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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 593
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Chapter 593 Afraid I Might Not Have Excuses To See Your Lysander's attention was drawn toward the kitchen as a delicious aroma filled the air.

#Finished Martha, donned in an apron, was busy preparing meals at the counter, her hands deftly maneuvering around the ingredients laid out before her. At the stime, a dish was gently simmering in a pot on the stove, filling the room with its enticing scent.

Nearby, Josiah, dressed somewhat formally in a shirt and trousers for a kitchen setting, was observing Martha's culinary efforts with an intense curiosity, as if the art of cooking was a mystery he was determined to unravel.

Having been lingering at the doorway for stime, Lysander noticed that neither had spotted her presence. With a slight sense of reluctance, she raised her hand and tapped lightly on the doorfrto announce her presence.

Looking toward the west side of the room, Josiah immediately reacted by heading to the entrance to fetch light coat for her, commenting. "The weather has turned chilly recently; be careful not to catch a cold." "I just took a hot shower; I'm really not cold." Lysander responded, gently declining the offer of a jacket. However, when he insisted, she accepted it, holding it in her hands. Then, with a more serious tone, she inquired. “Josiah, what's going on?" Josiah motioned towards a pile of large and small packages scattered on the kitchen floor and began to explain in a calm voice the activities he had undertaken while she was bathing. "While you haven't been cooking at home, the food in your fridge spoiled, so I took the liberty of discarding it. The people at the Cattery mentioned that kittens need more than just Kitten food for a balanced diet. I decided to prepare shomemade meals for the kitten. I've already picked up sgroceries from a nearby store and even bought a few other necessities for the kitten. See that electric litter box over there? Isn't that the one you were talking about?" "You're cooking for the kitten?" Lysander asked, her tone a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Josiah didn't answer directly but continued, "Cát toys and teasers are useful from kittenhood through to adulthood. The cat food and canned items here are all specially chosen for kittens, particularly suitable for a ragdoll with a weak disgestive system, more so than the brands typically recommended by veterinarians.

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Josiah had always been proactive, and that day, after observing Joseph's pretentious act, he felt a compelling urge to preemptively address any possible issues, sealing all potential gaps that might be exploited.

In passing, he disposed of everything that Adrian had previously purchased for the home, leaving not a trace behind.

Lysander eyed the items strewn about the floor and quickly pulled out her phone, asking. "How much? I'll transfer the money to you right now." Josiah looked down, his voice soft. "It's not a significant amount; no need for that." "I don't want to owe you any favors; that's how Adrain and I always settled things," Lysander spoke softly yet firmly.

Josiah's voice carried a hint of defiance as he responded, "I'm not like him," clearly distancing himself from any comparison with Adrian He continued his mire mowing firmer "We raised the rodall kitten 1/3 Have Excuses To See You together; I have every right to provide for its needs." Lysander found herself without a ready response to his words.

73%1 Finished He had already turned away, fully absorbed in his own tasks, and suggested, "I need to learn more about cooking from Martha. Why don't you spend stwith the Kitten? It's been looking at its toy for quite stnow, obviously eager to play." The ragdoll kitten was playfully circling the items in the shopping bag, almost ready to leap into it.

Lysander, worried that the kitten might tear open the bag, swiftly moved it aside. With practiced case, she then neatly organized the pet supplies from the bag. These items were all from well-known pet brands, clearly not the sort of goods one could simply pick up on a whim during a casual market trip.

Just as Lysander was about to examine the items more closely, a nutritious meal was placed on the table. Josiah, with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hands still damp, seemed to have been engrossed in the culinary efforts. Noticing Lysander's hesitation to speak, he explained, "This was prepared by Martha.

"Didn't you say you were making cat food?" Lysander inquired, slightly confused.

Josiah let out a light chuckle before turning and heading back to the kitchen.

In the past few days, Lysander had grown accustomed to having an additional person at home. She reasoned that Josiah's involvement in the kitchen alongside Martha wouldn't disturb her. After finishing her dinner, she took her Ragdoll kitten to the study to catch up on sunfinished work.

By the tshe concluded her tasks, it was quite late. Lysander massaged her stiff neck as she left the study. Noticing that the light was still on in the dining area, she walked over to investigate and stopped dead in her tracks.

The dining table was overloaded with dishes, creating a spectacle as if every utensil in her kitchen had been utilized. However, the appearance of the food did not match the grandeur of the display.

Josiah emerged from the kitchen carrying a plate of particularly bland-looking food, his face ashen. He placed it on the dining table.

Lysander eyed the dubious dish, memories of her culinary adventures in Stounia creeping back. She took a sharp breath and queried, "What is this? Black licorice?" "It was supposed to be lemon butter fish," Josiah replied, standing uncertainly at the edge of the banquet table, debating whether to set down the plate.

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The nof the dish triggered a throbbing headache in Lysander. She lowered her head and murmured, "It's so late, and you...” She had never seen her dining table so extravagantly filled before.

Josiah's lips twitched as he finally set down his plate, admitting. "I've been trying to learn cooking from Martha. Initially, I wanted to master the dishes she prepared for your nutritious meal tonight, but then..." He glanced at the dining table, which even he had to admit looked rather pitiful. With a tone of resignation, he concluded, "The result might not be great, but as Martha always says, cooking is a skill where practice makes perfect. I just need more practice." 2/3 08:02 Fri, 21 Jun Chapter 593 Afraid I Might Not Have Excuses To See You Finished Lysander glanced at the fish, noting its eyes still open, staring blankly, and the meat charred to an unrecognizable state. She struggled to find a polite way to express her thoughts and finally said, "I suggest you spare yourself and these ingredients too. It's such a waste. Your battlefield is in the business world, not the kitchen." Josiah, unwilling to give up, countered, "Perhaps I might not be naturally gifted at cooking like I am in business, but can't diligence make up for the lack of talent?"

Lysanders nodded thoughtfully. "I've hese past learned quite a bit about management from you you these few days: One thing t really agree with is that we should optimize our O team by allowing people to do what they excel at. Forcing someone to do what they struggle with is highly inefficient." "What's your opinion on that Adrain guy? Is his talent in the operating table or in the kitchen?" "Both..." "So why can't I have it all?" he questioned, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Lysander tried to understand his motives. "Why are you so insistent on this?" "I just wanted to do a bit more for you." Lysander was struck dumb.

"You wouldn't letpick you up or drop you off at work, and you've gradually gotten the hang of the company matters Today at the m vel hospital, the incident with the basketball player was a wake-up call for me. I realize I know too little about your past. You're a very independent person, and I fear I might soon run out of excuses just to see you," Josiah confessed. Lysander took a deep breath, unsure of how to respond.

With a resigned tone, Josiah concluded, "You should rest first, I'll take care of everything here." Lysander hadn't intended to help him. Yet, considering the waste and his evident lack of understanding of resource management, a pang of sympathy arose within her. He clearly hadn't had much experience running a household! Before she could articulate her thoughts, Martha emerged from the kitchen. Noticing the awkward tension over the ruined dishes, she quickly intervened.

"Ms. Thorne, don't be too harsh on Mr. Guerra. For a first attempt, he O actually did quite well. You wouldn't, believe it, but at my previous job, someone tried their hand at cooking and ended up setting the kitchen on fire. It was such a spectacle, even the fire department got involved," she recounted, attempting to lighten the mood. Send Gifts X