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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 592
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Chapter 592 Returning HTo Feed The Cat Finished Joseph found himself puzzled by the ongoing conversation and decided to intervene, suggesting, "Ms. Thome, why not relax a bit more today and stay with us for a while? The dean and other teachers will soon be arriving, and you'll have the opportunity to catch up with them..." "No, I need to get going; it's starting to get dark," Lysander replied. "My Kitten at htends to get anxious when I'm not there." Josiah Lysander simply nodded in agreement, "Mhm” Yet, Joseph, curious, remarked, "But from what I understand, Kittens aren't usually afraid of the dark, are. they?" "Our Kitten has always been unusually timid." Joseph seemed poised to delve deeper into the topic, but before he could formulate his thoughts into words, Josiah had already grasped Lysander's sleeve and, without waiting for further discussion, briskly led her away.

It appeared Josiah had been restraining himself for stime, for as soon as they exited the ward, he couldn't hold back his irritation. With a chilly tone, he questioned, "Does he always have such a talent for twisting the truth?" He didn't care if Joseph overheard this remark; perhaps it would even be better if he did.

Quick to leave the premises of the hospital, Lysander directed, "We should discuss this outside." Josiah, following closely behind with palpable frustration, stepped into the elevator with her.

The elevator descended.

Once confined within the elevator, Josiah, despite the public setting, barely managed to contain his emotions. "His injuries were minor. He should be discharged soon. As a medical professional, can't you see that?" Lysander, sensing his agitation, replied, “Did you feel that?" "What?" The emotions I felt when I first heard Lysanne speak," Lysander explained, "you should try to understand that feeling." Josiah paused briefly, reflecting, "Back then, I was... blind to what was obvious." He clenched his teeth slightly as he finished his thought, the realization hitting him like a boomerang. leaving him emotionally shattered.

The elevator reached the ground floor.

Josiah momentarily lost his train of thought, his steps faltering. Catching up to Lysander, he swiftly shifted the conversation, devoid of any previous emotion, "Enough about him. Letwalk you home." 1/3 The Charming Ex-Wife Chapter 592 Returning HTo Feed The Cat Finished Joseph found himself puzzled by the ongoing conversation and decided to intervene, suggesting, "Ms. Thorne, why not relax a bit more today and stay with us for a while? The dean and other teachers will soon be arriving, and you'll have the opportunity to catch up with them...

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"No, I need to get going; it's starting to get dark," Lysander replied. "My Kitten at htends to get anxious when I'm not there." Josiah Lysander simply nodded in agreement, "Mhm." Yet, Joseph, curious, remarked, "But from what I understand, Kittens aren't usually afraid of the dark, are they?" "Our Kitten has always been unusually timid." Joseph seemed poised to delve deeper into the topic, but before he could formulate his thoughts into words, Josiah had already grasped Lysander's sleeve and, without waiting for further discussion, briskly led her away.

It appeared Josiah had been restraining himself for stime, for as soon as they exited the ward, he couldn't hold back his irritation. With a chilly tone, he questioned, "Does he always have such a talent for twisting the truth?" He didn't care if Joseph overheard this remark; perhaps it would even be better if he did.

Quick to leave the premises of the hospital, Lysander directed, "We should discuss this outside." Josiah, following closely behind with palpable frustration, stepped into the elevator with her.

The elevator descended.

Once confined within the elevator, Josiah, despite the public setting, barely managed to contain his emotions. "His injuries were minor. He should be discharged soon. As a medical professional, can't you see that?" Lysander, sensing his agitation, replied, "Did you feel that?" "What?" "The emotions I felt when I first heard Lysanne speak," Lysander explained, "you should try to understand that feeling." Josiah paused briefly, reflecting, "Back then, I was... blind to what was obvious." He clenched his teeth slightly as he finished his thought, the realization hitting him like a boomerang. leaving him emotionally shattered.

The elevator reached the ground floor.

