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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 612
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Chapter 612 An Unspoken Understanding Lysander asked with concern, "Dad, how are you feeling? Do you feel unwell?" +5 Pearls She feared that his illness had worsened to the point where he could no longer manage to go out. Yet, she couldn't even bring herself to ask him directly.

Maverick waved his hands dismissively. "It's nothing. I just didn't get a good sleep last night. Your mother started packing carly as she's going to the spa resort today. I told her to just pack a few of my clothes, but she refused. She insisted that it's rare for the whole family to go out together, so we should dress up a bit." As he spoke, he shook his head, seemingly tired from packing. Laura chided him, "How dare you say that? Every tI buy you new clothes, you'd say that you still have clothes left to wear. But when I opened the closet. I saw the sfew pieces that you always wear." Maverick pointed at his jacket. "Isn't this just fine?" Howard, who was standing nearby, chimed in, "Comfort is the most important. I've been wearing this tracksuit for several years now, but it's still the most comfortable thing to wear when it comes to hiking or vacationing.

After the two families resolved their past differences, their relationship was fairly good even though they did not get chummy instantly.

Susan watched on, genuinely feeling happy for them.

While they were all chatting and laughing on one side, Josiah was still tirelessly moving the luggage. Skylar had kindly offered to help, but Josiah gently rejected the offer. "No need. Keep Lysander company and see if she needs any help." Lost, Skylar glanced at Lysander.

Lysander looked back reassuringly, signaling that Skylar did not need to bother about her.

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When Josiah was moving things around, Maverick would frequently look over at him. Although he didn't. voice it, it was clear that he was pleased with Josiah.

After counting the seats, Lysander suggested, "Mom, Dad, why don't you sit in the scar as me, Michelle, and Skylar? That way, Josiah can drive Susan and the rest." It was clear which groups were closer.

Howard and Molly sincerely wanted to bond with their daughter. Yet, they understood that she would be more grateful to those who had raised her. Furthermore, Lysander already shared deeper ties with Maverick and the rest. To avoid putting anyone in a difficult situation, they took the initiative and joined Susan in Josiah's car. The SUV's back seat was spacious enough to comfortably accommodate the three of them.

Upon receiving instructions, Skylar immediately returned to the car, ready to set off any moment. Meanwhile, Lysander and Josiah looked at each other.

Josiah was aware that Lysander cherished the tspent with Maverick. After greeting Maverick and 1/3 Chapter 612 An Unspoken Understanding more in your car?" Everyone else was taken aback.

Josiah was the first to nod. "Yes." ☐%060 +5 Pearls "Okay." Maverick then turned to Lysander. “Lysa, why don't you share a car with them? There's more space over there, unlike here. If three people sit in the back, it'll becquite cramped." This reason was rather abrupt.

Maverick never paid attention to such trivial matters in his life. If there was discomfort, he would bear with it. It was clear that he wanted Lysander to interact more with Josiah.

Even though Lysander had mentally prepared herself long ago, she couldn't help but feel the urge to cry when she heard him being so considerate of her future. Despite this, she managed to maintain a smile on her face.

"Dad, I've been swamped with work recently, so I haven't had the chance to chand spend twith you all. Now that I finally have the opportunity to go out and have sfun, why are you chasingaway?" She wished to spend a bit more twith her father.

Josiah understood what was on her mind. He immediately cast down his eyes to conceal his emotions, so as not to reveal anything amiss.

"I wasn't trying to chase you away," explained Maverick hastily, fearing that Lysander might be upset. "I'm just worried about your sister's injury. Although she can jump and walk, she's still in the recovery phase." He turned around and gave his younger daughter a meaningful look.

After being startled by how quickly Maverick's attitude changed, Michelle regained her composure. She looked at Lysander convincingly and pleaded," Lysander, I've been standing here for a while now. My feet are starting to hurt." Lysander let out a sigh.

She knew very well that her younger sister was a daddy's girl. The moment Maverick's attitude shifted, her sister's did too.

Maverick reached out and steadied Michelle. "If your feet hurt, don't stand. Sit in the car quickly. Con, Laura. Lend a hand too." The three of them left without giving Lysander any chance to stop them.

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With a look of confusion, Laura glanced at Maverick, who was supporting Michelle. With her back facing Lysander and Josiah, she quietly asked her husband, "What's going on today? He used to have such a venomous look of hatred whenever we saw him in the past. Yet, last night, you said that you would let go of the past because of his genuine feelings for Lysa. I can believe that. But how did your opinion change so drastically that you are starting to matchmake them?" Maverick stuttered, “Just think of it ascoming to terms with it." Laura was skeptical. "You've moved on? Weren't you the one who hit his head?" Maverick used in his step. Turning his face away awkwardly, he replied. "That's in the past. Aren't we 2/3 90% Chapter 612 An Unspoken Understanding +5 Pearls supposed to look forward now? Stop making wild guesses. Besides, can you find a better and more reliable suitor for Lysa?" It was clear that he was unwilling to elaborate further. If Laura continued to probe and question him, he was likely to becirritated.

Caught in the middle, Michelle cleverly changed the subject. "Mom, I want to sit in the front. Don't you dare fightfor it!" "Okay, you can take the front passenger seat. Your dad and I will sit in the back." Laura's attention was successfully diverted.

Not far behind them. Lysander was gazing at Maverick, her eyes om brimming with tears. She was afraid they might suddenly turn around, so she quickly turned her head around when Skylar opened the car door. Josiah remained silently by her side, patiently waiting. After her emotions had steadied, he finally said, "Let's get going.

Lysander rubbed her eyes. Trying to get into a relaxed mood fit for holidaying, she entered the SOV With him Howard, Molly, and Susan were already sitting at the back. Hence, she had no choice but to sit in the front passenger seat. Josiah fastened his seatbelt the moment Lysander did.

The two seemed to share an unspoken understanding.

Susan enjoyed observing Lysander and Josiah standing together through the rearview mirror. view mirror om Assuming that they had just walked over after chatting, she reminded Josiah with a smile, “Josiah, the car is full of elders. Do be careful and drive steadily." Upon hearing this, Josiah immediately understood that she was reminding him to leave a good impression. He responded assuredly, "Don't worry, mom. I know where to draw the line." X