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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 121: S-Rank Hero's Present Condition
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<Sogou Ayaka POV>

The Heroes have gathered under the instructions of the Goddess.

We’re inside a large garden adjacent to the castle.

No one could enter this place without permission from the Goddess.

The garden is filled with blooming flowers.

There was a fragrant aroma wafting around the air.

As if it’s a dream come true, this would be the place where you would want to spend your time relaxing out of the ruckus of the outside world.

However, I couldn’t do that now.

The atmosphere around the gathering Heroes weren’t so peaceful.

The Goddess would always call us here whenever there is something important to talk about.

Everyone understands this already.

The Heroes have been travelling around ruins all these times.

Into the ruins where the Golden-eyed monsters live.

Thereupon, we’ve been continuously fighting all the time.

Of course, it was all so that we could obtain experience.

Other than that, Alion has also been capturing a large amount of Golden-eyed monesters.

They’ve captured them so that they could be used as experience for the Heroes.

The people that were prioritized to be given these captured monsters were Kirihara’s group.

They had the expectations of the Goddess.

The number of demons given towards them blatantly tells them so.

There’s hardly any monsters given towards me and the others.

(However, my level has considerably risen after defeating the monsters in these ruins…)

I also learned some tricks on fighting.

[Recently, I feel like there’s a tense atmosphere in the castle. Don’t you feel it too, Poppo?]

[Eh? I- Is that so?]

[Doofus~! You’ve sent too much nutrients into your breasts that you’ve forgotten sending some into your head?]

[A- Asagi-san…]

Hiding her breasts, Kashima Kobato curls her body to a ball.

Her face was bright red.

Ikusaba Asagi’s shameless remarks.

Some righteous indignation began welling up within me.

She has always been like this even back in my previous world.

It might have been different if she complained even a little bit.

Trying to caution her, I was about to open my mouth.

However, Kobato looked straight at my eyes then shook her head.

Did she read what I have been thinking?

“I’m alright. Having a dispute here would just be troublesome.”

Kobato’s eyes were telling me something like that.

Strong will would only appear in her eyes at times like this.

Vexed, I could only withdraw.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Thereupon, Kobato gave a small nod as if she’s thanking me.


Ikusaba Asagi.

Currently, her influence within 2-C is increasing.

The greatest reason is probably because she has acquired an inherent skill.

Asagi is a B-Rank Hero.

Normally, it was said that inherent skills could only be acquired by A-Rank Heroes or higher.

However, Asagi acquired an inherent skill even when she’s B-Rank.

The Goddess was also happy when she learned about this.

“I knew from the start that Asagi-san had something special within her. She has the ability to bring all of her friends together.”

Asagi’s inherent skill is <Queen Bee>. (T/N: Group Enhancement)

It’s a skill that bestows <Enhanced Ability> to multiple targets.

It’s a skill that not only strengthens your status after they’ve casted it to you once, it would also gradually increase your overall status up to a certain value.

When the duration expires, the status increase would turn back to its original value.

Asagi’s group now has strength in numbers.

It can be said that this is such a skill that would shine especially when you’re strong in such a way.

With this, the Asagi group could surpass the others in terms of team battles.

However, Kirihara’s group isn’t trying to drag her over to their side at all.

It doesn’t look like Kirihara and the others think well about Asagi.

It seems like they think it would be dangerous if they get ahold of her.

Kirihara and the others were vigilant towards Asagi.

I could see some signs that tell me so.

She has clearly refused to join Kirihara’s group.

Even the Goddess has given up hope pulling her over to his side.

Conversely though, the door to membership is still open for me.

Of course, I don’t have any intention of joining though…

Yasu Tomohiro’s group is also getting stronger.

However, it can’t be denied that this group has just turned into Yasu’s one-man group.

Only the A-Rank him have become prominent and strong.

The other Heroes’ level haven’t increased compared to his level.

It feels like they’re just gradually increasing their levels by pouncing upon Yasu’s leftovers.

On the other hand, our group is under the management that every experience points would be distributed to everyone as evenly as possible.

“We should concentrate all the experience points to Sogou Ayaka.”

Kayako, who has now become our semi-mediator, suggested that first.

However, I rejected that.

