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His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256 I Will Wait For You "Of course. Why would you ask such a question?" Zachary asked.

Lysander responded, "Nothing. I was just asking out of curiosity." He started laughing. "You're not having pre-marital jitters, are you? Don't worry. I'm not like Mr. Guerra. I don't have a first crush, so there won't be any other women "Givea bit more time." ing in between us." "How much more tdo you you need?" "Are you in that much of a hurry?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

He gave a sheepish smile. "Look atacting foolish again. It's fine. Take your tto think about it. I'll wait for you." "We've arrived. Just dropoff here." He said, "I'll walk you to the stairs." "That's okay. I've been performing surgery all afternoon and am feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. I want to get sfresh air to clear my head.", They were not far from the residential area, only less than one hundred meters away.

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Hence, Zachary pulled over on the side of the road. She opened the door, got out of the car, took her bag, and left without a backward glance.

When Lysander arrived at the hospital the next day, Daphne burst out laughing as soon as she saw her "Only one night has passed since we last saw each other. How is it that the both of us now look like pandas?" "What do you mean?" "We look like pandas with our dark eye circles!" Daphne exclaimed. She had stayed up all night watching over Priscilla and was, for once, looking exhausted.

As for Lysander, she had had a sleepless night. It's my fault for noticing too late. Now, my parents think of Zachary. If we suddenly break up, they'll definitely leave no stone unturned to find out why. Just thinking about it is givinga headache.

"How's Priscilla?" "She had a high fever last night. It lasted all night. The doctor on duty prescribed santipyretics, but they didn't help much. Her temperature only went down slightly. She's still running a mild fever," Daphne answered. Lysander flipped through the previous night's records. "Thirty-seven point eight degrees is still okay. noa thathish. Revider cine can't take ina much suimuratio. Since che tank cwithin the Balance. 3519 +1456 1 Pearls 1 Coins tonight, I'll prescribe more medication." "You're the professional, so I'll follow your lead," Daphne replied.

As they were talking, they heard a commotion coming from outside.

"I'll go see what's going on," said Daphne.

She had just risen to her feet when the office door was kicked open with a bang.

A burly man covered in tattoos stood in the doorway, and behind him was none other than Harry's mother.

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Upon seeing Lysander, Helen instantly burst into tears and fell to the ground. "My poor daughter-in- law and grandson! Life has been so hard for you two! How did you end up with such an unethical doctor who took my grandson's life!" A few nurses outside wanted to go and help her up, but the tattooed man stood at the door like a wall and there was no way for them to enter.

Furious, Daphne pushed back her sleeves and uttered. “That's not right.

You left your day in the care about countryside and didn't ca her. You went off traveling and having fun but suddenly feel. sorry for her now? Where were you when she lost so much blood yesterday and almost lost her life?"

"Stop spouting nonsense! How well I treat my daughter-in-law is evident to everyone in the village! I prepare various medicinal supplements for her to drink every day. Do you think I went on a vacation? I had heard of a skilled traditional medicine practitioner in Acocester who has a folk remedy for prenatal care, so I went there to get the folk remedy for Priscilla," Helen retorted..

Suddenly, her gaze shifted, and she jabbed a finger at Lysander. "Who could've predicted would've abducted my daughter-in-law in just one day? She even performed an abortion. her! That could've been the Molsey family's first grandchild! Dr. Thorne, a fetus is still a li that you're a gynecologist! What you did was downright heartless!" Send Gifts 398 O X