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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24 Feeling Closer Ethan and Sofia stood behind Emily and looked at each other. They didn’t understand why their

mommy was suddenly treating this good-looking


Although they didn’t understand, they didn’t dare to disturb them. They just watched obediently.


The two kittens were locked outside the door, and mewling softly. They looked at each other. It was

their kittens looking for them! The two children crept over and opened the door. They each picked up a

kitten and came back to watch their mommy work.

Emily was skilled and had already sterilized the needles.

“Let’s begin.” She waved and with a swift movement, a needle landed on Lucas’ back. She worked

quickly, and Lucas felt no pain as it was all over in a flash. His back only felt a little sore. Ethan and

Sofia were bored and looked into Lucas’ eyes. His gaze was sharp, but strangely, it made them feel

close to him. “Handsome uncle, so you really didn’t come to our house to ask for money.” Sofia

mustered up the courage to speak, her voice soft and sweet. She felt that this uncle was not that scary.

Lucas looked at her. Only then did he have time to carefully observe this little girl. She had an

intelligent and cute aura. Her temperament was soft and sweet. When she smiled, she looked like an

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When he heard her voice, he felt like he was being soothed.

When he saw how cute she was, he couldn’t help but smile and said to her. “Yes, your Mommy is

treating me instead.” Sofia nodded and smiled. Her voice was sweet and soft. “I told you, uncle doesn’t

look like a bad person.” Lucas thought, then why was she so afraid of him just now? She had been

hiding behind Vivian, afraid that he would see her.

Ethan suddenly pulled her sister and said warily, “Don’t talk to strangers. We are not very familiar with

him. Mommy said that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Have you

forgotten? You can’t be sure he’s a good person just because he is good-looking.” Sofia blinked her

eyes adorably and felt that it made sense.

She nodded at her brother and then looked at her Mommy worriedly. “But, Mommy has asked him to

come into the bedroom. If he is a bad person, won’t we be in danger?” They talked and discussed

whether he was a good person or a bad person right in front of Lucas.

As the centerpiece of their discussion, Lucas watched with interest and did not speak.

Mason also felt that it was very funny. These two little ones spoke without any fear right in front of his

young master. They were really bold, and no one had ever dared to talk like that in front of him.

“Children, we’re not bad guys I promise. We’re all good guys.” He lowered his head and looked at them

gently. Ethan snorted and turned his head away, not buying it. “You have brought so many bodyguards

with you. In the movie, only the bad guys have this kind of lineup. You look like baddies. Also, I don’t

know you guys. Not even your names. Why should I trust you?” Mommy said that he had to be wary of

everyone. In the future, he would become a man and protect his sister and mommy. Lucas looked at

Ethan with admiration. His reasoning was sound even for a child. He immediately said, “What you said

makes sense.” He instructed Mason to take out his business card and pass it to Ethan. He raised his

eyebrows and asked, “Can you read it?” Ethan sniffed and was a little displeased. “Who are you

looking down on? I know a lot of words!”

He took the business card and read it word by word, “President of Greens Group, Lucas!”

The little fellow was stunned. Mason got up and smiled, “Do you know Greens Group?” “Of course I

know!” He watched the news. He knew everything that happened in the world. Ethan came back to his

senses, his face full of disbelief. He asked Lucas suspiciously, “Are you really the president of the

Greens Group?” He was a little confused. How could such a person come to his mother for treatment?

Lucas grunted, thinking that this little guy was very cute. He was very satisfied with his reaction. He

didn’t know why, but he was getting more and more fond of these two children. When Emily heard that

grunt, her hand trembled, but it was undetectable. Her expression turned cold. When she heard Leona

call him ‘Young Master Greens’ she guessed that he might be from the Greens family.

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After all, that surname was very rare in this city.

However, she did not expect that this person was actually the Greens Group’s president. She was


This president’s reputation was almost godlike.

It was rumored that he was recognized by all the big families. He was a business genius that was rarely

seen in a hundred years. He was all-powerful in the business world. Not only was he good at doing

business, but he also had a unique view in managing the company

The Greens Group was the number one family in the city, and this president’s role was the reason why.

And she had managed to walk right into his life. She glanced at Lucas, her eyes full of surprise.

However, who he was did not have much to do with her.

When the treatment was over, the debt she owed them would be repaid. No matter who Young Master

Greens was, it had nothing to do with her. Pinching the needle in her hand, she came back to her

senses. The needles in her hand landed steadily in the acupuncture points.

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