I know the extent our strength would be if we were to put all resources just to myself.

It would be better if everyone would gather our strengths and fight together.

That’s why I rejected her proposal.

As a result, I improved my level and learned some skills together with my comrades.

What they’ve learned were Common Skills.

Basically, common skills were skills that any Hero could learn.

The common skills were divided into five systems.

<Attack System>

<Defense System>

<Recovery System>

<Ability Enhancement System>

<Abnormal State System>

You would be able to unlock skill as you level up.

When unlocked, the skill tree would also change accordingly.

Some parts of the uncolored tree would begin having their own colors.

It is said that the higher it is in your tree, the higher the ranking of the skill will be.

Incidentally, it was said that the skills of the Abnormal State System nowadays were useless.

Their performance was certainly just as the Goddess said.

Not just the techniques, even the skills of Heroes in the Abnormal State System were quite obscure.

And also, the inherent skills have different dispositions compared to common skills.

There were also some skills within the inherent skill that level up themselves.

It seems that its level will rise as long as you use them.

As their levels go up, their abilities would evolve.

[I wondered what would happen in the beginning, but we’re glad we could be of use to Ayaka-chan with our Defense System and Ability Enhancement skills… It’s just as Ayaka-chan says, isn’t it?]

Relieved, Minamino Moe said.

If you’re a user of Support System skills, you don’t have to be the vanguard of a team.

I would only be the one in charge of being the tank and the vanguard.

The others would be supporting me from behind while they would protect themselves with defensive skills.

Then, one of our comrades would slay the monster once we’ve driven the monster to its death.

Currently, this is the fighting style that the Sogou Group is using.

Everyone is doing well in their roles.


I displayed my status.

<Ayaka Sogou>

LV 115

HP: +1390

MP: +2878

Attack: +10983

Defense: +2256

Physical Strength: +2313

Speed: +1574 (+500)

Wisdom: +1450

<Title: S-Rank Hero>

My level has considerably increased.

The Goddess looks like she’s in a hurry to strengthen the Heroes.

The effect of the strengthening has been steadily appearing.

If I remember it correctly, Kirihara Takuto was about to break through Lv 200.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, everyone’s level-up speed has decreased since we’ve passed through Lv 100.

The growth of our status’ numerical values have also been visibly slowing down.

In my case, only my <Attack> have strangely grown quite smoothly but…

My other status values were evidently showing poor growth.

I heard something from a boy from Yasu’s group just the other day.

“When you reached a certain level, your growth would suddenly slow down… It’s kind of designed just like those MMOs huh?”

I don’t really know what this “MMO” is.

I also can’t search for it on the internet because I don’t have a smartphone.

However, it’s a fact that everyone feels that their growth has become slower.

It might even be possible that our level and status would reach its peak and we won’t be able to grow anymore.

(Most of all—)

I’m more anxious about a certain something.

I displayed the information of my skills.

Putting my hand over my mouth, I look towards the display.

My inherent skill still hasn’t been unlocked yet.

I’m the only S-Rank who hasn’t unlocked my own inherent skill.

Even the Takao Sisters who stand from everyone.

Both of them have already acquired their inherent skills.

All the A-Rank Heroes have already acquired it.

Even the B-Rank Asagi have acquired it.

And yet, only I haven’t acquired my inherent skill yet.

[Are you worried about your skill?]

Did she realize that I’m anxious?

Suou Kayako called out.

Fixing my expression, I smiled at her.

[Y- Yes… A bit…]

The only person in charge of being the vanguard is only me.

(If I don’t do my best…)

[However, you have that specialized skill tree, right?]

[Yes. You’re right.]

Specialized tree.

My skill tree is quite specialized.

There isn’t a single Common Skill listed there.

Instead, I could acquire specialized combat skills.

You could even say that my tree is very specialized for combat.

The reason I could be the vanguard alone is all because of the blessings I received from my specialized tree.

(However, it can’t be denied that these specialized combat skills were inferior compared to the other Heroes’ inherent skills…)

I’ve been becoming more impatient to get stronger.

Death always follows in each of our battles.

I can’t afford to be leisurely.

[Thank you for the wait, everyone.]

The Goddess finally arrives.