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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1779
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Chapter 1779 Forget About Her

Clyde becanxious when he noticed that Arielle was gone after he returned from the plantation. Worried sick, he quickly went

to ask Sophia, “Aunt Sophia, where did you take Sannie?”

Sophia's face darkened as she took note of Clyde's behavior. “Really, Clyde? Is that how you talk to your aunt?”

Clyde realized that his attitude is inappropriate, and he immediately apologized, “I'm sorry, Aunt Sophia. | didn’t mean it. I'm just

too worried about Sannie, that’s all.” Sophia was rather upset to see how much he cared about Arielle.

She was the one who raised him, but he had always behaved respectfully and fearfully around her, unlike when he was around

Arielle. The boy warmed up to Arielle and was at ease with her.

“You should forget all about her. She's nothing but a stranger,” replied Sophia calmly. Clyde was heartbroken to hear that. Sannie is

not a stranger!

Clyde stared at Sophia with distress in his eyes. “Aunt Sophia, please tellwhere you took her. Don’t bother lying to me. I've

already heard what the others said. They said you sent her away. Where did you send her off to?”

Sophia glanced at him and said indifferently, “She went somewhere she’s supposed to go. Go do your work. I'll take out of the

island for a trip after a few days.”

In the past, Clyde would be ecstatic to hear that he got to leave the island.

However, he wasn’t at all happy this time. All he could think about was Arielle.

He understood that his aunt would not tell him about Arielle’s whereabouts, so he murmured a reply in disappointment before

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turning around to leave.

Well, if Aunt Sophia won't tell me, I'll go ask the others. I'm sure | can find her.

Sophia's gaze dimmed as she watched Clyde leave. She didn’t expect Clyde to becso attached to Arielle in just a few days’


Thank goodness | sent that woman away. If she were to stay even longer, Clyde would beceven more attached to her.

After Clyde left the house, he went around asking about Arielle. His investigation bore no fruits, though. Sophia had already told

everyone to keep quiet and say nothing about Arielle’s whereabouts when Clyde asked.

Disappointed, the boy returned to his room. Sophia grinned happily when she saw that he had seemingly given up.

“Are you really here to treat my daddy?” asked Lena curiously. The little girl's huge eyes narrowed into a curve as she smiled.

Arielle pinched Lena's chubby cheeks and smiled. “That's right. Once | treat your daddy, your mommy will be able to give you a

baby brother.”

Ah, this kid is so adorable! She becfriendly after she knew I'm here to cure the general. She went from hatingto becoming

friends with me.

Lena was ecstatic to hear that her mommy would be giving her a baby brother.

She hated to have another woman give birth to a baby brother for her, as her mother would be devastated.

Her mother would hug her and cry whenever her father was spending twith other women. Hence, she hated those women,

who cto steal her father away from her.

Lena said sadly, “I'm sorry for shouting at you the other day. | was just afraid that you're here to steal my daddy. Daddy is nice to

Mommy, but Mommy would still secretly cry sometimes.”

A strange glint flashed across Arielle’s eyes when she heard that. Could it be...?











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