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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 628
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Chapter 628 He Had No Future Finished Maverick gently patted his chest and said, "It's all right. I just think it's rare to see the family spending ttogether like this. It makeshappy." Laura chuckled and nodded, “Mich has grown up, and we're both retired now. If you don't mind the hassle, we should go out more often." He had no future.

Maverick looked at his wife, her face weathered from years of tirelessly caring for him and their home. He could not bear to tell her the truth, so he forced a smile and said, “Sure, in the future, you and the children should go out and enjoy yourselves more." He brushed it off without mentioning himself.

Michelle, holding the camera, worried that Laura might notice something was off. She urged, "Mom, if you don't take the picture soon, the sun will rise higher, and the lighting won't be as good." Only after Laura stopped talking did she turn to Maverick and begin taking photos. Once they had captured all the poses they wanted, she heard him say, "Mich, Lysa, cover here and join us for a photo. Let's take a family portrait." Josiah stepped forward without needing to be asked by Lysander. He took the camera from Michelle's hands and captured what could possibly be the last family photo in Maverick's life.

Laura's heart swelled as she gazed at the photo previews. "This shot turned out really well! When can we get it printed?" she exclaimed.

Knowing Maverick's twas limited, Josiah took it upon himself to say, "Once we get back to the hotel, I'll contact the staff to print the photos. Hopefully, we'll have them by the end of the day.

Upon hearing that, Maverick felt comforted and responded, “Great, let's take another picture then.” Before Josiah could reshis role as the photographer, Maverick suggested, "Why don't you and your mother join in too? Let's have a picture with both our families this time." He knew he wouldn't live to see Lysander get married again. Therefore, he seized the opportunity to fulfill his own dream, seeing it as his way of blessing his daughter at a significant moment in her life.

on her Despite the bitter emotions churning within her, Lysander managed to suppress them and put most reassuring smile for her father in front of the camera. Josiah quickly positioned himself beside her after setting the camera on timer mode.

The shutter sound echoed, freezing the scene in time.

That night, the group returned to the hotel, where they reunited with Howard and Molly, who had been. resting at the spa resort.

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Before their arrival, Howard had already coordinated with Josiah to reserve a private room in the restaurant and pre-ordered several specialty dishes that required advanced preparation.

After freshening up, Lysander and the others headed to the private dining room for dinner.

1/4 Chapter 628 He Had No Future Finished Howard attributed his recovery to the crisp mountain air, acknowledging its beneficial effect on his health.

Laura and Susan agreed wholeheartedly. The four of them then began discussing the highlights of their day with enthusiasm.

When Maverick took his scat, he seemed in good spirits, but soon began to look unwell. Despite discreetly taking painkillers, something still seemed amiss.

With concern, but he casually dismissed their worries, Both Lysander and Michelle glanced at him signaling with his eyes that they need not worry.

Laura happened to bring up the topic of photography, her eyes lit up as she spoke, as if she had returned to her youthful days.

"He's always been a bit old-fashioned, hardly watching any online videos. But this time, he's acting like a different person. Once we get home, I must hang up the printed photos. And when we move to our new house later, they'll be displayed in a prominent place." When Maverick saw how happy his wife was, he quickly hid his trembling hands under the table even though his face still looked sickly pale.

Laura understood that Maverick needed to keep up appearances for the younger ones. Worried that he might be feeling cold and tired from his recent tin the mountains, she glanced at the dishes on the table and proposed, "Since the weather has been cold lately, how about adding a soup to the meal?" Howard remembered the menu he had seen earlier and suggested, "The waiter mentioned their chicken soup is quite unique. It's made from free-range chickens raised in the mountains, which is especially nourishing. It's exactly what my wife needs for her stomach." The decision to add the newly dish was thus made.

Lysander was rather distracted. Her entire focus was on her father. She was prepared to quickly cup with an excuse and send Maverick back to his room to rest the moment he showed any signs of not being able to hold on.

Maverick kept his concerns to himself. He had a vague premonition but opted not to dampen the spirits of his wife and daughters.

Soon, the soup was served in a claypot.

Laura noticed that Maverick had barely touched his food, and he had not even served himself any soup. She filled a bowl for him, remarking, "You're not as young as you used to be. You need to take better care of yourself, so you won't beca burden to the children in the future." "Okay, no more nagging." Maverick muttered, pinching his hand in an attempt to steady its trembling. He managed to lift his spoon and take a few sips of soup, but he knew his exhausted body would not hold out much longer.

His vision gradually blurred, and alas, he collapsed.

"Maverick!" Laura was startled and rushed to help, but Maverick was completely unconscious and too heavy for her to support alone. Howard and Josiah quickly joined her to assist.

2/4 Chapter 628 He Had No Future Lysander hurried over, swiftly beginning to assess his vital signs.

Maverick's breathing becincreasingly labored, and his face began to display signs of oxygen deprivation. Lysander's voice trembled as she urgently exclaimed, "Quick, call an ambulancel" Finished.

As Michelle witnessed Maverick's fall firsthand, she burst into tears amidst the chaos. Her unexpected. emotional outburst compounded Laura's already heightened sense of panic.

The commotion in the private room had already caught the attention of nearby waiters. Several exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of what to do.

Without hesitation. Josiah tossed his car keys to the calmest-looking waiter. He then instructed, "Bring my car around. The rest of you, please help carry him out swiftly," Before he finished speaking, he already pulled out his phone and dialed the number of the medical worker he had previously contacted.

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The SUV arrived promptly at the restaurant's entrance. With coordinated effort, several waiters swiftly carried Maverick outside and carefully laid him down in the back seat, following Lysander's instructions.

Apart from Josiah, who was driving, the only available seat in the car was the passenger seat.

Lysander cast a glance at the tearful Michelle and Laura, who seemed to have guessed the issue. Her voice quickened slightly and trembled as she said, "The doctor at Central Hospital used to be my colleague. I might be able to assist if I go there. Michelle, please take care of Mom. Once we locate Skylar, she can take you to the hospital." Sobbing, Michelle nodded as she supported Laura, who was on the verge of collapsing.

Lysander gave them a tight hug before rushing to the passenger seat at top speed. Together with Josiah, they hurriedly drove the unconscious Maverick to Central Hospital.

The ER department had been briefed on the patient's condition over the phone and was fully prepared fam their arrival However, upon seeing Maverick's state firsthand, they immediately ordered, "The patient is in grave danger. Quick! Send him to the emergency room!"

Lysander did not dare slow down.

She ran alongside the stretcher until m Maverick was wheeled into the emergency room. Only when the red light above the door lit up did she finally collapse to the ground, drained of strength. She had seen this process play out countless times before.

However, it was only when it happened to her own family that she could actually experience that sense of helplessness.

She could not offer any assistance and could only watch helplessly as the doctors and nurses wheeled her most beloved family member into the operating room.

Though they were merely separated by a wall, no one could predict the outcwhen it cto matters of life and death.

"Dad..." X