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I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With-Novel

Chapter 367:
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A man stood in the blue sky, illuminated by bright sunlight, his black cloak fluttering, looking down on the city while the camera filming him was broadcasting the footage across the country.

People all over the country were watching him, the most popular villain in Korea, who hadn't been seen in half a year, Egostic.

He's finally back, after a long wait.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Egostic!"

And their reaction was enthusiastic.



[Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~ Now let's go~]

[Mango: Is he a god? The gods answered the question. "Daddy, what do you wantto say?" Mango, is he a god? The gods answered that question. "What do you wantto say, Dad?"]

[200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles 200 Days of Miracles]

[The Hero Community welcomes the return of S-class hero Mangostick The Hero Community welcomes the return of S-class hero Mangostick The Hero Community welcomes the return of S-class hero Mangostick The Hero Community welcomes the return of S-class hero Mangostick]

[Ugh… Why am I crying? Why am I crying? Why am I crying? Ugh… Why am I crying? Why am I crying? Why am I crying? Uh-rah… Why am I crying?]

[Welcback, we've been waiting for you, GOAT Welcback, we've been waiting for you, GOAT Welcback, we've been waiting for you, GOAT Welcback, we've been waiting for you, GOAT]

[If you're a mango dancer, you're a mango dancer, you're a mango dancer, you're a mango dancer, you're a mango dancer, you're a mango dancer]

[King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral, King Egostic of Cathedral.]


Looking at the dizzy chat window running like crazy all over the place I sighed inwardly with a bitter smile.

…It's really the same.

Yeah. This is what my broadcast chat window looks like. What did I expect?

Maybe it's because it's been over half a year since I returned to terrorism, but I feel a bit nostalgic. It's been a long tsince I've stood on top of a blue sky, surrounded by cameras, and spoken.

After a few moments of such sentimentality, I smiled again, looked at the camera, spread my arms wide, and began to proceed.

Still, what's done is done.

"Yes, everyone. It's been a while, y'all! That's right. I'm back! Have you all been waiting, haha, and if you haven't, well, you're all in for a disappointment, because I'm back in full force!"

As I finished speaking, a white flashbang shot out of the sky and exploded behindwith a loud bang.

This was another one of the supplies from Cathedral. It is a divine light that is visible even in broad daylight. I'm currently using it as a substitute for firecrackers in my cooking. It's nice to have a backbone. Best of the Cathedral budget…!

The flare emits a pure white glow that somehow feels divine, while the sky aroundturns white as if spilled white ink.

I grinned and began to reveal that I was a member of Cathedral.

"Yes, I'm back like this for one reason and one reason only: because I'm working with Cathedral, created by the world's greatest villain, Celeste!"

Cathedral’s logo popped up simultaneously on the broadcast.

After emphasizing my affiliation with Cathedral, I continued.

"Actually, I wasn't going to do it after last time, but…Celeste has givena great opportunity to conquer Korea together, so here I am! Now, as an officer of Cathedral, I will be dealing with you."

"And… I see an old friend of mine is coming from that direction as well."

I raised the corner of my mouth as I said that.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Across the sky a woman, her blonde hair flying in this direction, visible from there, Stardus, was coming this way.


[Wow, finally the original star mango lol]

[Seriously, how long have I been waiting for this?]

[Now, even if I die, there are no regrets~ (jumps)]

[Wow, aren't they also reuniting for the first tin almost 200 days? I can't wait to see their reactions]


I glanced at the rapidly rising chat, and tried to maintain my composure.

…Well, not for the first time…We already met last time, and we did a little bit of everything.

Of course, I couldn't let this slip, so I tried to act like I wasn't bothered at all…and while I was at it.


"Hello, Stardus. Long tno see!"

Stardus was finally in front of me.



As soon as her eyes locked with mine, she senta pleading look that only I could see.

Then, as if on cue, her expression hardened again.

Turning to me, she spoke in her icy voice, as cold as ever.

"…You. I thought you toldI would never see you again, so why are you here in front of me?"

Her voice is so cold it's almost freezing to hear.

…It was a perfect performance, so perfect that a stranger would be instantly convinced that she hated me.

In fact, I was creeped out, too…

Of course, I could only respond with a mischievous grin at her words.

