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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1780
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Chapter 1780 A Slap

While negotiating with the general the other day, | actually did nanother term. And that’s for him to sendback after he

recovers and his wife conceives. Alas, he gavean outright refusal right there and then.

He toldhe could letstay and I'd want for nothing, but he couldn't letleave. Then, he walked away after uttering those

words. Maybe | can try to talk to Lena’s mother instead. However, I'll need to think carefully about how to cross paths with her.

Arielle ruffled Lena’s curly hair and said with a smile, “After | cure your father and your mother gives you a baby brother, she won't

cry anymore.”

“Okay!” Lena nodded happily, then looked at Arielle and added, “I'll take you to go and meet Mommy. She’s very gentle and kind,

and you'll definitely like her after meeting her.”

Since Arielle had decided to approach Lena’s mother, the proposal fit right into what the former had in mind.

“Sure. I'll go with you to meet your mommy, then.”

Seeing that Arielle agreed, Lena led her back hcheerfully.

“] don’t drink coffee. Who told you to poursome?” After they heard those words, a loud crash rang out.

The expression on Lena's face shifted. Then, she let go of Arielle’s hand and hurried into the living room. Although Arielle knew it

was not really the right tfor her to go in, she still decided to do so after pondering for a while.

She reasoned that under such extrcircumstances, she could not pass up on any opportunity to glean information.

At that moment, Lena was bristling with anger as she stood protectively before a woman with reddened eyes. The woman was

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Abigail, Lena’s mother. Lena’s eyes were wide as she glared at Anna, who was standing opposite her.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to drink the coffee, but why did you have to throw the cup? Why do you have to yell at Mommy?” she

demanded, shooting daggers at Anna.

| hate her the most! Every tshe comes over, she yells at Mommy and makes Mommy cry.

“This is my house, so | can do whatever | want. What does it have to do with you?” Anna retorted, gazing at Lena gloomily. Still

fixing her eyes on the latter, she continued, “Remember this well. From now on, I'm not your sister, and you're not allowed to refer

toas such.”

Just the mere sight of these two makes my stomach turn. If not for them, my mother wouldn't have died. I'll never be able to forget

how she died with so much hatred.

“Fine. I won't! Do you think | want to refer to you as my sister? I'm just as unwilling,” Lena shouted furiously.

Those words instantly made Anna feel uncomfortable. It's one thing forto forbid her from referring toas her sister, but it's

another if she says she’s unwilling to do so!

Just as Anna was about to reprimand Lena, Abigail stepped forward from behind Lena.

She turned to the younger girl angrily and chided, “How can you talk to Anna like that? Apologize to her at once.”

“No way. Why should | apologize to her? She's clearly the one at fault. Mommy, she did something wrong first. Why am | always the

one who has to apologize?” Lena asked, looking at Abigail sadly.

“Because she’s your elder sister!”

“So what if she is? What's so great about that? Does being an elder sister mean she can do whatever she wants? | don’t want to

apologize. She's no elder sister. | certainly don’t want her as my sister,” Lena said stubbornly, gazing at Abigail with red-rimmed


The moment she said that, a slap landed on her cheek.










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