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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1791
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Chapter 1791 Another Hug

“Go on now. Just do as | say!” Aaron asserted in a grim voice. Cognizant that there was no stopping Aaron, Morrison had no choice

but to obey.

Once Morrison had left, Aaron got to his feet and headed toward Celeste’s palace. When Miranda saw him arrive, she received him

with a smile. “Her Majesty was just talking about you.”

“How is she?” Aaron asked. Upon hearing Aaron’s concern, Miranda's eyes lit up. “Her Majesty is fine. She just misses you.”

Amidst their conversation, both of them entered the palace. Celeste was delighted by the sight of Aaron. “What brings you here at

this hour?”

“Mother, I'm planning to travel to Chanaea.”

“Why? Aren't you still searching for Arielle and the others?” the puzzled Celeste inquired. Truth be told, she wasn’t keen on him

going to Chanaea. Now that he’s the king of Turlen, what's going to happen to the country in his absence? Who's going to be in


“Vin's company is in trouble. Hence, | need to hurry over to resolve it.” Aaron looked at Celeste as he spoke. “I'll be back as soon

as possible.”

When Celeste recalled how much Arielle and Vinson had helped Aaron, she couldn't bring herself to object.

“Watch yourself on your way there. In the meantime, you can leave Lawrence and your uncle jointly in charge,” said Celeste. Aaron

nodded at her suggestion, for that was exactly what he planned to do.

After exchanging a few more words with Celeste, Aaron left the palace. He, before heading for Chanaea, planned to arrest Nancy

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and publicly expose all her crimes.

Thus, the moment he returned to the office, he instructed Carlos to lead a troop of soldiers to apprehend Nancy at the apartment

she was staying and imprison her.

Subsequently, Carlos, who was well aware of Nancy’s misdeeds, executed Aaron's orders to the letter.

Back at Irushea, Vinson was so emotionally overwhelmed by the sight of Arielle that he was at a loss for words.

“Sannie...” His lips gently moved as he whispered her name. Unable to control her excitement, Arielle dashed toward Vinson and

threw herself into his arms. At that moment, the man in front of her was all she could think of.

“Vinson!” Arielle hugged him tightly. With her head buried in his chest, she curled her lips slightly upon hearing the thumping of his

heartbeat. “Thank goodness you're fine. | was worried sick about you.”

Vinson naturally shared her sentiments.

Thank goodness she’s fine and in one piece.

As he hugged her tightly in his embrace, the familiar fragrance of her hair caused his eyes to brim with warmth and longing.

The next second, he pulled away from her and gazed deeply into her eyes before lowering his head and sealing her lips with a

passionate kiss.

It wasn’t until Arielle was gasping for breath that he finally released her.

Naturally, both of them were filled with ecstatic relief to be able to see and hug each other again.

Considering that they were among the few survivors of the crowd-laden cruise ship, they felt truly blessed to have been rescued.

Regardless of the intentions of their rescuers, all that mattered to them was that they were alive.

Furthermore, having been brought to the sisland upon their rescue was a surprise against all odds.

Nevertheless, being at the plantation still gave them little tto interact. Looking at Vinson, Arielle explained, “Vinson, this place

is used to farm drug crops and has extremely tight security. | tried to contact the outside world but no one uses a phone or

computer here.”











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