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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 776
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Chapter 776

Jareth’s gaze darkened upon hearing the words, “You've got the wrong number. Call the cops if you've got

trouble. I'm not dealing with this.”

Call the cops? She wouldn't dare!

Over the years, working under Gary at the Fairhaven Group, April had done a lot of evil things. If she called the

cops, they'd dig up her past and air her dirty laundry for all to see. Before she knew it, she'd be trading her

freedom for a cell!

“Jareth! Gary's gone mad! He killed your grandpa!” April's voice was hoarse with panic.

Jareth froze, then whirled around, every inch of his chiseled face tensed to breaking point, his heart pounding

against his ribs,

“What did you say? Repeat that?”

“It was last night. Gary lured your grandpa to the Fairhaven family estate. | got wind of it and followed, intending

to settle the divorce face to face with your grandpa. But | saw with my own eyes, Gary and Jackson hauling body

bags out of the mansion. | even heard Gary ordering Jackson to ‘clean up‘ the bodies of your grandpa and his


April recounted the terrifying scene, her voice trembling, “I was so scared, | ran for it. But they spotted me! They

must have seen my car and known it was me. They've been huntingsince last night, and if | so much as poke

my head out, he'll kill me! He didn’t hesitate to kill his own blood; what chance do | stand?”

“Did he say how they'd dispose of the bodies?” Jareth’s world spun, as he struggled to keep his voice steady.



Chapter 776

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“West. he told Jackson to take the bodies west. | don’t know exactly


“Lily, stay put.”

Without another word, Jareth hung up, his voice cutting off abruptly as he vanished into the crowd like a shadow

fleeing the light.

April was still talking, still crying on the other end of the phone, but Jareth heard none of it. His instincts

propelled him forward as his

mind was bombarded with memories.

He remembered the countless times his grandpa took him out to play when his father was buried in work;

He remembered Coco, the Doberman his grandpa gave him as a gift;~

He remembered his first taste of cotton candy, a treat from granddad, despite his parents’ strictness;

And his name, it was granddad who had chosen it.

-“I've spent half my life in the red or the black, I'm tired of it. | want the Fairhaven Group to take the straight

path, | want my grandson to have a bright and shining future.”

Without his grandpa, there would be no Jareth.

In an instant, all hope drained from him.

He silently prayed that April was mistaken, that granddad was still at the Fairhaven ranch, tending to his horses.

April, sensing Jareth’s silence, played her final card,

“Aren’t you still searching for the one who killed your father? I'll tell you, you're right to suspect Gary! Just ensure

my safety and helpleave the country, and I'll provide you with evidence of Gary's guilt. | have it!”



Chapter 776

Jareth’s eyes closed, his voice a whisper amidst the storm raging within him,

“Tellyour location.”

After the fireworks show, Aaron and Marilla walked shoulder to

shoulder, blending into the departing crowd.

Despite his rejected confession, Aaron wasn’t one to shatter easily. He talked and laughed as if nothing


If he couldn't be her lover, he'd be her friend-the most trusted one, content in her presence.

Lily followed quietly behind them, her mind racing with concern for Jareth, who had left looking ashen-faced.

Aaron remembered Marilla’s longing gaze at a toy in a shop window earlier. Intending to buy it for her on their

way out, he now saw his chance as they approached the shop.

“Marilla, wait here a sec. I'll be right back,” Aaron said, his eyes lighting

1. up.

“Okay,” Marilla replied, nodding sweetly.


Aaron turned to enter the shop but thought better of leaving Marilla

with her social anxiety. He spun back around, deciding to bring her inside for a proper look around.

But as Aaron turned back, Marilla had vanished.

“Marilla?” His heart in his throat, he called out her nto no


In just a few seconds, a vibrant 22-year-old woman had disappeared

without a trace.

Aaron's face drained of color as he plunged into the crowd, frantically


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Chapter 776

searching for her familiar form.

Nothing. Every face was a stranger's, bringing a chill to his heart.

Just as Aaron was about to call for help, his phone rang,

“Aaron! It’s Lily! | saw everything. Two men in black knocked out Ms. Marilla and whisked her away. They were

professionals! I'm chasing them toward the old north gate of the park. They're trying to take her out that way.


“On it!” Aaron bolted, adrenaline fueling his every step.

The north side of the amusement park bordered an undeveloped wooded area, dim and deserted.

Aaron caught up with Lily, and with his detective’s eye, they followed the trail.

Ahead, they glimpsed the kidnappers carrying Marilla toward the old north gate.

“Hold it right there! Police! Let her go!” Aaron’s voice thundered through the woods.

The word “police” halted the captors for a moment-a moment that might just save Marilla’s life.

Aaron couldn't believe his eyes-their pursuers were gaining ground, even with the threat of his gun.

“Damn it!” Aaron cursed, his hand instinctively reaching for the cold metal of the gun tucked behind his back.

“Run again, and | swear I'll shoot!”

But his threat fell on deaf ears. The kidnappers didn’t even flinch, a sure sign they had sheavy backup.

“You're a cop, Aaron. You can’t just open fire without consequences.



Chapter 776

We can catch them!” Lily's voice was calm, a stark contrast to the tension in the air.

Before Aaron could respond, a dark figure emerged with chilling swiftness, blocking their path. The aura of

menace was palpable, like an insurmountable wall of ice, cold and unyielding.