"Hahaha, this is embarrassing, but Cathedral is offeringtoo good of an opportunity. They're givingtheir full support in conquering Korea, how could I refuse?"

"You scumbag…"

At my words, she muttered in a low voice with a stern face.

…But the problem was that she started to look atapologetically, like she was having a hard tacting.

I guess I'll have to end the conversation here. Okay. That should be enough of an alibi.

I wonder if she read my thoughts.

Then Stardus turned toand said in a cold voice,

"Whatever, enough is enough. I'm going to put an end to your viciousness right here."

And with those words the human images of various people began to appear one by one behind her.

They were the dozens of other heroes who had followed Stardus to capture me.

To be precise…the members of my Ego Squad, led by the members I had forewarned.


Upon arrival, our number one, Se-gum, givesa small, invisible bow.

All hands are set.

Now it's tto start playing.

I looked at the many heroes standing before me.

I giggled, raised my hand, and opened my mouth.

"Haha! Looks like a lot of people are here to get a piece of me… Actually, this one has gotten a lot of support from Cathedral."

"So why don't you try and stop this army of heaven."

I snapped my fingers with those words.

At the stime.

Shush, shush, shush.

Behind me, the white-faced egg ghost-like heavenly soldiers were summoned in an instant and began to cto life.




Just like that, a short tpassed.

In an instant, the sky behindwas filled with hundreds of white clones standing behindon tiny wings.

In front of them I stood majestically, my arms folded, my cloak fluttering.

It was a situation where dozens of heroes and hundreds of soldiers were about to start fighting.

‘…It's all going according to plan.’

It was all meant to be.

There is no need forto actively terrorize anymore. With Stardus' power in orbit, I would have retired by now. I would have been behind the scenes, giving orders, not in the forefront as I am now.

…but somehowand Stardus becinvolved, and things changed.

This is all for show, anyway.

All I had to do was let the world know that I was doing my job as an officer of Cathedral, invading Korea, and that the Association was doing a good job of stopping me.

That's how it started…Pitting the Ego Squad, or Heroes, against my Heavenly Army.

…Or, more accurately, I'd order them both to pretend to fight in a suitably simulated and spectacular fashion. It didn't have to be real. It only had to fool the world.


If Stardus and I disappear in the middle of this, fighting separately…?


A legitimate hero-villain encounter was born.

I pitched the idea to Stardus, and she readily agreed. It was a good story with no casualties, after all….and a chance for the two of us to meet.

So, I started the big show as planned.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"All right, then. Let's have a fight, shall we? Now, go. Soldiers of heaven. Cand show those arrogant heroes a lesson!"

With that, I commanded my Heavenly Soldiers.

"It's war!"

…I don't know who it was, but the shout from one of the Heroes filled them with oohs and aahs.

Finally, they charged.

The battle between the Heroes and Cathedral soldiers has begun.

…Or, more accurately, a battle between the members of the Ego Squad and my summons, a battle in which they do not kill each other, but only pretend to fight.

And in the midst of the chaos Stardus shouted loudly, her blonde hair whipping around.

"I will focus on capturing Egostic! All other heroes, focus on dealing with those monsters!"

"Yes Stardus!"

"Ha, you're going to try to catch me, well…if you can catch me, go for it!"

I laughed and teleported away, disappearing off camera.


Stardus flew afterat the speed of light, disappearing off-screen as well.

And the two of us were not seen again until the battle was over.


Far away from the city and any cameras, finally, for the first tsince our last meeting, Stardus and I had a moment alone together.


As soon as I teleported up here, Stardus broke through the clouds and smiled at me.

"Haha, Stardus."

And just as I say that,


She flew into my arms and hugged me.

Her head resting on my chest, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"I missed you…"

As she murmured that in my arms, I smiled and hugged her back.

Truth be told, I'm still a little bewildered by her favor toward me. A few weeks ago, we were clearly enemies.

…Still, she had the courage to stand up for me.

I decided to be brave, too.

"I missed you, too. …Haru."

I said while hugging her.

She blushed slightly, and gavea beautiful smile.

And just like that our first date had begun but I didn't realize it at the time,

"Egostic. What the hell is your relationship with her?"

I never thought things would turn out this way.