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Hell's Handbook

Chapter 361
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Oscar spoke up first, “I’m good. As long as we don’t find ourselves in a place that’s so hot, I’ll be fine for a few more days. Shifting shadows about doesn’t consa lot.”

Su Jin, on the other hand, shook his head a little sadly as he said, “I’ve used a little more than half, of which creating the armor for Natasha in dragon form consumed the most, while my own dragon claws didn’t take up much. But I can handle another battle like that one more time.”

He now found the fact that his psychokinesis had been sealed up a very troublesthing. If it wasn’t sealed up, he could handle another ten more of such battles without any issue. More importantly, he was only able to execute certain techniques if there was more available.

“Everyone’s doing better than I thought then,” said Durand with a smile. But his smile didn’t exude any happiness.

As they talked, they continued walking. To play safe, Su Jin covered a 500-meter radius around them with his psychokinesis. The lava giant had suddenly risen because they had cwithin about 300 meters of it. Su Jin felt that this was the distance that would activate these monsters, so he added another 200 meters on top of that.

His method was eventually proven to be a good one. He detected several lifeforms that resembled the lava giant, and the closer they cto the lifeform, the more active the lifeforms would become. Su Jin directed Shen Wu around these areas, so they didn’t run into another lava giant, which gave everyone tto catch their breath.

Meanwhile, the woman in a veil had led the team to the third story. A look of nostalgia appeared in her eyes when she saw the lava-filled third story.

“I heard that a faction of the primordial deities were turned into lava giants. Is that true?” the woman with phoenix wings asked the woman in a veil.

The woman in a veil nodded slightly and said, “At the end of the first cycle, the primordial deities tried several methods in order to survive. Becoming lava giants was only one of those ways. In fact, all of you have the genes of primordial deities to a certain extent. You could say that every living creature in the universe has been created based on the genes of primordial deities.”

“Including flies and mosquitoes?” asked Jing Hua jokingly.

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But the woman in a veil nodded and said seriously, “Of course. Not all living creatures are the same, because they have differing amounts of primordial deity genes in their bodies.”

Jing Hua’s expression fell. He didn’t want to admit that his practically perfect body shared the soriginal genes as flies and mosquitoes.

“Phoenix, I’ll leave this place to you,” the woman in a veil said to the woman with phoenix wings.

Phoenix nodded and took the first step onto the lava covering the third story. But not only was she unhurt by the lava, the wings on her back glowed more brightly and brilliantly before they suddenly grew by almost 50 meters.

“Hop on!” said Phoenix to the rest. She lowered her wings slowly and allowed herself to be used as a mode of transportation.

The four split into two pairs, one pair on each wing. Phoenix’s wings lifted once they were securely on her wings, like two fiery clouds.

She loved the lava very much, since she was born out of flames. The stronger the flames, the more precious. If she were given flames strong enough, she could use that alone to beca god.

But after she had walked a few kilometers, the lava began to boil and a lava giant suddenly emerged. Everyone’s hearts trembled because they could sense how powerful the lava giant was.

The woman in a veil motioned to the rest to remain calm, then stretched a hand toward the lava giant. The agitated lava giant suddenly stopped moving, and looked at her as though it was wondering why this tiny creature felt so dear to it.

“I’m sorry… I failed in the end…” The woman in a veil’s face was covered in tears. Even the other four with her could feel her sadness clearly.

The lava giant suddenly began to panic and felt equally terrible as it watched the woman cry. It reached a hand toward her face to wipe her tears away, but drew back immediately. It didn’t know why, but it sensed that doing that would hurt this tiny, precious creature.

“I’m sorry, I’m… I’m really sorry!” murmured the woman in a veil as the shadow hands surged out of her back again and grabbed hold of the lava giant.

The lava giant did not fight back and allowed the shadow hands to pull it into its fold. Its gaze was filled with tenderness toward her.

After the lava giant disappeared into her shadow wings, she fell to her knees on Phoenix’s wing and allowed her tears to flow freely. The rest didn’t know what to say, so they could only watch her release her pain in silence.

The lava giant and the woman in a veil were truly of the srace. Every lava giant was once a primordial deity who had tried to live on in the form of a lava giant. But even though they managed to survive, they lost their memories as primordial deities.

“Are you going to kill them all?” asked the man with a dog’s head suddenly.

The woman in a veil nodded slightly and said, “I’m sorry, this might take a bit of your time, but… I really don’t want my people to live like this anymore. They’ve already gone through so many cycles… it’s tthey were laid to rest.”

“Tsk, that’s not a problem to us. It’s just that… are you sure you can handle killing your own kinsfolk one by one like that?” Jing Hua had a disdainful expression on his face, but he was actually worried for her.

“After so many rounds of reincarnation… my heart has already becas tough as steel.” The woman in a veil broke into a smile, then stood up as she pointed to somewhere in the distance, “Phoenix, we need to head that way next, thank you.”

“Got it.” Phoenix nodded, then headed in that direction.

Meanwhile, Su Jin and his team had finally arrived at the foot of the volcano. Unlike the lava that covered the rest of the third story, there were actually signs of life here.

“Oh my goodness! That’s Dragon Fire Grass! And that’s… that’s Phoenix Fire Grass! These are all top-grade fire element treasures. If one is training in fire related techniques or has a fire element Spirit Power, this would be enough for them to beca god, wouldn’t it?” Oscar stared at the plants growing at the foot of the volcano in amazement.

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“Are these very precious?” asked Natasha.

Shen Wu said expressionlessly, “Of course. If you were able to transform into a fiery dragon instead of a jade one, then all this Dragon Fire Grass could make you a god now. One of mine stole a blade of this grass before, and his ranking went from over a thousand to the top 500.”

Durand smiled and chimed in, “These are indeed very precious. I’ve seen the Phoenix Fire Grass in my points catalog before. They are Earth Grade items and they cost 20,000 points.”

“Let’s pick sthen! They’re growing wild anyway.” Natasha got excited from their descriptions. These plants were as good as points! Each one costs tens of thousands of points.

But a silver glint filled Su Jin’s eyes and he shook his head. “Don’t bother. These belong to someone else, so you can’t pick them.”

“Belong to someone else? How can that be?” Natasha didn’t believe him and reached for one of the plants. But just as her hand got close, the plant turned into a green mist that flew straight into the volcano.

“Gosh!” Everyone got a shock, except for Su Jin, who had already predicted something like this would happen.

“What’s going on with that?” Durand turned to ask Su Jin.

Su Jin pointed to the bottom of the plants and said, “You can’t see it with your naked eye, but my psychokinesis can detect it. There is a magic circle set up below each plant. Once someone comes too close, the plants will be teleported elsewhere.”

“Does that mean that… there’s a sentient being inside the volcano?” asked Natasha uneasily.

Su Jin wished it wasn’t true, but he had no choice but to nod as he sighed and said, “Based on what I can see so far, that’s probably the case. Everyone still needs to be very careful. This place still seems safe for now, so I would suggest that we rest here for a while.”

They nodded in agreement. Just then, the volcano suddenly spewed lava, and several burned corpses cflowing out with it.

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