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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118

Klaus shook his head in disagreement. “The field of traditional Chanaean medicine is wide-ranging and

profound. Even my two mentors have previously traveled far and wide ten years ago to do research

and learn from various established practitioners here, so I think you shouldn’t be too quick to dismiss it.

Perhaps, we could really give it a go.”

Hearing that the Wilhelms had also studied traditional Chanaean medicine more or less helped ease

Carter’s concerns that Arielle might end up making things worse.

“Well, let’s do it then! Go on ahead and help her prepare whatever she needs, but in the event that you

sense the patient isn’t doing well, you are to stop her immediately. I cannot allow anything untoward

happening to him.”

“Will do, Mr. Morgan. I shall proceed to get what she just asked for.” Klaus nodded politely at Arielle

before he turned to walk out.

Without having gone for more than a few steps, Klaus stopped and looked back. “May I ask if you are

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acquainted with the famous Wilhelms in the field of Psychology?”

Arielle’s fingers tightened around themselves while she shook her head sheepishly. “No.”

She could deny anything with a straight face, but was somewhat ill at ease disavowing the adoptive

parents who have treated her like their own.

Her discomfort did not escape the stolid Klaus, but he did not press further. “I see… I just thought that

you might.” “The Wilhelms are world-class experts in Psychology, so how could I have known them? I

guess you must be overthinking this,” Arielle said.

“I considered the possibility that you might because they so happened to be actively looking into using

acupuncture to treat post-traumatic stress disorder these past few years, so don’t mind me for casually

asking,” Klaus replied with a smile.

Carter waved him off. I seriously doubt that they would have known each other. You should go on and

make preparations.”

“Understood.” Klaus regarded Arielle intently before he departed.



mithe way Klaus look

Arielle was a little unnerved by the way Klaus looked at her, and was relieved to finally be away from

his presence.

She was quite worried that this Klaus Jankowitsch might had actually seen her previously, as her

adoptive parents often invited their students over to their home for lessons.

While she was lost in her own thoughts, Vinson stepped in front of her. “Are you really not acquainted

with the Wilhelms?”

That took Arielle a little by surprise, but she was prompt to dismiss his suggestion. “I’ve heard of them,

but we’ve never met.”

RESES Carter hastened to chime in. Now that y’all mentioned it, Lkind of feel that we could consider

inviting the Wilhelms here to treat this guy.

That drew a reaction from Arielle, who responded quickly to veit her emotions before anyone noticed.

Vinson exhaled. “Let’s have Arielle have a crack at it first. The two of them are so well-known that they

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would probably cause quite a commotion should they suddenly show up here.”

Carter nodded in agreement. “You may be right about that. Dr. Jankowitsch must have learned

something under their tutelage, so we should let him try first. As for Ms. Moore…”

His tone was telling in spite of him stopping short of spelling things out explicitly.

A silent Arielle earnestly returned to reading the patient’s pulse.

It was then that the man suddenly came to.

“Ah ah… don’t eat me.”

He then shoved at Arielle beside him.

Taken off guard and given no time to grab onto anything, Arielle stumbled backwards, but was firmly

intercepted by a large mitt in the small of her back

When she reflexively looked over, she saw Vinson staring coldly at the man on the bed.

As her gaze shifted onto the patient, Harvey had come out of nowhere to slug the patient across the


The man’s eyes rolled and he lost consciousness after a dull thud.

“Harvey!” Carter had to jump in swiftly to stop him from landing a second blow.

Only Jordan’s brain struggled to keep up with everything that transpired, but he did have a subtle sense

that he had been robbed of an opportunity for to save the girl