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Honey, I Don't Dare Again

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 Seat Swapping
Logan splashed cold water on his face in the restroom and looked at himself in the mirror with red eyes.
He knew he had not played well or given his all in this match.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to do his best, but he just couldn’t. He felt bored and lacked passion for the game. whenever he
thought of Jared and Makenna not coming to watch the match.
“Liar, didn’t they say they would come here?” said Logan. In a rage, he pounded his fist on the washbasin, and tears slowly
welled up in his eyes.
Suddenly, his mobile phone rang.
Logan took a deep breath to calm himself. He took out his phone and answered, “Hello?”
“Logan, it’s almost time for the third quarter of the game. Are you ready?” asked a teammate.
Logan replied listlessly, “Yes.”
“Then hurry back.”
His teammate hung up the phone after saying that.
Logan kept his phone and headed out.
Just as he stepped out of the washroom, someone called to him, “What the hell are you thinking?”
That voice!
Logan was surprised when he noticed Jared leaning against the wall next to the washroom. He exclaimed. joyfully, “Jared, you’re
Jared just looked at him.
Logan sniffed, his voice slightly choked, “When did you come? I thought you weren’t going to show up.”
*I’ve promised you to come see the game. I apologize for being late because of the traffic.” Jared said while

rubbing his hair.
Logan stepped backwards and said proudly, “Stop it. I am no longer a child.”
Jared’s lips curled up, “Okay, big man. Tell me why you were off form in the game? I know you’re more capable
than that.”
“It was all your fault,” grunted Logan, “You didn’t come to support me.”
Jared raised his eyebrows.
He thought that Logan didn’t perform well because he was preoccupied with something.
He never expected Amber and him to be the causes.
“You play that worse because Amber and I aren’t here. You were so childish,” said Jared with a bit disapproval.
Logan retorted, “This is my first legit game and I had been looking forward to seeing you guys here... Wait! Jared, how did you
know I had invited Amber? I remember I didn’t tell you, did...”
His eyes were filled with joy all at once.

Jared was amused, “It was what you wished for. She was here too.”
“That’s great!” Logan said while clapping his hand.
“So, for the next game...”
“I know, I’m going to give it my all and win the match!” Logan interrupted him with a very firm tone.
Jared nodded in satisfaction before adjusting back to his serious face again and saying, “Very good, remember what you
promised me. Also, I hope that what happened today does not happen again in the future. If you’re still dejected the next time
just because we didn’t come for your match, I advise you to listen to Shonna and stop playing basketball.”
“I won’t,” promised Logan.

He was being disappointed because this was his first game..
But he would never do this again.
“That’s good. Let’s go, the next match starts soon,” said Jared while patting Logan’s shoulder.
“Then I’ll go first.” Logan waved his hands before darting away.
After Logan was out of his sight, Jared put his hands back in his pockets. Then, he turned around to return to his
The third quarter of the game started. Logan swept away his gloom from the first and second quarters. Being high–spirited, he
was able to break through the opponent’s defense as if he was on fire. Soon, he scored.
He jumped and waved to the audience.
The crowd’s enthusiasm was immediately revived and they cheered.
Amber smiled, “Looks like he has recovered. What did you say to him?”
She was the one who initiated the conversation.
Jared’s eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly calmed down and said, “He couldn’t do his best in the previous game because
we weren’t present. Now that he knows we are here, he can do his best.”
Amber was shocked and added, “This was the reason?”

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“Yes.” Jared nodded.
Amber muttered, “So childish.”
Jared snickered.
Logan was indeed childish.
After that, they both remained silent and watched the game.
In comparison to the bustling around them, they appeared to be too quiet.
However, they stood out from the crowd because they were both good–looking people.
Because of their attractive appearances, some online streamers who was doing livestreaming among the audience had noticed
the two and pointed their cameras at them. Those who watched the live stream were ecstatic
to see them.
“Wow, the man was so handsome, and the lady was so pretty.”
“Are they a couple? They looked good together.”
“Am I the only one who thinks they look familiar like I have seen them before?”

There were numerous discussions like this. However, it didn’t last long because the anchor moved the camera away just as the
game was about to end.
Logan was on fire. He brought his teammate back to tie the game, and he was almost there. The atmosphere in the court was
extremely tense. Everyone focused their attention on Logan, and some of them even held their breath
and clenched their fists.
Logan threw the basketball in front of the audience’s eyes.
As the crowd had hoped, the basketball went into the basket.
The score on the scoreboard read 70-68 after the whistle.

The national team had overtaken Country K!
“Hooray!” The spectators jumped up and down in excitement.
A man beside Amber were jumping in exhilaration as well, until he collided with Amber’s shoulders. Amber was thrown into Jared
by force.
Jared grabbed her shoulders with both hands and stabilized her before asking, “Are you
Amber sald with a shake of her head, “I’m fine. Thank you, Jared.”
“You’re welcome.” Jared let go of his hands.
When Amber sat back, the audience beside her hopped up again.
He hadn’t bumped Amber this time, but he had hit Amber’s crutch, which had fallen on a place out of Amber’s reach.
Amber was angry when she saw this.
How did she pick it up!
Jared stood up just when Amber was about to seek help from the personnel. He walked down the aisle and picked up the crutch
for her. He then passed her the crutch and said, “Here.”
Amber looked up at him with surprise and took the crutch while saying, “Thank
Jared gave a hint and swept his eyes to her cast foot, “Is your foot better?”
“It’s getting better and less painful now.” Amber shifted her crutch to the opposite side so it wouldn’t be knocked off again.
Jared understood her movement and said, “Let’s change seats.”
Amber paused for a moment before shaking her head and saying, “It’s ok, this seat is fine.”

“The match isn’t over yet, and Logan was just getting into his stride. I’m sure the crowd won’t calm down for the time being. Are
you sure you won’t get bumped again if you sit here?” Jared said while glancing icily at the audience next to her.
Amber remained silent.
Indeed, she couldn’t be sure.
“Then, thank you, Jared.” Amber held her crutch under her armpits with a faint smile. She was about to get up to change the
However, Jared scooped her up into a bridle carry and put her in his place before she could stand up.
Amber was stunned and her face flushed, “You...”
Jared’s eyes flashed and he said softly, “You’re too slow. I’m afraid you will block the view of other audiences.”
Amber could only say thank you through her gritted teeth after hearing this.
Jared smiled when he saw her stifled annoyance. He then sat in her seat after returning a “Not at all” to her.
A streamer had captured the entire scene with the camera
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