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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 620
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Chapter 620 Going Camping 65% #Finished Once Michelle had readied herself, they all proceeded to the private room designated for their spa experience. Laura, initially apprehensive and wary of the chill, observed Susan's composed manner and followed her lead, settling by the edge of the pool. Once immersed, she let out a sigh of contentment, remarking, "Truly, this spa is far more enjoyable than a simple bath at home." Michelle, retaining the exuberance of youth, wasted no tin playful antics. As soon as Lysander stepped into the water, Michelle began splashing her, sparking a light-hearted water fight between the two.

The sisters playful dispute briefly lifted the weight of their concerns.

Nearby, Laura and Susan leaned close, observing the lively scene and exchanging smiles. “Just look at those two, so vibrant and full of life, Laura commented.

Susan, with a nostalgic tone, added. "Indeed, if only I were twenty years younger, I'd join in their frolics. without a second thought. But these days, even a short dip is enough to wearout." Their conversation naturally drifted to reminiscences of their younger days.

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Laura shared her reflections, "Thinking back to when I was single, I cherished the freedom and lack of responsibilities. Had I not met my husband, I might have chosen never to marry." Curious, Susan inquired, "How did you two meet, anyway? Maverick always seemed so serious. Did he actually make the first move back in his younger days?" Indeed, one should not judge a book by its cover.

Laura, slightly embarrassed but amused, replied, "Oh, those were simpler times. Back then, if young men and women liked each other, they just got married. There wasn't much of the chase we see today." Susan chuckled. "So, he did pursue you, then!" Despite her outwardly casual tone, Laura's memories were tinged with fondness. "Well, you could say that. But he only ever tookout to a movie once, right after we got married. It ended late, and as we walked out, he pointed to the night sky and lamented, “The city lights dim the stars. You can only really see the Milky Way in the mountains.

In their youth, during a tof booming industrial revolution, the city's pollution often masked the true beauty of the night sky.

Absorbed by the conversation, Lysander and Michelle had ceased their play. Intrigued, they listened as their mother reminisced. Lysander then asked, “Mom, did Dad ever take you to see the stars in the mountains?" Laughing, Laura replied, "Of course not. Shortly after we married, you girls were porn, and life just beca whirlwind of day-to-day responsibilities. We never found the tfor such trips. Watching the stars on television had to suffice." Realizing the missed opportunities her parents had faced, partly due to her own adoption, Lysander felt a sharp pang of guilt. She resolved then, "Mom, seeing the milky way on TV isn't the same. I'll take you to the mountains myself." 1/3 65% Chapter 620 Going Camping Finished Laura hesitated, attempting to dismiss the idea, “No need, dear. I was just mentioning it casually. Besides, you're already doing so much for us. This is all ancient history now. Your father probably doesn't even remember." "Dad wouldn't forget," Lysander asserted firmly. "You know him, Mom. He's always kept his promises. It's just that life got too busy. I want to make this right for you both." Sopportunities, if not seized in the present, might never cagain. Lysander didn't want her. parents to live with regrets.

Laura appeared reluctant, perhaps regretting even mentioning the past.

Susan, seeing an opportunity to lighten the mood, interjected with a chuckle, "Why wait for another tto camp in the mountains? We're already here. I'll just call Josiah to sort everything out." Without waiting for a response, she picked up her phone, ready to make arrangements. Laura tried to protest, "Maybe we shouldn't...

"It's fine." Susan interjected, dialing quickly. "He was just lounging around. This gives him something useful to do." She rapidly conveyed the necessary instructions to Josiah. His response was prompt and efficient, setting everything in motion before Laura could object further.

Upon realizing that the situation was irreversible, Laura found herself at a loss for what to do next. Almost instinctively, she looked to Lysander for reassurance, Lysander comforted her, "Mom, don't worry, I've got this handled." "All right then. I suppose we'll trouble him this once,” Laura replied.

"Don't worry," Susan assured, "he's likely just called the hotel staff to arrange everything. If he needs to do anything himself, it won't be much. Let's just relax and enjoy the evening." As the day waned into evening, Howard and Molly learned about the planned mountain camping from Josiah but chose to rest instead. The true adventurers of the evening were the younger members of the party.

Josiah had taken care of the arrangements while enjoying the spa himself. "The resort offers full camping services," he explained. "They're already setting up tents and barbecue grills up the mountain. We'll head out once everything is ready." Maverick, likely refreshed from the hot spring and invigorated by the prospect of camping, exclaimed, “It's been ages since I last camped. Inever expected to gain so much from this trip." Laura, though initially concerned about imposing on Josiah, now looked forward to the adventure, teasing Maverick, "It's about tyou kept that old promise. I can't believe it's taken over thirty years and our daughter's intervention to get us here." Josiah, feeling very much part of the family, replied smoothly, "It's really no trouble at all. Just a few phone calls." The words spoken were remarkably similar to what Susan had said before.

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2/3 08:16 Wed, 26 Jun Chapter 620 Going Camping ☐65% Finished

Lysander listened, a bittersweet feeling washing over her as family matters once again seemed to m depend too heavily on Josiah. This should have been her responsibility, yet her father's uplifted spirits, oblivious to her inner conflict, reassured her slightly.

Maverick, buoyed by Laura's reminiscences, found himself spiritedly transported back to the days of his youth.

Uncharacteristically he remained e oblivious to Lysander's subdued mood, caught up in his own good spirits. His voice, laden with excitement, echoed around them. "It doesn't matter who managed the arrangements, just that it's been taken care of. I promised you, didn't I, that I'd show you the Milky Way? 1 couldn't possibly go back on that promise, could I?" After voicing this, he turned towards Lysander, playfully ribbing her mother, "Your mom always joked that I lured her back hwith just one promise."

Laura, her cheeks tinged with a blush, lightly tapped her husband, chiding him in a playful tone, "What are you going on about? We're hardly the young lovebirds we once were, and here you are, gossiping to our daughter. You really are something else..." Maverick's laughter rang out heartily. "So, tellthen, did I really deceive you?" Hearing this exchange, Lysander felt a slight lift in her spirits.

Indeed, now was not the tfor distractions. She needed to focus on helping her father fulfill that long- standing promise to her mother. With renewed determination, she steeled her resolve.

Across the table, Josiah, who had been keeping a watchful eye on Lysander, quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Seizing a moment of levity as the elders engaged in their jovial banter, he discreetly nudged Lysander's shoe with his own under the table.

Lysander's gaze immediately met his.

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