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Honey, I Don't Dare Again

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 The Garlands Are Going to Suffer
Amber said after a few seconds of thought, “Let’s do this. First, you go and communicate with the presidents these banks to see
if they can change their mind. Then, try to find out if Trenton
was behind this.”
“Alright.” Sheila answered, and then she thought of something, “Do we need to tell Mr Lyon
about this?”
“No.” Amber shook her head,” I don’t wish to bother him because he had his own company to
look after.”
Soon after, Stella Chan from the finance department arrived.
“Ms. Reed, what’s going on? I just received phone calls from the banks requesting us to pay
off our debt immediately. Didn’t we just get the money? How come we’re being asked to repay
the loan when it’s not even due?” Stella asked while walking to the office table.
Amber pinched her nose and replied, “Can’t you see it? We’ve been targeted.”
“Who?” Stella asked angrily as she slapped her hand on the desk.
Coldness flashed across Amber’s eyes, “I suspect that Trenton did this, but there is no evidence to prove my suspicion for the
time being.”
“It’s more important for us to solve the financial problem than to gather evidence. We The loans are indispensable to support the
operation of Goldstone. If we pay back the loans now, Goldstone will immediately go bankrupt,” Stella explained with an irritated

Amber pursed her lips.
She was well aware of the gravity of the situation.
“Ms. Reed.” There was another knock on the door.
Sheila stood at the door with a regretful expression while shaking her head and said, “I had communicated with those banks.
Those who haven’t approved the loan for us claimed they wouldn’t lend us any money whatsoever. Meanwhile, those who have
lent out the money are determined to make us pay it back as soon as possible. Ms. Reed, what should we do?”
Amber asked, “Did they mention that this was instructed by Trenton?”
“No, I had asked them, but they were evasive in their words as if they were afraid of something.” Sheila answered.
“How can the president of a bank be afraid of the boss of a private company?” Stella said as
she frowned.
Amber narrowed her eyes, “Unless the one who instructed them wasn’t Trenton but someone
from the government.”
“Ms. Reed, when did you mess with the government officer?” Stella looked solemn.

Amber shook her head and said blankly, “I don’t know.”
She had recently dealt with the authorities regarding the land. However, she didn’t offend
“Forget about it. We can think about that later. The most important thing right now is to resolve the financial issue that we are
facing,” Stella suggested.
Amber closed her eyes tiredly, “Sheila, please contact the presidents of the banks that have already granted our loans. Just tell
them that I am inviting them to dinner at Universal Hotel.”
She must persuade those who have granted the loans from retracting the agreement.
Otherwise, Goldstone Co. would go bankrupt.

As for those who had not released the loans, just leave them aside.
“Alright.” Sheila nodded.
Amber looked at Stella and said, “Sort out those loan agreements and bring them to me. And I need you to accompany me to the
hotel later.”
After an hour, Amber and Stella arrived at the Universal Hotel.
Within the Olkmore City, this was the only seven–star hotel owned by the Farrell Group.
A typical meal here could cost more than an average family’s yearly income.
Not to say that Amber had reserved a private room and ordered a slew of expensive dishes to entertain the presidents of those
banks. This demonstrated her sincerity.
After enjoying such a delectable treat, the bank presidents were finally informed of the
person’s identity who had targeted her. The person’s last name was Garland.
“Ms. Reed, from what I know, there is only one powerful family with the surname Garland in South Riverside.” Stella whispered
into Amber’s ear.
Amber tightened her grip on the wine glass in her hand. Her bright face became frosty, and she said, “It’s Gigi Garland.”
She had no conflicts with the Garland family.
But she did have some disagreements with Gigi Garland.
“I guess it’s her too. Why did she do this? Is it because of the card game last time?” Stella guessed.
Amber took a sip of her wine, and muttered with an unreadable expression on her face, “Maybe.”

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“If that’s true, she is indeed too petty.” Stella snorted, “Moreover, she is in South Riverside.
How dare she wields power in Olkmore City? Ms. Reed, I need to leave for a moment to make a phone call.”
“Alright.” Amber agreed with a nod of her head.
Stella left the room and made a phone call in a quiet place.
“What do you want?” A gruff voice answered the phone.
Stella rolled his eyes and said, “I heard that because the Garland family was too high–profile over the past few years, the top
authorities had decided to suppress them. However, they hadn’t. found a suitable excuse to act, right?”

“Why are you asking this?” The man said with impatience.
“It seems to be true.” After pulling a cigarette from her pocket, Stella lit it and took one big drag. She added, “I’m here to tell you
some good news. Gigi Garland, the granddaughter of Mel Garland, is currently in Olkmore City. She had used her family’s power
to exert control over the bank’s affairs in this city. What do you think of using this as an excuse to move against the
The man on the phone brightened his eyes and said, “This is indeed good news. Before Mel Garland retired, he didn’t meddle in
the political affairs of other places. But her granddaughter has the audacity to do something like this.”
“That’s true. She was stupid enough to dig her own trap.” Stella mused as she exhaled a puff.
Gigi had offended her previously when playing cards, so Stella played a little trick to cause some troubles to the Garland family
This time, Gigi had screwed the entire family.
Stella couldn’t stop laughing when she thought of this.
The man frowned, “What are you laughing at? How is your search for the young master
Stella stopped her smile and yelled, “How dare you ask this? You told me that the young master had stayed in Ensford Town, but
I couldn’t find any clues when I went there. How can I

locate him?”
The man choked for a moment and said, “That’s enough. Don’t yell. Just quickly find the
master because the old master won’t be able to survive for long.”
“I understand.” Stella responded reluctantly.
After the call, she puffed out the cigarette in her mouth and pressed it out before walking into
the room.
When she arrived at the room, she noticed the bank presidents exiting.
Amber was trailing behind them, ready to send them off with a smile.
But it was clear that her smile was forced and filled with sadness. When all the bank
presidents had left, Stella asked, “Ms. Reed, how was the negotiation?”
Amber returned to the room before responding, “No, they still don’t want to help us. But I tried my best. They gave us three days
to pay the loan.”
“Three days...” Stella smiled, “That’s enough!”
“What do you mean?” Amber looked at her in confusion.
Stella laughed and said, “Just relax, Ms. Reed. I’m sure that these banks would not call us to pay the debt after three days.
Those who haven’t approved our loan will change their minds and continue to lend money to us because the Garland family is
going to suffer.”
When Amber saw her expression of certainty, she realized something was going on. She asked, “Did you do something?”
Stella laughed and remained silent.
Amber was now sure that Stella was no ordinary employee.

Perhaps the key was the phone call she had made.
Thinking of this, Amber stood up and bowed to Stella.
Shocked by her actions, Stella stood up after too, asking, “Ms. Reed, what’s this for?”