying at the temple as she was guided by the priest, and she turned around with a puzzled face. Meanwhile, Cassian spoke as he walked past the priest and entered the room with light steps.

“We can use one room.”

“Uh… The room the Duke will be using is the room next door. Joint rooms are not allowed inside the temple.”

The priest glanced at Cassian and lowered his eyes. At that, he raised a corner of his mouth and gave him a menacing look.

“Tell the high priest that I’m here for safety. Don’t forget that.”

The priest nodded his head even though he had a puzzled look at the incomprehensible words. Elysia watched the door close and she exhaled a long breath.

“We can just sleep separately.”

“It’s only for priests to not sleep in a joint room.”

Seeing that the priest immediately passed Cassian’s words, it seemed that they didn’t even expect that they would use a separate room anyway.

Not the priest, but Arbel.

Elysia crumpled her face as she looked at the all-white bedroom and the statue in one corner. She somehow felt like she was sleeping in a cathedral as the statue was like a cross. Although it wasn’t offensive, she didn’t like it.

She was only staying for one day anyway, and she would never come again.

“Do you want to go home?”

“Huh…? Why all of a sudden?”

“You’re looking at the statue as if you’re going to break it. I don’t like it.”

“If I had to go back now, I would only get to sleep for three or four hours and come back.”

What would he do if she didn’t like it…?

When she lay flat on the bed, Cassian immediately leaned over her, placing his hands beside her. She then glanced at the statue.

“This is a temple.”

Without answering, he unbuttoned his shirt. The next moment, Elysia saw his body slowly getting revealed.

Cassian’s temptation was everywhere.

Of course, she also responded to it. Elysia raised her lips with her satisfied look.

“It’s too slow.”

He looked puzzled at those words. Elysia grabbed him and laid him on the bed as she climbed onto him.

“So, when are you going to take it all off?”

Cassian’s hand moved slowly across the dress. Her body trembled finely from the tickling.

He uttered in a very low voice.

“I’m worried that the wife can’t hold your voice.”

Contrary to his playful voice, there was heat in his eyes.

Cassian continued to sweep her back, raising his mouth in a curve. He had already unbuttoned the buttons, so Elysia tilted her head at his repeated gestures. While his seductive gaze remained the same, his touch was kind, as if soothing her.


After blinking her eyes a couple of times, Elysia noticed that her body was stiff. She was still nervous about tomorrow’s matter.

“It will be fine.”

She lowered her head and met his gaze that was lying under her.

…Worried that Peloit might have created a real vampire.

…Worried about Rania Aiden, and Der.

Unexpected things kept happening one after another, so she couldn’t help but feel anxious. Elysia took her gaze from his face and gazed at the statue, as he said it would be fine.

It felt like the statue was watching her.

Elysia’s lips twisted up.

“What makes it so difficult?”

Malice and attacks that she has never experienced, and the means to subdue her. Not only by the sword, but also the black magic that abducts her, the potion that erases memories and forces love, and the restraints that suppresses the vampires’ power.

She had been through things she had never imagined before. In spite of being a vampire, there was not much she could do whenever there were such things.

“Nothing is easy.”

What could she do if she knew the original content?

Was she not swayed enough by all the main characters…? They were trying to win Revos’ heart of Lebos and the position of the Empress. She didn’t even know if the was true or not.

…She could just look at this man.

“May this be the last time.”

She didn’t want to worry about anything anymore.

“It will.”

Elysia lowered her body slowly. Her silver hair ran down his face. Cassian’s fingers ran through her hair, and their gaping lips overlapped.

As Elysia pushed his shirt off, she lifted her body up with Cassian supporting her back. Swallowing up to the moan that leaked between her lips, he pulled the ribbon around her waist. The tight dress loosened and Cassian’s lips ran down her neck.

He held Elysia in his arms and lowered his head further.


As his teeth scratched, bite and suck, Elysia hugged his head.

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…Was it because the place was the temple, or was it because she was in an unstable situation? Or, maybe it was because Cassian only touched the places where she felt sensitive from the beginning… A moan broke out one after another.

Cassian laid Elysia down and whispered in her ear.

“You have to hold back the noise.”

This was a temple, and there was no soundproofing.

Elysia reached out and wrapped her hand around his neck and hugged him tightly. As his hot body temperature hit her, she didn’t want to part from it. Cassian’s body, which was about to go down while pressing her thighs, was caught by her hand and stopped.

He smiled languidly and kissed her face.

He supported her back with one hand and moved his other hand leisurely across her thigh. When he flicked his index finger, Elysia’s body twitched.


“You like it here, too.”

Cassian’s fingers tightened slightly.

“Wait, don’t…”

When Elysia frowned and shook her head, he smiled as if asking why. She glanced at him and bit the nape of the neck in front of her. Her body warmed even more as the scent of his body spread throughout her mouth.

So did Cassian.

“…You can’t keep provoking like that, Elysia.”

Cassian thought that Elysia’s might be the only drug that worked for him. He clenched his teeth and stretched his fingers.

“I can’t stand it any longer.”

He gripped her waist tightly to prevent her from moving and moved his body.


Elysia’s lips fell and her head tilted back. Cassian licked the drop of blood that had formed on her lips and licked her lips.

The red eyes glanced at the statue.

…Vampire in the temple, even in front of the goddess statue.

She had a strange feeling.

“You have to focus.”

He grabbed the gaze that wasn’t directed at her and pushed himself all the way. As she gasped and inhaled her breath, Elysia strengthened the hand holding his arm. Her nails dug into his body.

Cassian frowned at the thought that even this was a stimulation.

“Don’t touch… just there.”

She was just having another thought for a moment, but he kept rubbing in one place. It wasn’t just the corners of her eyes that were crying and getting wet. In the moonlight reflected by the window, Elysia’s expression came into sight.

He took a long breath and lowered one of his hands.


Strength entered Elysia’s body.

“Oh, please… Cassian.”

Cassian lowered his head and covered her lips.

“Wife, you can’t hold in your voice like that.”

Cassian reached out his hand and she bit his finger, starting to move as he wanted. He acted as if he couldn’t hear her.

Elysia gnawed his fingers at the rush of pleasure again.


Thank you so much for always supporting the s I edit, even if you don’t buy me a coffee, I really do appreciate it a lot.