Josiah momentarily lost his train of thought, his steps faltering. Catching up to Lysander, he swiftly shifted the conversation, devoid of any previous emotion, "Enough about him. Letwalk you home." 1/3 08:02 Fri, 21 Jun Chapter 592 Returning HTo Feed The Cat Finished Lysander gently refused, "My his just a few subway stops away. You should attend to Guerra Group's issues." Despite her refusal, Josiah insisted, "I can manage my work from hjust as effectively." Finding herself agreeing after sconsideration, since it was along the way. Lysander relented and joined him in the car.

"I've been thinking about hiring a driver," she mused aloud.

Lysander recalled how, back when Howard was around, the Thorne Constructions and Energies always had a dedicated driver. But since he had stepped back from public life, that driver had resigned.

Josiah quickly understood her intention and volunteered, "Why complicate things? I'm heading hanyway; it's no trouble at all to drop you off." "I can't always rely on you like a chauffeur, though," she responded.

"Of course, you can," Josiah stated, "I'm happy to help." As Lysander exited the car, standing next to the side mirror, she looked back at him. Her tone was gentle yet firm. "However, I find it bothersome. After work is my personal time, and I prefer not to have someone constantly by my side. Besides, Lysanne was right-I wouldn't dare take not a musket to kill a butterfly." Josiah understood her determination. Seeing her resolute expression, he conceded, “All right, if you insist on hiring someone, go ahead. But the HR department at Thorne Constructions and Energies might not be thorough. I'll have Ms. Collins assist you. However, let's be clear-it should be a female driver." Lysander, not wanting to owe him any favors, accepted his offer pragmatically.

"I have no particular preference for the driver's gender, as long as they are competent behind the wheel." Josiah parked the car and followed Lysander into the elevator. Noticing her reticence, he initiated another topic, "Could I stop by to check on the Kitten? The Cattery calledthis morning; they want sphotos to see how it's adjusting." Lysander hesitated to respond, but given the context was about the Kitten's well-being, she found herself unable to outright refuse.

Josiah, seeing her momentary indecision, quickly added, "I won't stay long. Besides, I have a key since the door lock was changed." Ding! The elevator doors slid open.

Leaving his request unanswered, Lysander walked ahead in silence, opened her m stepped door, and feaving the door ajar as she switched into her slippers and turned on the light. Her actions implicitly allowed him to follow Josiah knew this was her tacit approval. He entered, changing into the guest slippers provided.

The Ragdoll kitten, having been alone all day, eagerly approached Lysander, wrapping its fluffy tail around her legs and meowing affectionately.

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2/3 Chapter 592 Returning HTo Feed The Cat Finished As Lysander scooped up the Kitten, her usual rational demeanor softened considerably. Holding the kitten, her voice naturally becgentler.

The Kitten, comfortable in her arms, responded with conuous, soft purrs.

Josiah observed their interaction, refilling the water for the Ragdoll kitten and replacing the litter in the box as necessary. Just as Lysander had done earlier, he brought the trash to the door, Lysander eventually noticed his efforts, acknowledging there was little else she could interfere with at the moment.

Josiah approached, gently caressing the Kitten in her arms. “This little one has been alone all day it probably thought you had abandoned it, that's why it's acting so scared. We should spend more twith it." Under ordinary circumstances, such words might be spoken to reassure a child left at home.

Lysander felt a twinge of suspicion.

The kitten seemed to take to Josiah well, nestling into his hand with its fluffy ears. Josiah softly stroked the kitten a few times, eliciting purrs of contentment.

Lysander, seeing no real signs of distress in the Kitten, passed it to him, "Didn't you cto see the Kitten? You two play. I have other things to handle." Josiah was momentarily taken aback by this unexpected turn. Holding the Kitten, he followed her, offering. "If it's work-related, maybe I can help." Lysander stopped him at the bedroom door. "I need to change and take a bath." Without a word, Josiah stepped back to the living room, cradling the Kitten. He crouched by the water bowl, showing the feline how to drink without soaking its fur-something essential for long-haired Kittens.

After a long day, Lysander was eager for a relaxing bath. Once she had er hair and shipped iftin dried her hair a comfortable nightgown, she returned to the living room, now filled with the inviting scent of food. He hasn't left yet? Did he order takeout? Send Gifts X