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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 It Is Your Honor Mia’s scheme had succeeded, and she felt proud. Emily’s heart was in turmoil, and she felt that all the

blood in her body was rolling. She bit her tongue to hold back her emotions, and her mouth filled with

the metallic taste of blood.

Emily’s sharp gaze pierced straight at Mia. There was a bone-chilling coldness in her voice. “Is that so?

Then should I thank you for your kindness and your deep sisterhood? Unfortunately, my mother has

only ever given birth to one daughter. I don’t have a sister. A mistress’ illegitimate daughter shouldn’t

stand here and try to talk to me like an equal.”

Her words were sharp and she directly mocked Mia’s lineage.

When these words came out, the expressions of Emma and Mia changed, and William’s face sank.

The direction of public opinion had changed, and the wind was blowing the other way now.

“Back then, President Armstrong cheated and got together with Emma. That was why he had Mia.”

Someone whispered, resulting in a chorus of boos. “I didn’t expect that this President Armstrong would

do that, he looks like such an honorable family man.” “Mrs. Armstrong looks so elegant. I didn’t expect

her to be a homewrecker.” What they said was the truth. Emma and Mia felt the sharp pricks of the

pointed words now aimed at them The wedding had turned into a farce. Charles frowned unhappily and

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said, “Emily, there are so many people here today. Even if you don’t wish us well, don’t say such

unpleasant words. Since you left the family, Mia has worried constantly about you. How… can you say

such words?”

It was obvious he was defending Mia and blaming Emily.

Emily sneered. “Oh really? And is that why she showed up at my house and pushed my grandmother

to the ground, causing her to be hospitalized? Because Mia cares so much about me? She’s such a

good actress! She really should get an award. Do you have an Oscar yet Mia? Because you really

deserve one!” Emily tutted and mocked Mia.

When she said this, everyone’s face turned ugly.

There were members of the media in attendance. A story like that would surely make the entertainment

headlines. What Emily wanted was to make the Armstrong family lose face. After witnessing Emily

exposing their family secrets in public over and over, William shouted angrily, “Enough! Today is

Charles and Mia’s wedding. Shut up!” Emily clenched her teeth and looked at William with an

exasperated look. “Give me the thing I came for. I will shut up and leave immediately.” William for some

reason was still dragging things out and refusing to give Emily the necklace she had come for. At this

time, Mr. Smith let out a long sigh. He stepped forward and said with a smile, “Ms. Armstrong, you can’t

leave! After all, you will soon be my daughter-in-law. A member of the Smith family.”

The noisy discussion stopped abruptly. Emily was stunned and looked at the strange middle-aged man

in front of her. She wasn’t even engaged, what did this man mean? Her face darkened and she asked,

“What do you mean by this? Who are you?” Mr. Smith was a little displeased. Did she mean to go back

on their agreement? “I am the chairman of the Smith Group. Your father has agreed to betroth you to

my son. This matter has already been decided!” He suddenly raised his voice and glared at her. Mr.

Smith deliberately spoke loudly so everyone would hear it. That way, if the Armstrong family went back

on their word, they would lose credibility. Hearing this, Emily was shocked and angry. She looked at

William in astonishment. She gnashed her teeth in anger. “What did you do?”

He was not surprised at all. He said coldly, “Why aren’t you thanking me, you traitor! The Smith family

is also famous in J City. It is your honor to marry into their family!” Since she was already there, there

was no way William would let Emily escape so easily. Emma also took advantage of the situation and

said, “Yes, Emily, just marry. The Smith family is good. Your father and I are very satisfied. Your Uncle

Smith likes you very much, he chose you personally to be his daughter-in-law!” She smiled happily, and

Mia also gloated. The corners of her lips curled up. Mia stayed silent, but she was basking in

satisfaction. Emily, this is our gift to you! Hahaha!

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At the same time, Lucas and Mason had arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Everyone was attracted to the spectacle surrounding Emily. No one noticed them. “Young Master, is

this the right place?” Mason asked suspiciously. He looked down at his watch to make sure that they

did not come at the wrong time. Lucas frowned and nodded.

There was no one in the seats.

The groom and the bride were nowhere to be seen. “Is this really a wedding? Why does it look like a

village fair?” Mason muttered.

Everyone stood in the corner in a semi-circle, peering inwards.

This scene looked strange no matter how one looked at it. “There isn’t even anyone welcoming the

guests or checking invitations. This wedding ceremony between the Armstrong and Johnson families is

really unique.” Mason pushed his spectacles up and grasped the invitation in his other hand.

“Something has happened.” Lucas said in a deep voice. He looked at the center of the crowd and his

pupils shrank.

Emily? How could it be her! He strode over to the crowd with his long legs. “This elder miss of the

Armstrong family is now going to become the daughter-in-law of the Smith family?” “What a show the

two families are putting on today!” Hearing their discussion, Lucas’ expression turned cold.

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