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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1845
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Chapter 1845 Won Their Hearts Over

It wasn’t until Arielle heard what Vinson said that she felt she was overthinking it. It wasn’t exactly her fault, though. She only felt

that way because Vinson had objected to her wanting to have kids previously. Even so, she knew she was in the wrong and

immediately turned around to give him a hug.

“I'm sorry. | may have been overthinking it a little bit,” she said while giving him a kiss on the lips. That was not just a little bit, but

it was my actions that made her feel that way, so | can’t blher for it...

Vinson hugged her tightly as he said, “I'm really happy that we're going to have a baby soon, Darling. From now on, I'll work even

harder to make more money so | can treat you and the baby better.”

Arielle flashed him a smile in response as she knew he would surely take good care of them. With Arielle being pregnant, it was

only natural that they moved the date of their wedding forward. Vinson had actually been making the preparations for their

wedding even before coming to Turlen.

Since Arielle’s tummy would get bigger, he needed to make schanges to the measurements of her wedding gown to ensure it

would fit her.

In order to provide Arielle with the best wedding possible, Vinson worked on the wedding preparations immediately after

completing his work each day.

As for Arielle, she went to help Sam out with his film even though she was pregnant. After all, he had been waiting for her to return

from Turlen just so he could have her star in the film. Sam called her about the movie the moment he saw the news about her

return on the internet. However, Arielle had him wait another two months as she was busy with a lot of things at the time.

Since she no longer had anything to do after becoming pregnant, Arielle decided to get the shooting over with as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Sam would have to wait another year for her.

Worried about the baby’s well-being, Susanne was initially against her decision to shoot while pregnant. She only agreed to let

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Arielle proceed with it when the latter promised to keep herself and the baby safe. Even so, Susanne insisted on being present on

set during the shoot.

Since Susanne was doing it for her own good, Arielle couldn't possibly say no to her request.

Being aware of Arielle’s pregnancy, Sam made sure to take very good care of her while shooting the film. Because they had to get

Arielle’s scenes done before her tummy got bigger, Sam focused solely on her scenes and managed to get them all done in a little

over two weeks.

Although the other members of the cast were a little dissatisfied at having to wait a year because of Arielle, her professionalism

and hard work amazed them so much that they dropped all their negative feelings toward her.

As it was tradition for directors to reward their film crew with monetary gifts after completing the shooting process, Sam made sure

to give Arielle a bonus as well. It was her first tshooting a film and being a part of the entertainment industry, so Arielle found

it extremely meaningful and kept the envelope like it was a precious treasure.

Sam was also going to invite her to a meal to congratulate her on completing her first film, but Arielle turned him down due to her

pregnancy. Even so, she booked a private room at Maureen's Kitchen and had Sam take the film crew there for dinner.

Not only did her actions win the hearts of the film crew, but they also made Maureen's Kitchen their new favorite restaurant after

tasting the delicious food there.









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