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Hell's Handbook

Chapter 365
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The man with fox ears who had called himself the God of Sins stretched his arms wide. The playful look in his eyes becauthoritative. So authoritative that all five of them subconsciously wanted to avoid his gaze.

“Don’t avoid his gaze! If you do that, you’ll lose!” Su Jin’s voice echoed inside their minds. They quickly understood and made sure to look straight at the man instead of avoiding eye contact.

The God of Sins scanned each one of them, then looked a little curiously at Su Jin, “You’re a strange fellow. Not even the rare ones who becgods through psychokinesis have such powerful levels of psychokinesis. I’m looking forward to seeing how you do.”

“I’m looking forward to it too,” Su Jin stared straight at the man. So what if this guy was a god? They were going to be gods in the future too. If they were to fear this god now, or hide from him, then how were they going to fight other gods in the war that was to come? Would they have to cover their eyes and fight for their lives? That would be ridiculous.

The other four had figured this out as well, so they nodded slightly at Su Jin as a sign of their gratitude. Even Shen Wu gave Su Jin a nod. They had been in a really dangerous situation just now. If they had avoided the God of Sins’ gaze, they might have almost failed the test.

The God of Sins observed them again, then said to Durand, “A body that cannot die. That’s a pretty good ability to have. But if I were to smash you into bits as small as ash, would you still be able to revive?”

Durand’s expression faltered. He supposedly had a body that could not die, but it was impossible to actually possess such a body. Even deities did not dare to claim they were immortal. Having a body that could not die was really just having a greater ability to recover from injuries and illness compared to others, and there was a limit to it too. Just like what the God of Sins said, if he were to be crushed into extremely small pieces, he would not be able to revive himself. But those who knew that were very few, and those who could possibly do that to him were even fewer.

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The God of Sins then looked at Natasha and chortled, “Jade Dragon? You’re just an extra large scorpion. But you’re good when it comes to anything that requires strength, and your thick skin is good enough to defend against most attacks. It’s just that… you don’t have a lot of space to develop further, so out of the entire group, your chance of becoming a god is the smallest, unless… you give up the ability to transform into a dragon!”

Natasha scowled at these remarks. The ability to turn into a jade dragon was something she was extremely proud of, yet this god made it sound so pathetic. At the stime, the guy was a real god, so she couldn’t argue with him. Also, she knew what he meant by having little room for development. Her transformation was not very useful when it cto very difficult battles, since there were times she couldn’t gain any advantage for herself, and was even an easier target due to her large size.

The God of Sins moved on to Oscar. He made a face and snorted, “One who only knows how to hide in the shadows. You can’t hide in places where there’s nothing but light. But at least you can transform your shadows into a lot of things, so as long as you pick the right path, you can achieve what you want.”

Oscar frowned. His ability seemed magical with its many transformations, but there were actually a lot of limits. His ability had been curbed so many times since they started on this challenge. The stone statues outside the building had been able to ignore his ability and hurt him; the lava was too hot, so he could not control his shadows well; the part where they fell out of the sky was the absolute worst because he couldn’t even use his abilities. The God of Sins was not spouting rubbish at all.

After the comments about Oscar were done, Shen Wu turned to look at the God of Sins. He knew that the God of Sins wouldn’t forget him. And just as he expected, the God of Sins took one look at Shen Wu and spat in a disgusted voice, “The ability to control temperature? I hate powers like that! Heat is everything!”

Shen Wu was a little stunned. The God of Sins had made astute remarks about each person’s powers, but when it cto his, the god just said he hated it for no good reason. That wasn’t what he expected at all.

After he was done commenting on everyone, the God of Sins said calmly, “I’m not trying to pick on you guys. On the contrary, I’m trying to help you. You might finally grasp what I’m saying at the moment you get the opportunity to beca god.”

“Thanks in advance,” Su Jin chuckled. He stared with interest at the God of Sins and said, “Don’t mindasking, but why are you called the God of Sins? Based on your title, I would assyou’re either a god in charge of sins and punishment, or… you’re a god who’s committed a lot of sins.”

The God of Sins frowned, because he felt that this psychokinetic owner didn’t seem afraid of him at all. He snapped, “Young man, one ought to be fearful and filled with reverence before a god. If you continue being so arrogant, I might end up killing you before you even start the test!” His index finger suddenly grew longer and resembled a sharp sword.

But Su Jin didn’t seem bothered and said, “I’m afraid you can’t do that. If my guess is right, the second description suits you better. You’re stuck here because you’ve done something terribly wrong, right? And all of us here… is an atonement of sorts for you.”

“Humph, you make it sound like you’ve guessed something right,” spat the God of Sins with contempt.

Su Jin tapped his nose and said, “I heard a story once about a man who did something wrong and he was trapped somewhere to atone for his mistake. He had to repair fishnets for the fishermen to make up for what he had done, and he had to repair more than 100,000 nets to atone fully for his sins.

“In other words, we’re like your fishnets. Unless we fail the test, you can’t do anything to us owners who might becnew gods, right?”

The God of Sins twitched his mouth and said in a displeased voice, “Humph! If you think so! But don’t say I didn’t warn you – if you guys don’t pass the test, I will definitely tear all of you to pieces as a punishment for your lack of reverence!”

But Su Jin chuckled and said, “If we were allowed to live even after failing the test, I might have regretted my actions. But in reality, if we fail, we’re definitely going to die, isn’t it?”

“Ha! You seem to understand that part really well! Cherish your tnow! Once you fail, I swear I will shred you to pieces within just one millisecond!” snapped the God of Sins through gritted teeth.

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Su Jin nodded. He already knew that failure would definitely result in death, so the God of Sins’ threat meant nothing to him. In fact, dying within one millisecond might actually be a blessing.

The God of Sins waved his hand and five large doors appeared in front of the five owners. He said, “These five doors will send you to different parts of the Grave of the Gods, so from now on, you have to fight on your own. Your mission is to get the gravestone of a god, and you will pass once you get it. Those who don’t get it… prepare to die!”

He then waved impatiently at them to hurry up and get out of his sight. The five of them exchanged glances for just a moment and then walked into the door closest to them. They didn’t bother to pick and choose since it was pointless to strategize when they didn’t even know what lay ahead of them.

They disappeared once they walked through the door. The God of Sins scowled and muttered, “Those with psychokinesis are so irritating. These people think they can see through everything, but they’re really just a bunch of egoistical, disgusting idiots!”

But his anger didn’t last long, and he calmed down again in no time. He murmured to himself, “Forget it. The test is going to kill him soon. Once he fails the test, I’ll get my chance to vent my frustrations.”

Just when he was dreaming about this wonderful moment in the future, he sensed more people entering the volcano. He remarked with surprise, “A new group of owners so fast? Looks like I’m gonna have loads of fun today!” Before he could walk out from his little private spot, several people ctoward him.

“You’ve actually managed to reach this place by yourselves? Not bad, not bad. Wait, this aura… A primordial deity? There’s actually a primordial deity who’s still alive?!” The God of Sins could hardly believe it, but the feeling that cfrom deep in the soul was very clear to someone like himself.

“God of Sins, long tno see. How have you been?” said the woman in a veil quietly.

Meanwhile, in a world that was filled with destruction, Su Jin travelled alone. This was a strange world, because it looked like an apocalyptic film from the days of black and white TV. There were destroyed areas everywhere. Swere surrounded by deep, bottomless abysses, sfloated in mid air.

“This is the real Grave of the Gods,” murmured Su Jin to himself as he scanned his surroundings.

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