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I Hijacked The Timeline

Chapter 599 - 599: It Was Like Copying a Homework! (1)
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Chapter 599: It Was Like Copying a Homework! (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When Feng Qi returned to the Tiger Soul Research Institute, it was 7 a.m.

Through the nlist in the hands of the Night Shadow Race’s leader, Feng Qi learned that there were a total of 17 Night Shadow clansmen who were out on missions.

After a night of hard work, all the Night Shadow clansmen who had gone out had been successfully killed.

In this timeline, the Night Shadow Race had officially beca thing of the past.

Intelligence played a decisive role in this operation.

Based on the information, Feng Qi divided the operation to eliminate the Night Shadow Race into three steps.

The first step was to enter the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

This was the easiest step in the plan. His application was approved by the Tiger Soul Research Institute without any suspense.

The second step was to take action at 1 a.m. and control the main control console in the core area of the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

This step seemed difficult, but Feng Qi had drawn the layout of the Tiger Soul Research Institute’s headquarters building in advance. As long as the operation was carried out, there wouldn’t be a situation where they couldn’t find their target like headless flies.

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As long as he controlled the main control console, he could control the cameras, and power supplies, lock down the core area, and other authorities in the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

If this step was successful, the Night Shadow Race would not be able to pass on the situation in the core area to their clansmen who were carrying out missions outside.

The third step was to kill the Night Shadow clansmen who were carrying out missions outside and destroy the Night Shadow Race.

Through the information from the previous timeline, Feng Qi knew that the Night Shadow Race’s leader had a mission list in its hands. It recorded the resource inventory in the Tiger Soul Research Institute in detail, as well as the details of the personnel carrying out the mission.

In the previous timeline, it had even carried this tablet with it.

Every tit counted the supplies, it would bring its authority tablet to assist in the statistics.

Therefore, he knew the password to the tablet.

Although the third step of the plan took a long time, there were no accidents along the way. They easily completed the final hunt.

It could be said that eradicating the Night Shadow Race was akin to clearing a dungeon with a guide.

After returning to the Tiger Soul Research Institute, Feng Qi met up with Mu Qing and the others.

The operation was over. Now, it was tto wrap things up.

Other than the members of the Night Shadow Race, the group of human traitors had also been killed by Feng Qi in this operation.

They were all researchers registered in the Tiger Soul Research Institute. Sooner or later, they had to give the outside world an explanation for their deaths.

Feng Qi and the current higher-ups of the Tiger Soul Research Institute discussed this issue.

In the end, they decided to fake the scientific research explosion in the core area to give the outside world a “reasonable” explanation of death.

As for whether the outside world would believe this explanation, it was not important.

Initially, the immediate reaction of ordinary people upon hearing such news would be surprise. They typically wouldn’t harbor any doubts about the credibility of the authoritative organization, the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

Moreover, accidents often happened in experiments, but it was rare for such a large number of casualties to happen.

Secondly, the military department of Star City and the Tiger Soul Research Institute held the slevel of authority within the city. They wouldn’t intervene in the handling of affairs related to the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

The distinction lay in the fact that the Tiger Soul Research Institute was an organization focused on internal system-building, whereas the military functioned as a stabilization and external warfare organization.

If a major experimental accident happened, the Star City military would call to express their condolences, but they would not interfere.

The only problem cfrom the Star City SuprCouncil.

As the management organization formed by the highest-ranking people in charge of various organizations in Star City, they had the right to ask about the details of the accident in the Tiger Soul Research Institute and give targeted suggestions.

But Feng Qi was not worried about this.

There were three special authorities in the Star City SuprCouncil.

Each of them had six decision votes, six times the number of votes of ordinary institutions.

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These three organizations were also known as the three elders. They were the Star City Military, the Tiger Soul Research Institute, and the Scarlet Research Institute.

Regarding the major accident that happened in the Tiger Soul Research Institute, the Scarlet Research Institute could also help in the SuprCouncil to ensure that no accidents would happen.

As for the authorities of other cities coming to offer their condolences, it was completely a formality. They would not especially send people to Star City to investigate, let alone have the authority to investigate.

This was also the reason why the owner of the fog chose the Tiger Soul Research Institute back then.

Unless the secret was exposed and the other institutions in Star City joined forces to vote for sanctions, other small incidents would not shake the foundation of the Tiger Soul Research Institute at all.

After the meeting ended, Feng Qi established a connection between the Tiger Soul Research Institute and the Scarlet Research Institute.

The Scarlet Research Institute would send people to contact the Tiger Soul Research Institute to discuss the subsequent matters.

At the stime, after the higher-ups of the Tiger Soul Research Institute understood his situation, they expressed that they would fully support the next combat timeline.

He was not surprised by the Tiger Soul Research Institute higher-ups’ decision.

Facing the threats and temptations of the Night Shadow Race, they did not give in. This proved that they were firmly on the side of humans.

He still remembered the oath he took when he was studying.

The Tiger Soul Research Institute’s support was undoubtedly a good thing for Breaking Dawn’s future development.

The Scarlet Research Institute’s position on the sacrifice timeline was very clear. They would prioritize stability and not participate in any external battles. Once there was a crisis, they would hide in the secret base in advance and be isolated from the world.

Therefore, the Scarlet Research Institute couldn’t provide much help with Breaking Dawn’s development. They even had to take the initiative to cut ties.

However, the Tiger Soul Research Institute was different. It was an authoritative organization that stood under the sun and could help Breaking Dawn develop at any time.

More importantly, the Tiger Soul Research Institute controlled 70% of the media organizations in Star City..

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