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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 588
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Chapter 588 Erotic Dream Lysander let out a sigh.

At this hour and on this stretch of road, hailing a taxi is no easy feat.

#Finished Josiah had already made his way to the side of the car and opened the back door, waiting patiently without rushing her.

"Get in the car," Lysander relented in the end.

She slid into the back seat alongside Daphne. Without uttering a word, Josiah started driving.

First, he dropped Daphne off at her office. Then, he drove home.

When Lysander went to bed that night, she dreamt of the video Josiah showed her.

In the video, the sexy female teacher still wore black-rimmed glasses, but the face had been replaced with her own.

The surrounding dozen or so male students in school uniforms were gone. Only one person was there. He was clad in a silver-grey suit, sporting gold-rimmed glasses and a matching sleeve garter on his The classroom and podium remained the same.

The swent for the window and the series of actions.

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upper arm.

Then, the scene shifted, morphing into the hotel in Apex City.

The podium turned into the table in the hotel, with a kettle on it.

Lysander jolted awake, her hand instinctively reaching for her forehead, only to find it slick with sweat. Getting out of bed, she went to the living room and got a glass of water, downing it in one go. She then sat on the couch and calmed herself for quite stbefore she finally detached her thoughts from that erotic dream.

She was somewhat taken aback. Even more so, she felt a sense of embarrassment.

She hardly ever had such dreams, not even during puberty.

I'm almost thirty now. What on earth is happening with me? Buzz! Her phone vibrated.

The person from her dreams had turned into the man in reality, He even sent her a message on WhatsApp.

It read: Martha took the day off tomorrow because of spersonal matters. What would you like for breakfast? I'll go and buy it.

Lysander didn't reply to it.

1/4 Chapter 588 Erotic Dream Then, the second Whatmessage cin.

Finished It read: Is croissant okay! When we were in Aper City, you seemed to enjoy it. Do you prefer soy milk or cow's milk? Subsequently, he texted again: Good night.

After the bizarre dream last night, Lysander decided to avoid seeing Josiah for the tbeing.

She did scalculations and realized that she was probably in her ovulation period. Her hormones were peaking, which was likely the cause of her current state. She figured she'd be fine once that period passed.

So, she left the house just after seven. She went downstairs and hailed a cab. Only then did she reply to Josiah: No, it's okay. Thank you.

Upon reaching the hospital entrance, she happened to run into Lynn. After chatting briefly, she headed to the shop at the entrance to buy sfruits and flowers.

While she was choosing a fruit basket, a familiar brown paper bag suddenly appeared before her eyes.

"You cto visit Joseph without eating first?” Josiah held the brown paper bag closer to her. "Even a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded shouldn't neglect herself to this extent." He happened to be wearing a silver-grey suit that day. Receiving no response from her, he adjusted the gold- rimmed glasses perched on his nose and said, “Take it.” The scenes from last night's dream flashed through Lysander's mind again.

She looked a bit uneasy, "Why are you here as well?" "You're avoidingagain. That's okay, but you can't skip breakfast," said Josiah.

Lysander hesitated for a moment before accepting the brown paper bag. "Thank you." Josiah's lips curved up slightly. "Buying flowers?" "Yes, I'm buying sflowers and fruits. It's not appropriate to visit someone empty-handed.” Josiah's expression eased a bit. "You're right. It's important to adhere to manners with people we're not too familiar with." Lysander knew there was more to his words than what was said.

Back when she was hospitalized in Apex City, she received a number of fruit baskets. However, they were all from people trying to curry favor with Josiah. Josiah himself didn't buy any.

Therefore, he essentially meant that there were differences between people with close and distant relationships. Lysander didn't want to argue with him about that. She said softly, “I can visit Joseph alone. You should get back to work. You didn't go to the office yesterday, so it won't look good if you don't go today either." After she had finished speaking, she headed to the florist at the hospital entrance to pick out sflowers intended for visiting Joseph.

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losiah parked his car. Following her he swiftly purchased a bouquet of lilies before she could. Then, he 2/4 08:01 Fri, 21 Jun We Chapter 588 Erotic Dream 73% Finished said matter-of-factly, "No matter what, he got injured while playing basketball with me. For all intents and purposes, it's only right that I visit him with you. These flowers are from me," At a glance, Lysander saw right through him and casually asked, "You make a good point. So, you intend to apologize to him?" Until then, Josiah refused to admit that he intentionally knocked Joseph down, much less apologize.

"I didn't do anything wrong. It was just a regular injury during a competition. Why should I apologize?" At that, Lysander said seriously, "Then, you shouldn't go. It'll be a waste of your time." She meticulously selected another bouquet of baby's breath, making it clear that she wanted to separate herself from him.

Holding the bouquet of lilies, Josiah said. "I've already bought flowers, so it would be a waste not to go."

As the two of them were in a heated debate about whether they should visit Joseph at the the war together, a ve familiar figure emerged alone from the outpatient department: They unexpectedly bumped into each other, completely unprepared. Tiffany tightened her grip on the strap of her shoulder bag. At the stime, she subconsciously hid her other hand behind her back, looking somewhat uneasy.

"Jose, Ms. Thorne, I didn't expect to run into you here. What a coincidence," she greeted with a smile as if the unpleasant events in the past had never occurred.

Lysander had personally witnessed the malice in her eyes, so she would not and could not treat her the sas before. She merely replied meaningfully, "What a coincidence, Ms. Lanister."

Despite knowing she had seen through her true colors, Tiffany acted N as if nothing had happened right then and asked her warmly, "Ms. Thorne, why did you cto the hospital with Jose? Are you feeling unwell?" "I'm just visiting someone," Lysander answered concisely, not wanting to speak to her more than necessary.

At the sight of Tiffany, Josiah's expression also turned solemn. "What brings you to the hospital? Is Mr. Lanister ill?" As usual, Tiffany always had a smile on her face when she was around him. "No, my dad's perfectly fine. Like you both, I'm here to visit a sick classmate." She tucked the hand away she hid behind her increasingly farther as if deliberately concealing something

Had Lysander not previously worked in the obstetrics and gynecology om department and was keen, she might not have been able to deduce the full content of the medical report from the exposed corner. She couldn't make out the words on the report, but she noticed a gentle fold at the bottom right corner.

That was her old habit, which Lynn later picked up as well.

A dog-eared medical report was generally something complex, requiring special attention.

When the patient returned for a follow-up visit with the medical report, the doctor would have an idea 3/4 08:01 Fri, 21 Jun Chapter 588 Erotic Dream upon seeing the mark and pay extra attention to the particular patient.

With just one glance, Lysander had a rough idea in her heart.

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