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I Hijacked The Timeline

Chapter 19
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Studying to Show Off

Future’s evaluation of Mu Qing was very extreme. They believed that she was a stumbling block in the human development process and a demon who brought disaster to an era.

Feng Qi had no way of knowing if there was a secret behind this evaluation. He only felt that Mu Qing’s change might be related to the Scarlet Research Institute.

The narrator’s reminder could also indirectly prove that there was something behind this matter.

Therefore, Feng Qi’s current plan were very simple. He wanted to get close to Mu Qing and try to understand her.

If Mu Qing hated all mankind because she had always been isolated and bullied by the people around her, then he was willing to try to change her and become friends with her.

However, if Mu Qing could not be changed and hated humans to the core, he had already decided on what to do.

In order to prevent that period of dark history from happening and prevent the establishment of the Dawn Rebel Army, he would think of a way to nip Mu Qing in the bud.

Other than that, he also planned to investigate the Scarlet Research Institute.

However, now was not the time to investigate the Scarlet Research Institute. After all, with his current influence and strength, he could not do so.

At this thought, Feng Qi raised his head and looked at Mu Qing. At this moment, Mu Qing also raised her head and met his gaze.

Then, Feng Qi quickly grabbed the last boiled egg on Mu Qing’s plate and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed and looked at Mu Qing.

“Senior Sister, please go get some more breakfast. I’m not full yet.”

“Why don’t you go yourself?” Mu Qing replied expressionlessly.

“It’s only right for a senior sister to take care of his junior.”

Looking at the calm Feng Qi, Mu Qing’s cold heart stirred.

Feng Qi gave her a feeling different from the other students in the academy. It was as if he really treated her as a normal person.

There was no resistance, fear, or pity in his eyes.

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Sometimes, treating someone normally was the greatest respect.

Feng Qi knew this very well.

Without another word, Mu Qing stood up, picked up her tray, and walked to the buffet area.

Feng Qi smiled as he watched Mu Qing leave.

“Rescuing the lost demon starts with breakfast.”

A moment later, Mu Qing returned with a tray filled with food.

Feng Qi did not stand on ceremony at all. He reached out and grabbed the food and began to eat.

It was a long breakfast and the number of students in the canteen had decreased. Feng Qi also felt that he had eaten too much. The speed at which he digested food was obviously slower than the speed at which he ate. However, Mu Qing continued to eat without any intention of stopping.

[Energy replenished. Current energy: 0.43%]

Looking at the energy replenishment progress bar, he rubbed his stomach and looked at Mu Qing.

“Senior Sister, can we be friends?”

When Mu Qing heard this, her expression instantly froze, as if she had choked. She pounded her chest fiercely before swallowing the food.

Looking at Feng Qi, Mu Qing was puzzled.


“The tune you played yesterday was very nice. I want to learn it. Teach me when you have time,” Feng Qi replied with a smile.

“Maybe you can try to get to know me before you decide.”

“I know your name is Mu Qing, and I also know that you’re a Rune Transformer, so can we be friends?”

“Aren’t you… afraid?”

Realizing that Feng Qi had roughly understood her situation, Mu Qing’s heart stirred again.

“What’s there to be afraid of? You’re human. I’m human too. Why should I be afraid of you?”

Seeing the sincerity in Feng Qi’s eyes, Mu Qing suddenly avoided his gaze. She was used to other people’s strange gazes. Feng Qi’s enthusiasm made her a little uncomfortable. She suddenly stood up.

“I’m full!”

With that, she left in a hurry.

Looking at Mu Qing’s back, Feng Qi immediately shouted,

“Senior Sister, wait!”

Mu Qing, who had already walked a few meters away, immediately turned around after hearing this.

“You didn’t finish the food on your tray. The auntie said that it’s shameful to waste food.”

After glaring fiercely at Feng Qi, Mu Qing quickly left without looking back and disappeared from Feng Qi’s sight.

“As expected, it takes time. Did I push too hard?” Feng Qi could not help but mutter.

After leaving the cafeteria, Feng Qi went straight to the library.

In the time come, he planned to study the contents of cultivation in depth, paving the way for him to show off in the future.

Although he had already learned a lot of cultivation knowledge from Wang Jinsheng, Feng Qi believed that he had to know a little of everything as future genius.

Otherwise, it would be awkward if he was asked about the contents of a remote field and could not answer.

What was even more embarrassing was that after plagiarizing the future, he might even create a new cultivation technique in this remote field.

The library was located in the central area of Star City Academy. It was a building that covered an area of three hectares. In front of the door stood a statue of a bespectacled man holding a book. His life story was written on the stone tablet.

He was the founder of Star City Academy, Lin Youshu. He was also the son of the era who had researched cultivation techniques early on. He was one of the founders of the human cultivation era.

After bowing, Feng Qi walked around the statue and walked into the library.

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At this time, there were already many students in the library. They shuttled through the bookshelves or sat in the reading room to read books.

After arriving at the front desk and asking the librarian where the cultivation books were placed, Feng Qi went straight to them and began to choose the books.

After searching for a while, he pulled a book from the bookshelf, Cultivation Techniques Research Intermediate Progression – Book 3.

After finding an empty seat, Feng Qi began to read the contents of the book.

As time passed, Feng Qi gradually became engrossed. In the sea of knowledge, he was willing to degenerate, and there was no turning back.

Cultivation was a comprehensive subject that included cultivation techniques, body cultivation, spells, medical treatment, and so on. The foundation of all the subjects was to master cultivation techniques. Different cultivation techniques could bring different abilities to cultivators.

For example, the Ferocious Tiger Fist that he had mastered was a body cultivation technique. It could strengthen the physique of the cultivator and even allow the cultivator to obtain the power to resist domain creatures.

Spellcraft was the most complicated and profound. It originated from humans’ research on the various supernatural abilities of creatures in the domain.

Through research, people found that the supernatural abilities of domain creatures actually made use of the Spiritual Qi stored in the body to outline a special trajectory outside the body, causing the Spiritual Qi to transform and emit a strange power.

Take for example, a very simple fireball technique. The cultivator only needed to draw a simple star map trajectory with the Spiritual Qi in his body, and the Spiritual Qi would be ignited, transforming into a fireball.

Since the development of spells, there were far more spells developed than cultivation techniques. There were tens of thousands of them, so it was the most prosperous subject in cultivation.

Medical science was a combination of cultivation techniques and spells.

For example, cultivators who cultivated the Wood Yi Qi would have a very gentle Spiritual Qi born in their bodies. This kind of Spiritual Qi was very suitable for casting healing spells and could save other people’s lives at critical moments.

Therefore, several medics would be assigned to every domain combat team.

Mo Fei’s sister, who worked in the school’s infirmary, was a retired medic.

Other than that, cultivation also included combat auxiliary studies, divination studies, array studies, and so on.

It would take a lot of time for him to digest all this information, and he would temporarily focus on the study of cultivation techniques. This was also the path he chose next.

Time passed quickly as he studied.

He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall across from him. It was already eleven o’clock, but he had no intention of leaving.

“After all, I have to work hard to become a publicly acknowledged super genius!”